Year 5 Class News

Reading: Retrieval

Posted on Friday 10 January 2025 by Miss Goswami

This week’s reading learning focussed on our new class novel: The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie.

The Nowhere Emporium: 1 (Kelpies) : Ross MacKenzie: BooksRoss MacKenzie - Curtis Brown

Year 5 read the first chapter of the book and used evidence from the text to draw and label what they thought the inside of the shop looked like.

Help at home: Summarise what has happened in the book so far. Who is the main character? What has happened to them? What does the shop look like?

We are geographers!

Posted on Friday 10 January 2025 by Miss Goswami

This half-term our topic is geography. We are geographers! This is a type of scientist who studies the Earth. Geographers study the land (the physical features of the Earth) and the people who live within it (the human features).

In our first lesson of the topic, we looked at the difference between weather and climate.

We also discussed our new key vocabulary for this unit. Did you know the lines of latitude are imaginary lines (measured in degrees) that show how far north or south of the Equator a place is. The further the latitude is from the equator, the colder the climate is. We watched this video to help us understand the difference between latitude and longitude.

In our second lesson of this week, Year 5 learnt about the difference between global warming and climate change. The children decided how they would show this learning: some created videos of news reports; some created scripts interviewing a geographer; and some created posters.

Help at home: In class, Year 5 created actions to remember our geographical concept. Ask your children to act them out!

Saturday morning cross country runners

Posted on Wednesday 18 December 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to all our KS2 pupils who took part in the third Leeds Schools Sports Association cross country race at Prince Henry’s Grammar School in Otley on Saturday morning.

It was great to have some first time runners this time and many improved their race positions from last time.

Thank you to parents who supported at the event.

There is one more race this season and information will be sent about these nearer the time. Please note there is a new registration system this year with all children being registered prior to their first race to take part.

Living and Learning: Mental Health

Posted on Monday 16 December 2024 by Miss Goswami

Year 5 looked at learning how to identify worry and actions that a person can take if they feel worried.

We looked at different scenarios and how each person might be feeling in these situations. What similarities and differences might these two people be feeling?

Then, the children went on to talk about what physical signs of worry which might be seen. Year 5 gave lots of great ideas:

  • heart beating faster
  • sweaty hands
  • getting frustrated/angry
  • biting your nails
  • not paying attention to other things other than the worry

Here are lots of ideas to help with dealing with worries.

  • Writing worries down
  • Speaking to someone trusted about worries
  • Doing something about it (if possible!)
  • Scrunching up and releasing
  • Being active
  • Learning something new
  • Doing a favourite hobby
  • Creating (for example, doing a piece of art, crafts or making a drama)

Help at home: Have a discussion with your child about how they would deal with their worries.

Drop Down Morning

Posted on Monday 09 December 2024 by Miss Goswami

Drop Down Morning was topic learning this time! In this morning, we recapped our Geography learning from Y3/4; our History learning about the Romans and Anglo Saxons; and our DT learning from Y3/4.

In our Geography session, the children had to use atlases and google maps to locate the capital cities in the UK. Some children could do this without even looking at maps to help them! They then had to identify other cities and the four main rivers.

In our History lesson, the children had to match their key vocabulary to the definition. They then had time to use the iPads to research using secondary sources to find the answers to some key learning points about the Romans and Anglo Saxons. To finish off, Year 5 completed a word search.

In our DT session, the children recapped their famous designer: Jonathan Ive. The children could remember that he was chief designer officer for Apple. We then looked at different design criteria; the children were tasked with matching the design criteria to the bag. Finally, the had to create their own criteria for an umbrella.

Help at home: What can your child remember about the Anglo Saxons or Romans? Why not try to identify the design criteria for this coat?

ACAI Outdoorwear | Women's Waterproof Multiway Jacket

Guided Reading Week 5

Posted on Saturday 07 December 2024 by Miss Goswami

Here are the target pages for this week’s guided reading. These need to be read by Friday 13th December.

Extra Time: up to chapter ‘Second Half’/page 139.

Divine Freaks: up to chapter 16/page 155.

Mr Gum: finish the book.

How To Train Your Dragon: up to chapter 15/page 191.

Kensuke’s Kingdom: up to chapter 9/page 131.

Leeds Discovery Centre and Royal Armouries

Posted on Wednesday 04 December 2024 by Miss Goswami

We had a wonderful time at the Royal Armouries and Leeds Discovery Centre yesterday! In the morning, we looked around the Royal Armouries, where the children were able to answer questions about the different artefacts on display. We were lucky enough to witness sword fighting!


At Leeds Discovery Centre we took part in an Ancient Egyptian workshop. The children were able to touch artefacts, design their own Egyptian town and create a self portrait (in the style of hieroglyphics).

The children were amazed by the fascinating Leeds Discovery Centre store, which holds over 1 million artefacts. We were able to look at a range of different items from the past; we even saw Ancient Egyptians bandages that were wrapped around a real mummy at one point!

Help at home: Discuss something they have learnt, their favourite part of the day or a question they now have about Egyptian life.

Guided Reading Week 4

Posted on Friday 29 November 2024 by Miss Goswami

Here are the target pages for this week’s guided reading. These need to be read by Friday 6th December.

Extra Time: up to chapter 24/page 109.

Divine Freaks: up to chapter 11/page 113.

Mr Gum: finish the book.

How To Train Your Dragon: up to chapter 10/page 117.

Kensuke’s Kingdom: up to chapter 8/page 117.

PE: Gymnastics

Posted on Thursday 28 November 2024 by Miss Goswami

This half-term, we are becoming gymnasts. For the past couple of weeks, we have been focusing on travelling, whether that be low, high, quick or slow. We were able to travel into spaces and sequence a range of different movements. We have then had a lesson to explore the apparatus with controlled and balanced movements.

Guided Reading Week 3

Posted on Sunday 24 November 2024 by Miss Goswami

Here are the target pages for this week’s guided reading. These need to be read by Friday 29th November.

Extra Time: up to chapter 15/page 66.

Divine Freaks: up to chapter 7/pg 74.

Mr Gum: up to chapter 9/pg 130.

How To Train Your Dragon: up to pg 83.

Kensuke’s Kingdom: up to chapter 6/page 85.