Year 5 Class News

Healthy Schools award

Posted on Sunday 12 July 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Following our School Health check earlier this year, to maintain our Healthy Schools status, we were proud to attend the Healthy Schools celebration event to receive our award.  Held in the debating chamber at Leeds Civic Hall, we enjoyed presentations from councillors and other schools around the 4 areas of Healthy Schools – physical activity, PSHE (personal, social and health education), healthy eating and emotional health.

Two of our sports leaders were invited to lead a practical session in the break for other pupils who were attending.  They did this with great confidence and encouragement.

As part of the event we also had the opportunity to use the voting system in the debating chamber to vote on key areas across health and wellbeing for councillors to consider on a city-wide strategic level.  Based on data from the 2014 My Health My School survey, our current Year 5 and 6 classes will be completing this survey for 2015.  The top priorities identified were levels of physical activity and eating 5 a day.













Summer sports and arts camp (Edward Lynch)

Posted on Sunday 12 July 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Edward Lynch, a local dance coach who has worked with children during our curriculum and extra-curricular dance sessions, is helping to run a local sport and arts camp called IMPACT in the summer holidays.


Healthy changes

Posted on Sunday 12 July 2015 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our SEAL theme of Changes, last week our SEAL statement focussed on making healthy changes. Some suggestions from Year 1 include:

  • have fruit dessert instead of cake
  • do more after-school clubs
  • ride a bike more
  • walk to the shops instead of driving
  • do parkruns with your family
  • go roller skating or skateboarding more
  • walk to school more
  • drink more water
  • run somewhere every day
  • eat more or different vegetables
  • ask to go swimming more

What healthy change could you make?

Change 4 life and Leeds Let’s Change can offer lots of suggestions.

Cycling events

Posted on Saturday 11 July 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Over the summer holiday there are two cycling events taking place locally.

Alice in Wonderland

Posted on Tuesday 07 July 2015 by Mr Wilks

A massive well done to the class for their first performance this afternoon. You all did brilliantly to bring this rather bonkers story to life!

Looking forward to Thursday’s final performance!

10 minute shake up

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Recently children have brought home information from Change 4 life on their latest campaign, 10 minute shake up.  Similar to our daily Wake Up Shake Up activity, here is a 10 minute shake up video for you to follow at home.



Code Club

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2015 by Mr Wilks

It was the last Code Club of the year on Tuesday. This term, we’ve had the highest participation in two years and also the highest number of female coders.

As well as using Scratch this term, we’ve started building our own webpages using Trinket.

A massive thank you must go to Linda Broughton who gives up her time every Tuesday to run Code Club. Thanks also to Mr Baynes and Mrs Freeman who have helped out this year.



Maths Problems

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2015 by Mr Wilks

Explaining subtraction by decomposition using Base 10 resources.


Earth, sun and moon

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2015 by Mr Wilks

This week, we’ve created videos demonstrating how the earth orbits our sun and how the moon orbits the sun.




Space Dome

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2015 by Mr Wilks

Last week, we learnt about the planets and stars in a Space dome. We found out that the stars in our sky change across the year. We also learnt about how the earth and moon move in relation to our sun.


