Our amazing brains – Brain Box week!
This week is dedicated to developing an awareness of learning and how the brain works.
The importance of exercise, healthy food, sleep, hydration and emotional health, for a healthy brain, will be covered throughout the week alongside a main focus for each day:
Understanding your brain, brain cells and how to help your brain to learn.
How your brain learns best and learning styles.
Key Stage 2 classes will also have a visit from d:Side. As part of our drug education in school, representatives from d:Side, a drug and health programme, will be looking, in particular, at the effects of various drugs on the brain.
Staff from d:Side will be available after school, in the dining room, for parents / carers to ask any questions about these sessions.
Developing the understanding of multiple intelligences and that everyone has gifts and talents.
Dr Dave Lewis, Senior Lecturer of Neuroscience, from the University of Leeds will be visiting Key Stage 2 classes.
Thinking about thinking and problem solving.
A day to remember – exploring a range of memory strategies.
The whole school Water Aid sponsored walk will take place during Friday.
Please check the website for further information and links to websites throughout the week.
What an interesting class!
I certainly feel that I know the children very well now after looking at their homework; well done to everyone for telling me something about yourself. I now know not to mess with Dylan, Harry B and Hari R as they are all experts in some kind of martial arts and I know where to go for tea as Brannoc loves making spaghetti bolognese! The photos show a very detailed Moshi Monster map, an amazing Lego model and Pavanpal’s board game. Great homework Year Five!
Fruit tuckshop returns!
Our fruit tuckshop, to be run by the Year 5 class this year, returns next week on a new day – Tuesday.
The tuckshop is open to all Key Stage 2 children during playtime. Reception and Key Stage 1 children receive free fruit at playtime.
Each item costs 20p and the fruit can be a snack for playtime or used to top up their packed lunch box – all contributing to their 5 a day!
As stated in our Food Policy, fruit is the only snack allowed at playtimes for Key Stage 2.
Maths websites
Today we looked at choosing the most appropriate number operation in maths. Based on the television programme Countdown, here is a website the children used to test out their skills – well done to Yasmin and Ayesha for your hard work today.
Another version can be found on the excellent nrich maths website:
SEAL statement 07 September
This week we begin our new SEAL theme, New Beginnings, and the weekly statement is ‘I can make someone feel welcome.‘
Over this half term, as the children are experiencing new beginnings, each class will be looking at how they can all contribute to establishing a welcoming and safe environment for learning.
Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to the Autumn term of 2012. It is a new start for everyone including me; a change from Year 1 to Year 5 is interesting and so far it has been a very enjoyable one. Having taught most of the children before, it has been fantastic to see how they have progressed and matured and the first week back has been a pleasure.
A big welcome to Brannoc who has made a fantastic start at Moortown; he was nominated by Pavanpal and Amit to receive a certificate in his first assembly as they felt that he had made a “brilliant start with a smile on his face”.
Our first mini topic, over the next couple of weeks, will be “Materials and their Properties”. This is a science-based topic with investigations, predictions and lots of questioning. The brain will then be investigated (not literally!) in a “Brain Box Week” before our main topic starts which is “Rich and Poor”; more on this at a later date.
A busy half term with lots of learning to be done. As always, my door is always open if you have any problems or questions. I look forward to seeing you all at parents’ evening in October if not before.
Thank you.
Health questionnaire
There will be no further homework this term. However, please support your child to complete the health questionnaire sent home today in order to find out their views on some of our key health issues at school.
Emotional health and obesity are the two targets we are working on in school to further our healthy schools status and the questions, devised last year by the school council, are linked to these areas. These include:
- Are you happy at school?
- What do you enjoy most about playtimes and lunchtimes?
Completed questionnaires to be returned by Monday 16 July.
Dance Showcase
Well done to the children who took part in the Dance Showcase at Allerton Grange. Thank you to Tracey for choreographing a fantastic routine which involved lifts and the children making use of the whole stage.

Scratch the surface
Scratch the surface is a summer school project for Y5 and Y6 pupils. If your child is interested in computers, gaming, art and design, or animation, then this will definitely be of interest!
The club runs from Monday 13 August to Thursday 16 August from 10am to 3pm. It happens at the North Leeds City Learning Centre, which is situated close to Allerton Grange High School.
If you’d like to know more, contact Nick Field on 0113 288 3500.
Primary Science Lectures at Leeds Met
By popular demand, Leeds Metropolitan University are running some more primary science lectures. We can’t recommend these highly enough. Here’s the information they sent to school:
Primary Science Lectures 2012
An interactive and educational family experience
Sunday 13 May 2012
2:30 – 4:30pm
‘Exploring Space’
Dr Rob Hill
Sunday 20 May 2012
2:30 – 4:30pm
‘Science, Sweets and Desserts’
Prof John Bradley
A fun and interactive exploration of science for children and parents
At Leeds Metropolitan University
Headingley Campus
To register, ring 0113 812 5907
or email l.poole@leedsmet.ac.uk