The ChildLine Schools Service has recently visited children in Years 5 and 6 to provide them with key messages about keeping safe. It can be beneficial for these messages to be reinforced at home. The NSPCC has developed some guides for all parents of primary school aged children to speak to your child about keeping safe – called the Underwear rule.
Find guides to the Underwear Rule to help you have simple conversations about keeping safe from abuse.
You can speak to an advisor for further advice or request a hard-copy guide for parents and carers by phoning the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000.
Read more advice on keeping your child safe.
Year 4, 5, and 6 have been working with gym coaches, Jane and Charlotte, from Temple Newsam gymnastics club. This initiative is part of our investment of the PE government funding to up-skill class teachers in their teaching of gymnastics and provide high quality gymnastic sessions for our pupils.
For any children who want to develop their gymnastics skills further, Jane and Charlotte run after-school classes at their gym centres, Barwick village hall and Temple Moor high school.
Match report
Gledhow vs Moortown Year 5 football team match report by Lennox
We played Gledhow Primary School. I think we were the better side as the wingers, Archie, Sam and Bailey, ran the show. They crossed the ball on countless opportunities to the strikers. I hit the post twice with two left footed shots. The defenders were great when they cleared the ball and used their strength against their attackers. Unfortunately we lost 4-0 but we played much better than before.
It’s half-term…
…so there’s no specific homework this week, apart from ensuring your child spends at least 20 minutes each day reading and 5-10 minutes learning their number bonds / times tables.
Enjoy your October break. If you stay in Leeds, check out all the activities the museums and art galleries have on offer.
Angle fun!
Look at the pictures below and ask your child the names of the three types of angles the children are showing. The first person to give me the answers (on paper, not shouted across the playground tomorrow morning) will receive three fuzzies.
Bonus fuzzies are on offer for any other types of angles I may have missed!
Even more bonus fuzzies if you email some of your own (labelled, if possible) photos of some angles to our class email address:
We had a visit from Sam and Buddy from Childline this morning. We talked about some really important issues and the children had some really good ideas about how they could help people in certain situations.
Remember, Childline is free to call from any phone. The number is 0800 1111.
Creative homework
We’ve looked at our creative fantasy promotions today. There were some brilliant presentations, fabulous audio and visual adverts and lots of disgusting looking potions with accompanying posters! Well done.
Jennifer’s ‘One Wish Spell’ was a favourite. Check out the pictures: