Year 6 Class News

KS1 and KS2 Olympic Event

Posted on Thursday 27 June 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Today, a group of KS1 and Year 5/6 pupils took part in the East & North East Leeds Well School Partnership KS1&2 ‘Olympic’ Event at Leeds Beckett University.

Our KS1 children completed a 10-station skills circuit carousel on the pitch in the middle of the track while our KS2 children took part in athletic track and field events.

Well done to all the children for giving 100% in all of the activities and learning new skills in such a great sporting setting.

It was really fun and we got to do a mixture of events. There was something for everyone.

I thought all the activities were really good. My favourite was the skipping.

We had chance to run around the big track.

It was all about having fun and cheering on your team.

Living and Learning – RSE

Posted on Thursday 27 June 2024 by Miss Wilson

This week, Y6 have been learning about RSE – Relationships and Sex Education.

We learnt about the scientific process of conception, what happens during pregnancy and what consent means.

As always, our sessions were framed around families, responsibility and respect.

Here are some quotes from our Y6 children after our learning:

“I knew a lot from chats at home but I found it really useful to go over it. I’ve read books but it was so good to be able to ask questions.”

“I was confused about a lot of this stuff before but now I feel much more confident.”

“Some of this learning was a bit funny but I found it really helpful.”

“No means no.”


Posted on Sunday 23 June 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Recently, as part of the Leeds Well Schools Partnership, some of our Year 5 and 6 children participated in a come and try orienteering event at Potternewton Park.

After being briefed on the rules and how to complete the orienteering challenge, they set off with their partner armed with a map of the site to find the first check point. Then, it was back to the start to hand over to the other pair in their team for them to find check point two and so on until all twelve markers had been found.

The children worked brilliantly in their teams encouraging and supporting each other especially up the hill back to the handover station.

Well done to all the children for representing the school so well and developing these great skills.

It was really fun but the hill was challenging.

We got to work with a partner and in a team so it was good to work together.

We didn’t give up.

We learnt how to use the map to find different places.

Allergen Grange Sports Day 2024

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2024 by Miss Wilson

Some of our speedy Y5 and Y6s took part in Allerton Grange’s annual primary school sports day!

We took part in a range of events such as 200m sprint, javelin and 50m relay.

We had a brilliant morning and even managed sixth place! Well done to everyone for taking part.

Production: Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits!

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2024 by Miss Goswami

Hi everybody!

Please make sure you bring your costumes and props outlined in last week’s letter to school no later than Friday 21st June, in a named plastic bag. If you don’t have any of the items listed for your role, please let an adult in Year 5 or Year 6 know before this Friday.

Keep practising your lines at home and get into the character you are portraying!

Thanks everyone!

England Schools’ Swimming Association Primary Team Championships

Posted on Sunday 16 June 2024 by Mrs Taylor

This weekend, our Year 5 and 6 swimmers took part in this prestigious national finals event at Ponds Forge, Sheffield after recently qualifying in the North East regional heat.

Competing against schools from all over the country from Westminster to Guernsey to Devon, and with tough competition, all the team put in 100% in their mixed stroke and freestyle races. For some of our swimmers, this was their first experience of competitive swimming. We are very proud of how well all the children represented Moortown with such a great, supportive team spirit.

A huge thanks go to parents for their support with the team over the two events.

Races can be watched back on the following link.

1:08:00 lane 2 mixed stroke

2:40:50 lane 7 freestyle


What can you achieve?

Posted on Monday 10 June 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Today, Jess Wright, who is a coach with PE Partner and leads one of our after-school clubs, came to speak to the children in an assembly.

At only 17, Jess has been playing football for over ten years and currently plays for Sheffield Wednesday. She also coaches at different levels from children to adults and referees too.

Jess has another role which is to try to get children, especially girls, into football and providing opportunities for children who want to get involved.

Jess shared information of how to get involved in local physical activities. This could be our school after-school clubs, other local physical activities listed in our guide for parents and carers or other opportunities especially around football and getting girls into football.

Leeds City JFC are a local club looking for new members especially in their girls teams.

Wigton Moor JFC are another local club with opportunities.

Catalan Soccer offer classes and camps.

Thank you to Jess for coming into school to inspire the children and to share her experiences around football and the opportunities and skills it provides.

Y6 Residential 2024

Posted on Monday 10 June 2024 by Miss Wilson

Y6 had a blast last week on residential!

The Robinwood staff were extremely complimentary of how respectful and kind we were and how we got stuck in and took safe risks!

Well done to everyone for a fantastic trip away.

First up, some pictures of raft building.

RIP water slipper, 2024-2024

Next, are our pictures of some problem solving activities called Dungeon and King’s Quest.


A fan favourite was definitely the Giant Swing!


Caving came out on top in a surprising turn of events!

We sailed to the top of the Trapeze and even managed to jump off and grab the bar.


A very funny Night Line is up next…


We also channelled our inner Robin Hood at Robinwood…

We finished each evening with a Team Challenge which included, “ONE FULL TUBE!” and a hilarious game of Oogly Boogly Bop!

We survived the world-famous Piranha Pool!

Zip Wire was also great fun with different games such as racing and bean bag drop.

Not even the climbing wall could stop us – we raced to the top to squish the rainbow rubber duck!

Mountain and Wood groups, Robinwood, 2024 – over and out.



Posted on Tuesday 04 June 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Today, some of our Year 5 and 6 children took part in the Leeds School Games Y5/6 mixed cricket event at Old Leos.

It was a cold and damp June day for the event but despite the conditions, the children worked hard as a team and performed some great cricketing skills. Well done to all the children who took part and thanks to Mrs Russell and Miss Kidd for taking and supporting the children.

Y6 met Martin Brown!

Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2024 by Miss Wilson

Horrible Histories illustrator Martin Brown joined us LIVE! He talked to us about his job and his new book: Paws, Claws and Jaws.

“Anyone can draw!” said Evie. Martin was really keen to emphasise this!

The above point clearly shown by Miss Wilson’s sketches below!

Not only did we do a draw along with him…

…but he had some important messages about animals and our need to care for and respect them.

This linked really well to our Geography learning. Help at home by asking what’s the link with the paragraph above and what we’ve been learning about deforestation?