Year 5 Class News

Golf opportunities

Posted on Thursday 03 February 2011 by Mrs Taylor

Today Year 5 have taken part in a tri-golf session hosted by golf professional Paul O’Donnell. 

The class were very enthusiastic and skillful and as a result Paul has invited all of Year 5 to take part in a free morning of golf at Cookridge Hall golf club 9am – 11am Tuesday 5 April in the Easter holidays.

A letter with more information will be sent out after the half term.

Every Child Matters Survey Preparation

Posted on Tuesday 18 January 2011 by Mrs Taylor

This week, Year 5 have their pupil diary to complete prior to taking part in the ECM survey next Monday.  By completing this diary, the more accurate the data will be in the survey.

The anonymous ECM survey gives our school information of how we can support the health and well-being of our pupils and will be used by other health professionals to bring about positive change in all areas of health.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the diary.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please come and see me.

Swimming videos

Posted on Sunday 12 December 2010 by Mrs Taylor

Even though the Year 5 swimming sessions have finished for this term, there are some great video clips on this website ( to help with developing and/or improving technique for the different swimming strokes.

Take a look and try them out if you go swimming during the holiday.