Year 5 Class News

Spring term after-school clubs

Posted on Sunday 21 January 2024 by Mrs Taylor


We do have the following availability for clubs should your child wish to sign up.

Football Y4-6
Netball Y3-6
Drama Y3-5
Dodgeball Y4-6
Basketball KS1 Y1-3
Basketball KS2 Y4-Y6
Reading Reception – Y2


The after-school clubs for this term are available for booking. We hope your child/children can get involved with our extra-curricular activities.

Please contact the office if you have any queries about the after-school clubs.






Living and Learning: D:side drug education visitor

Posted on Sunday 21 January 2024 by Miss Goswami

This week, we had a visitor: D:side Dave! Dave came in to talk to Year 5 about the impacts of smoking and vaping.

First of all, we played a game of ‘Which is the most dangerous?’.

  • Knives or a plastic cup?
  • A toolbox or a Year 5 maths book?
  • Smoking or vaping?

The discussion led us onto the impacts and risks of traditional smoking. Have a look at the key points:

We then talked about the different types of vapes and  e.cigarettes and how their packaging is incredibly similar to some packaging for sweets. Take a closer look:

Finally, Dave spoke about how smoking and vaping can impact our health.

Help at home: How many different health impacts can you list in a minute?

Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

Posted on Wednesday 17 January 2024 by Mrs Taylor

This week, Lauren from Children’s Heart Surgery Fund came to visit.

Children’s Heart Surgery Fund is our new school charity, voted for by the Junior Leadership Team, and we learnt all about their work and how our donations will support the charity over the next year.

Here are some of our Junior Leaders with Lauren.


Living and Learning: I know what a drug is.

Posted on Wednesday 17 January 2024 by Miss Goswami

In Living and Learning, Year 5 have been learning what a drug is, why people use medicine and how vaccines can protect the population.

We defined a drug as ‘a substance that changes the way the body or mind works.’ Then, we moved on to focus how medicines can help:

  • prevent someone from becoming ill or stop a disease from spreading
  • help someone manage an ongoing health condition, such as asthma or diabetes
  • help someone feel better and relieve pain, such as from a headache
  • help the body recover from illness

To finish off, we played ‘the vaccination game’. This helped us to look at how different percentages of vaccinated people can affect the spread of diseases. We learnt that the more vaccinated people in a population, the less likely it is for someone to get the disease.

Reading and Music: Sounds Like A Story

Posted on Tuesday 09 January 2024 by Miss Goswami

Today, we welcomed back Liz from the British Library to do another workshop with us.

This time, we linked together reading and music. It started with us listening to The Phoenix of Persia by Sally Pomme Clayton. As Liz was reading, we had a soundtrack playing in the background; each page had a different song.

Afterwards, we were then able to practise with instruments and then in small groups, create our own soundtrack for the rest of the book. 


Art: Our Sculpture Show

Posted on Tuesday 09 January 2024 by Miss Goswami

At the end of last term, we had a sculpture show to showcase our amazing sculptures. If you were unable to make it, here are the final pieces of artwork.

Help at home: Discuss how your child’s sculpture related to Barbara Hepworth’s ‘Family of Man’.

Carols in Moortown

Posted on Tuesday 19 December 2023 by Miss Wilson

Today, Y5 and Y6 ventured into Moortown to bring some festive cheer to our community!

We blasted out some Christmas classics such as Frosty the Snowman and fan-favourite Feliz Navidad!

Oracy skills certainly played their part – we projected our voices loud and clear (and our adults did too!).

Can you spot Rudolph anywhere?

Thank you to all who came to watch us and support. We hope you enjoyed it.

Have a lovely, happy and healthy break and we’re excited to welcome you back in the new year.

Miss Goswami, Miss Wilson and all the 5,6 staff

Art: Sculptures

Posted on Sunday 17 December 2023 by Miss Goswami

This week, Year 5 have started their art skills lessons where they have started to create their very own sculpture inspired by Barbara Hepworth’s ‘Family of Man’. Firstly, the children got into small groups to design their sculpture. The brief was to sketch something that related to them, whether that be a hobby, their family, a sport or a pet.

Once the maquette (a sculptor’s initial model or sketch) was finished, the children started to let their ideas come to life. They showed a lot of perseverance and determination when cutting into their boxes.

After their shapes were complete, they then took to covering their boxes in scrunched tissue paper to help create a patina texture.

Then, Year 5 painted their boxes white to create a consistent neutral base on to which they can apply the colour to next week.


Help at home: Discuss the inspiration of your child’s sculpture.

Living and Learning: I can recognise mental health is important.

Posted on Sunday 17 December 2023 by Miss Goswami

For the past three weeks, we have been focussing on mental health in our Living and Learning lessons. This week, we discussed how to identify worry and actions that a person can take if they feel worried.

Year 5 identified how our bodies might feel if they are worried: a strange feeling in someone’s stomach, chest, head or throat; a faster heartbeat; dry mouth; sweaty palms; fidgeting; or difficulty concentrating.

We then focussed on different things that can be done to help relieve the worry:

  • taking deep breaths
  • talking to friends or family
  • reading a book
  • mindfulness activities
  • playing a sport
  • writing it down

Help at home: Discuss how Lauren in the following scenario can relieve her worry: ‘Lauren has got a test coming up at school. She is feeling nervous and finding it hard to concentrate.’

Guided Reading: Week 6

Posted on Saturday 16 December 2023 by Miss Goswami

With the end of term fast approaching, Year 5 should be nearing the end of their guided reading books. Each guided reading group – if they haven’t already – should be reading to the end of their book before next week. Their book should be returned back to class before Friday 22nd December.