Year 5 Class News

Class Novel: Odd and the Frost Giants – by Neil Gaiman

Posted on Monday 11 May 2020 by Mr Wain

Happy Sunday!

When we were at school back in March, we were enjoying our class novel ‘Odd and the Frost Giants’ by Neil Gaiman during our History topic: Vikings!

Click here to access the audio book version if you’re still interested in reading on!

Keep happy and healthy!

CHALLENGE INCOMING from Mr Wain and Miss Wilson…

Posted on Monday 04 May 2020 by Miss Wilson

… to a trick shot challenge!

Here’s Mr Wain’s and here’s Miss Wilson’s!

Who has got the best trick shot?
Who can play it cool the best?
Who can find the most ridiculous items?

We’re challenging you to find what you can from around your home or garden and complete a spectacular shot. Send in your videos and we can answer this important question:


Physical Activity: Challenge!

Posted on Friday 01 May 2020 by Mr Wain

On Monday, you may remember I challenged you to complete a physical activity of your choice – one that ensured you were safe, happy and healthy!

There have been some extreme talents on show this week – have a look for yourself!

Well done to these who have challenged me to their toilet roll challenge! They’ve done an absolutely fantastic job!

I’m sure everybody will agree that I certainly have my work cut out! Watch this space…

Another well done is in order – a response to my earlier challenge with 50 jumps on a Pogo stick – some with no hands! Crazy stuff – keep it up!

Watch here!

Keep checking back on our class news page for similar updates!

Keep smiling!


Physical Activity: Challenge!

Posted on Monday 27 April 2020 by Mr Wain

Hello everyone!

I thought I’d pop back in to wish everybody well and I hope that you are all managing to stay happy and healthy.

I have decided to create a physical activity challenge.

Below you will find a video of me doing 50 keepy-uppys!

Mr Wain Physical Activity Challenge

This is my physical activity – I challenge you to show me how you are keeping active and show me what you’ve got! Email your challenge to

Your challenge can be anything sport related just as long as you are keeping safe, happy and healthy – you can even magpie my challenge if you like!

Each week I will post a new challenge and if you send me yours, I will post them on here, too!

Best of luck!


RESULTS of the Times Table Rockstars Battle

Posted on Friday 24 April 2020 by Mr Wilks

In the inaugural Year 4 vs Y5 Times Table Rock Stars battle it was very close but there was a victor…..


Well done Year 4s on a great win. Special well done to Billy in Y4 and Talha in Y5 who contributed the most points for their teams.

Mr Wain and Y5, do you want a rematch?!



Times Table Rock Stars BATTLE!

Posted on Thursday 23 April 2020 by Mr Wilks

Hello Y4 and Y5,

Tomorrow is BATTLE day on Times Table Rock Stars. Login anytime between 10:00am and 3:15pm on Friday to log a score. The year group with the highest score at the end of the day will be crowned the winners.

(Obviously, Year Y4 will win)

I’ve not done this before and I don’t know what it will look like at your end but it sounds fun and we all like a bit of competition! If you’re unsure of your login details, they should be in the front of your Home Learning books. If they’re not, email me or Mr Wain and we can help! My email address is

Good luck and get practising (especially Year 4s)!

Welcome Back!

Posted on Tuesday 21 April 2020 by Mr Wain

Hello everybody,

I hope you’ve all managed to get back into the current ‘norm’ this week after what I hope was a lovely Easter holiday for you all.

Just a quick note from me – I’m sorry the images for the home learning tasks weren’t showing properly/at all and I hope that it didn’t cause too much inconvenience. Thank you for letting me know, too.

I know it may still feel strange having to do your learning from home –  it does for me! Despite this, remember that we are all in this together and you are all doing a superb job at getting on with it and generally being awesome!

I miss seeing you all and I hope to see you very soon.

Here are some pictures of learning that has already taken place this term – it looks fab!

please send any pictures/videos or just general updates of learning to

What beautiful presentation, too!

Hello from Mr Wain

Posted on Friday 10 April 2020 by Mr Wain

Good afternoon, Year Five!

Just writing a quick message to say hello and check in with how you’re all doing!

I hope you’ve been enjoying the nice weather as much as me and have been able to do lots of fun things during this Easter holiday!

I’ve been kicking a football about in my garden and spent some time reading outside, too!

Jemima and Penelope have sent me this picture of their rainbow artwork they completed on Wednesday – I’ve been very impressed with their creative skills (I hope it didn’t take too long to tidy up!)

If you’ve also completed any of the Easter activities, I would love for you to send me an email showing me what you’ve done!

Looking forward to seeing you soon…

Mr Wain 🙂

Hall of (Home Learning) Fame – 1

Posted on Tuesday 31 March 2020 by Mr Wain

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls – the moment you’ve all been waiting for…

The first ever Hall of (Home Learning) Fame!

Who will feature in the first ever #HoHLF? Let’s find out!

The nominees are…

Everyone in Y5!

Let’s meet this week’s history makers in securing a place in the coveted #HoHLF!

First up…

This person has shown some fantastic home learning from reading with family, hiding treasure in their house, finding obscure objects and describing their materials and properties, writing EXTREMELY neatly and much more! (Round of applause!)


This person has shown a sheer dedication to their work. With excellent presentation and a positive, can-do attitude which has allowed them to get through loads of tasks and spend their mornings exercising and afternoons reading in the garden! (Round of applause!)

Last but not least…

This person has been able to not only complete all of their work with a great attitude, but has continued their kickboxing (remotely), gone on 3 mile walks (at a safe distance), completed workouts with Joe Wicks AND started to learn Spanish, too! (Round of applause!)

Congratulations, you three.

Well done to everybody else, too. I am extremely proud of your positive attitudes during this time – you are all brill!

Tune in next time for our second edition of Hall of (Home Learning) Fame! #HoHLF


Homework Review

Posted on Saturday 28 March 2020 by Mr Wain

Here is some of the excellent work that has been produced this week!

Well done Y5! Thank you for sending me through your work – it’s lovely to see.

Remember, feel free to send me any work you’ve done at

Keep it up Y5!