Year 5 Class News

TTRS Tournament winners (wb 08 March)

Posted on Monday 15 March 2021 by Mr Wain

Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,

How are we all settling back into school? I hope you are all enjoying yourselves as much as all the teachers are!


The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.

Recording an average score of 1490, the winners this week are Y3!

That’s now four times in a row – AMAZING!

Which class will knock Y3 off top spot this week or will they claim their fifth successive victory?

Now that we’re back in school, there’ll be opportunities to play in class as well as at home. Give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.

All the best TTRS!

Period product scheme

Posted on Thursday 11 March 2021 by Mrs Quirk

In 2020, the government introduced a new scheme in which they provided period products to schools. You may not have seen much about it on the news at the time – other events have obviously taken precedence over the last 12 months!
The scheme is for all learners who need to access period products in their place of learning, in order to access education. It’s not a universal offer of free period products to young people, but includes learners who:
  • have forgotten their products
  • cannot afford products
  • have started or come on their period unexpectedly
School now has a large supply of products, and we just wanted to make you aware that they are available, should your child need them. They just need to ask their teacher, or any other member of staff in school.

TTRS Tournament winners (wb 01 March)

Posted on Monday 08 March 2021 by Mr Wain

Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,

Firstly, welcome back to school. We’ve missed rocking out with you.

Hopefully last week’s was our final tournament from home.  Everyone has been working so hard and… What’s that?


The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.

Recording an average score of 993 , the winning class is Y3. That’s a third successive win – WOW! 

Surely they can’t make it four wins in a row with another victory this week. Can they?

Now that we’re back in school, there’ll be opportunities to play in class as well as at home. Give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.

All the best TTRS!

Times Tables Rock Stars: tournament time

Posted on Monday 01 March 2021 by Mr Wain

Calling all Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS),

It’s great to see that so many of you have been rocking those times tables as part of your home learning.

ALL classes are putting on great performances so now we’re raising the stakes.

Each week, you will be competing in a tournament with the other KS2 classes. The scores of you and your classmates will be added together to decide who will achieve the honour of being… ROCKSTARS OF THE WEEK!

In fact, we set up a warm-up tournament last week and the results are in…

Congratulations to Year 3 who achieved a WHOPPING 734 correct answers.

Who will reach top spot in the charts next week?

Rules for the gig are simple:

  1. Log on to TTRS.
  2. Play on any game mode. We recommend Garage and Soundcheck.
  3. Check the class news page on Mondays to see if your class is the weekly winner. If you practise at the weekend, your scores will still be counted.

All the best, TTRS!

Santa dash Friday 11 December

Posted on Wednesday 09 December 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Leeds North East Schools Sport Partnership is delighted to be supporting the School Games National Santa Dash 2020 on Friday 11 December and we are excited to be taking part.
During the school day, each class will have a time when they can run, walk, skip, hop around the school grounds to get active.
Children can wear their PE kit and are encouraged to add some festive cheer by bringing a santa/elf hat, some tinsel, antlers or painting their nose red. These should be brought to school and worn for the Santa Dash only.
There is no monetary contribution needed for this event.

School menu change and Christmas meal

Posted on Sunday 29 November 2020 by Mrs Taylor

We really appreciate your patience regarding school dinners and the choices we have been able to provide.  We’ve been very conscious that changes needed to be made and a hot dinner offered wherever possible.  Over the next few weeks, we’re going to trial a menu on a two week rota and if this is successful, then it will be carried on after the school holiday and reviewed again.
There are two options each day, a vegetarian and a meat option but there is one day a week which is ‘meat free’.
We’re not in a position to resume ‘normal dinners’ but this is a step in the right direction. Click here to see the new menu and we encourage you to discuss and share the options with your children.
We are also able to offer a Christmas dinner option on Thursday 10th December. Please inform the office if your child would like a school meal on this day.

Virtual after-school sport club

Posted on Wednesday 25 November 2020 by Mrs Taylor

We know you are missing attending after-school clubs at the moment, whether it is in school or out of school, so here is some information about a virtual after-school club that can be done at home.
The Youth Sport Trust have taken the step to deliver a free virtual after school club as part of a national response to the second lockdown. The 30-minute club will take place at 5pm each weekday and be led by a different member of the YST’s athlete mentor network. These will run until 18 December.


Aimed mainly at primary-aged children, a different theme has been assigned for each day of the club – Adventure Monday, Tuesday Play, Wild Wednesday, Thinking Thursday and Fun Friday. 

Click here to find out more.


Living and Learning: United against bullying

Posted on Sunday 15 November 2020 by Mrs Taylor

This week, it’s Anti-Bullying Week and the theme for this year is ‘United against bullying’.

Don’t forget – we are also taking part in Odd Socks Day on Monday 16 November.

STOP is a key message linked to bullying. In our school, STOP stands for two things:

  • the definition: Several Times On Purpose
  • the solution: Start Telling Other People

Recently, our school council met to review our school definition of bullying and our child friendly anti-bullying policy. Thank you to the school councillors for their valued contributions. As a result, our definition and policy have now been updated.

Child friendly anti-bullying policy

What is bullying?

In our school, this is what bullying means:

Bullying is where you hurt someone, physically or emotionally (including online), several times on purpose.

What might bullying look like?

If any of these things happen several (lots of) times, it is bullying.

  • Hurting peoples’ feelings, for example, name calling, teasing, threatening, ignoring, leaving people out or spreading rumours
  • Hurting peoples’ bodies, for example, hitting, punching or kicking

This could be in person or online (cyber bullying) and could be because of someone’s race, disability, gender, appearance, age or any other protected characteristic.

What could you do if you are being bullied?





Who could you tell?

  • Mrs Weekes/Mrs Freeman/Mrs Russell/Mrs Small (they are child protection staff)
  • Mrs Taylor (Health Leader)
  • Any other members of staff
  • Friends
  • Someone in your family
  • A trusted adult
  • Childline (0800 1111)
  • Write a worry slip and put it in your Living and Learning box or the whole school worry box
  • Email

Our views on bullying 

STOP bullying – bullying is wrong! We’re a happy and healthy school.


Odd socks day

Posted on Monday 09 November 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week.

This year’s theme is ‘United against bullying’ and we will be taking part in Odd Socks Day on Monday 16 November.

Odd socks day is to raise awareness of our differences, individuality and personal choice. There is no need for any payment – your child should simply wear odd socks and join in the fun!

Thank you for your support.

Own it – helping your child stay safe

Posted on Thursday 22 October 2020 by Mrs Weekes

Has your child got a mobile phone? There are lots of benefits to having a phone,  but drawbacks, too.  We strongly encourage you to make sure your child has the BBC Own It app installed.  It can help to guide your child if they’re exposed to things that upset them,  and it can even question the user if it seems like they’re about to send unkind or hurtful messages.

We have had a few issues in the past, and recently,  around the use of WhatsApp and other social media platforms. As well as installing the Own It app,  we also recommend that you are regularly checking your child’s phone.

If you have any concerns, please ask for support.