Get set for a new park run
A new free weekly 2km run at Roundhay Park has been set up after a £1500 grant was provided by local councillors. The Roundhay Junior Park Run will take place every Sunday morning and is open to children aged between four and fourteen. Parkrun is a worldwide organisation which sets up and manages free weekly timed runs in parkland surroundings. Fancy a go yourself…? There is also a weekly 5km run every Saturday at 9am.
Feel the benefits of being active in Leeds
Leeds Let’s Get Active is a programme of free activities from October to December 2013. Free gym and swim sessions will be available across all Leeds City Council leisure centres from 30 September 2013. Other activities such as walking and running as well as family-based activities are also available at locations in the city. You can now register online to find out more information on what is available, where and when on the Leeds Let’s Get Active activity programme.
With free swim and gym at Scott Hall leisure centre and health walks at Meanwood there is plenty on offer in the local area.
Code Club starts at Moortown
It was the taster session for the new computer programming after school club today. Led by the very talented and inspiring Linda Broughton, the club uses Scratch to introduce children to computer programming. Over the next few weeks, the children will be creating their own games and animations which they can then upload to the Internet and finish at home or just enjoy playing them! The club takes place in The Space which was previously the ICT suite. This new area allows each child to have their own laptop so they can take their games in the direction that they want to whilst still allowing them to chat to friends and share what they are doing. This club is about inspiring a love of computing in children and celebrating their creativity – but most of all, it’s about having fun!
Tuck shop is back!
Our Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6) fruit and veg tuck shop regularly sells about fifty portions of fruit each week and it will be returning next Tuesday 17 September, during playtime.
Does your child sometimes forget their 20p to buy an item from the tuck shop and so misses out on getting one of their five-a-day?
From Tuesday 17 September 2013, for the remainder of the autumn term, we are offering you the option of paying in advance for your child to have a portion of fruit or veg from the tuck shop. We know that some children like to buy more than one portion of fruit or veg, either for variety or to top up their packed lunch and we can also offer the option of paying for two items.
The cost for one portion of fruit or veg from 17 September to 17 December 2013 inclusive (13 weeks) is £2.60 and the cost for two portions is £5.20. Please note that if you choose to pay in advance, your payment is non-refundable and must be made in cash with the exact money.
If you prefer your child to continue paying in cash on a weekly basis, that’s fine – we’ll continue to operate this system.
If you would like to pay in advance for your child to visit the tuck shop, please return the slip, from the letter sent home today, and money to the office by Friday 13 September 2013.
Thank you for your support for the fruit and veg tuck shop.
Teacher training!
This morning, the teachers have been learning/recapping how to use the school website to post news, homework and spellings.
New SEAL theme – New beginnings
As we start the new school year, our SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) theme focuses on New beginnings.
We begin this half term with a focus on manners: I can greet someone politely.
Subsequently, I can make someone feel welcome is the first SEAL statement to launch the theme of New beginnings.
New beginnings allows children the opportunity to discuss and reflect on how they or others may feel in a new situation or setting. This SEAL theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within a community, and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all.
The key areas of learning throughout this theme are empathy, self-awareness, social skills and motivation.
Through discrete SEAL lessons, circle times and across the curriculum, children will explore feelings of happiness and excitement, sadness, anxiety and fearfulness, while learning (and putting into practice) shared models for calming down and problem-solving.
New beginnings supports the development of a learning community in each classroom where all members feel that they belong. Class contracts, produced at the start of the year, allow children to contribute to how they feel they can achieve a safe and fair learning community.
Time for a Smart Restart?
Coming back to school after the holidays is a great time to make a fresh start and to get into a healthier routine for the new term. Change4Life’s brand new campaign – Smart Restart – has now launched and encourages families to take on one change for the better, for six weeks.
Have you seen the TV advert for the campaign?
Research by Public Health England shows that sticking to a healthy routine right from the start of term can have real benefits. Children that do more physical activity have improved concentration levels, enjoy good relationships with classmates and have fewer reports of problems. It is also associated with lower levels of worry amongst children.
So by signing up for the free Smart Restart, you will receive offers, discounts and lots of support with the free app, emails and texts to help you stick to your chosen healthy change all the way through to half term. You can also enjoy Disney family fun and games in the kids’ zone.
From super lunches to beat the treats, there are a variety of changes to follow. Let us know how you get on.
New SEAL theme – Changes
This SEAL theme tackles the issue of change and aims to equip children with an understanding of different types of change, positive and negative, and common responses to it.
The key ideas and concepts behind this theme are:
- Change can be uncomfortable, because it can threaten our basic needs to feel safe and to belong
- Change can also be stimulating and welcome
- Both adults and children can experience a range of powerful and conflicting emotions as a result of change – for example, excitement, anxiety, uncertainty, loss, anger, resentment
- Worries about change can be made worse by uncertainty, lack of information, or misinformation and lack of support from others
- People’s responses to and ability to cope with change are very variable, and might be influenced by individual temperament, previous experience of change, and the nature of the change – chosen or imposed, expected or unexpected, within our control or out of our control.
Some children may welcome most forms of change and dislike routine and predictability. Other children may find even small changes very difficult.
Within school, children, who are coping with or have undergone significant change, are supported in a variety of ways:
- Our positive ethos within school
- Support systems, from staff and peers, for children who have undergone change or who maybe new to the school
- SEAL and circle time sessions where children feel safe to talk about their feelings
- Class SEAL boxes for children to record any concerns
- Preparing children wherever possible for planned changes for example, a change of class teacher, Key Stage or even school
We begin this half term with a focus on manners: I don’t talk with my mouth full.
Subsequently, I can get better at my learning is the first SEAL statement to launch the theme of Changes.
Safety, health and social benefits of walking to school
In association with Leeds City Council and Living Streets we are taking part in this year’s Walk to school week. We all know how congested the area around school can be at the start and end of the school day and so this week we are asking children to take part in the Leeds City Council Ben E. Fit competition.
Children who walk, or scoot, to school or walk part of their journey (at least five minutes, maybe by parking further away than usual) every day will be entered into a prize draw.
On Wednesday, Leeds City Council will deliver a whole school Walk to school assembly followed by pedestrian training for Year 1 and Year 2. We also start our scooter skills training this Friday for some of our Key Stage 2 children.
Why walk to school?
Our walk to school video has lots of facts and tips about walking to school.
According to Living Streets, there are many benefits to walking to school related to health, safety and the environment.
Time and money
- Trips to and from the school gates by car waste thousands of hours of parents’ and other road users’ time and cost an average of £400 per family per year
- At the peak time of 8:35am on week days in term time, the school run generates approximately 21per cent of all trips by urban residents in the UK
- 16% of school journeys under a mile are driven to school. This distance could be walked in 20 minutes
- Driving the school run denies children the chance to develop road safety skills, independence and an understanding of their local environment
- Child pedestrian collisions on the walk to school peak at about 12 years of age. This could be due to parents not preparing their children for travelling independently and practising road safety skills when their children are younger
- Parents of children who are driven to school overestimate the risks of abduction and ‘stranger danger’ while underestimating the risks of traffic
Benefits for your children
- Children who walk to school are actively engaged with their community and have better knowledge of their local area
- Children who walk to school have wider social networks: In a study by Living Streets, 84 per cent of the children who walked to school reported always or sometimes meeting up with classmates on the way to school, while only 66 per cent of those who were driven to school had the opportunity to do so
- Walking to school improves children’s social development in future years
- The more contact children have with their natural environment, the higher they score in tests of concentration and self-discipline
- Short-term and even superficial exposure to natural areas through brief walks have been found to have positive effects on mood, reducing feelings of anger and anxiety
- An American study found that after as little as five minutes of moderate to vigorous activity (i.e., running, walking), children were able to concentrate more
Health benefits of walking for parents and children
- 24.5 per cent of adults and 14 per cent of children (aged two to ten years old) in the UK are obese and obesity can reduce life expectancy by 9 years on average
- Young people who are obese are likely to have lower levels of fitness, suffer from social discrimination and have low self-esteem and lower quality of life
- Research has suggested that, without appropriate intervention, overweight or obesity could affect as many as nine out of ten adults and two out of three children by 2050
- Walking one mile (1.6 km) can burn at least 100 calories of energy and walking two miles (3.2 km) a day, three times a week, can help reduce weight by one pound (0.5 kg) every three weeks
- Three out of ten boys and four out of ten girls do not cover the recommended minimum of one hour a day of physical activity
- Children who generally travel to and from school by car, bus or other vehicle are more likely to be overweight at age 5 than those who walk or cycle
The environment
- The school run is adding two million tonnes of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere every year
- It is estimated that 17% of the total school carbon emissions can be attributed to school travel
This curry is the best…
Year 5 and 6 have been creating vegetable and chick pea curry. Here are some of the quotes about what we thought:
‘Amazing…awesome…surprisingly nice…I don’t usually like curry…this curry is the best…really, really enjoyed this.’
In conclusion, this is a quick, easy and flavoursome recipe so we encourage you to try it yourself. If you don’t like some of the ingredients, you can change them. Next time, we might add extra spice, chicken, tomato, quorn, peas or sweetcorn. We hope you enjoy this as much as we did.
Vegetable curry
- 1 onion
- 1 pepper
- 1 courgette
- 150g mushrooms
- 1 clove garlic
- 1x15ml spoon oil
- 2x15ml spoons curry paste
- 2x15ml spoons tomato puree
- 200g chickpeas, canned (drained)
- 1 can coconut milk (reduced fat)
- Peel the onion
- Slice the mushroom, courgette and pepper
- Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the onion, garlic, mushrooms, pepper and courgette for 5 minutes
- Stir in the curry paste, tomato puree, chickpeas and coconut milk
- Simmer for 20 minutes
- Serve with rice and / or naan bread.