West Yorkshire cross country final
We were very proud of our five Key Stage 2 children who took part in the West Yorkshire Cross Country Final at Temple Newsam today in the glorious sunshine.
In tough, competitive conditions, with the best runners from across West Yorkshire, they all put in 100% effort in their races and were a great support for each other. The children should feel proud of competing at this level. We even had a top 10 finisher out of 146 runners and our Year 3 girls team came 6th place our of 21 schools. What an amazing team effort!
Thank you to parents who helped with transport and supported at the event.
Computing with micro:bits!
This week, we started our online computing learning. The excitement in the room was PALPABLE!
We’re using micro:bits…
…tiny computers that you can program to do a virtually unlimited number of awesome things!
This linked to simulation (one of our computing words) because the makecode website where you program the micro:bit has an ‘emulator’. This shows you what your code will do once it’s been downloaded to your physical micro:bit.
Once we were finished exploring, it was time to download the code and see it in action! We made it say hello to us, or show a heart or play a tune when you pressed a certain button.
We are so looking forward to the rest of the topic!
Help at home by asking your child about our computing words: repetition, internet, simulation, World Wide Web, computer network, variable and selection.
Our letters are on their way!
Today, we finally were able to venture out to our local post box to post our letters to Steve Reed, the environment minister, about stopping climate change. It was very exciting!
There were big cheers as the letter went in!
You’re never too small to create a big change. All it starts with is a single step! (Or quite a few to the nearest post box.)
“The atmosphere was electric! Everybody had loads of fun,” Vivienne described.
“I hope our letters can persuade Steve Reed to do something about climate change and if it does, this is great example of small things, big changes,” beamed Grace.
Jack said: “Everybody was so enthusiastic about writing their letters. We finished them so fast because we were so excited!”
“We had a great time posting the letters. Miss Wilson gave us a motivational message about it not mattering how small you are, you can always change the world a little bit,” said Hidayah.
Raheem explained, “We had a democratic vote about who should put the letter in the post box.”
Leeds Rhinos healthy lifestyle assembly and ticket offer
This week, we welcomed Luke from Leeds Rhinos to deliver a healthy lifestyle assembly.
We thought about different aspects of keeping a healthy lifestyle including food and nutrition, sleep, exercise, hydration and hygiene.
Luke also spoke about the ticket offer available for families for one of the upcoming Leeds Rhinos home games.
As part of our partnership, and as a reward for all the great work that the children have been doing this year, Leeds Rhinos would like to offer children and their families an amazing opportunity to attend a match at AMT Headingley Stadium (LS6 3BR) at a special discounted schools rate.
Date – Saturday 22nd March 2025
Kick off – 5:30pm
Opposition – Wigan Warriors
Standing tickets can be booked now through the school via School Gateway. Please note that tickets will be on sale until 10am on Tuesday 18th March.
Grammar Kahoots
This week, alongside introducing our new unit of suspenseful writing, we’ve been practising our grammar skills.
We created some Kahoots, an online quiz, to test each other. It was a lot of fun as well as being a great way to remember our learning.
We also found some awesome new game modes which made things even more interesting!
Help at home by asking your child which areas of grammar they feel most confident with and which they need help with.
North East Youth Summit 2025
Today, the Year 5 and 6 junior leaders visited the Leeds Civic Hall to attend the North East Youth Summit. It was a great day where the children had the opportunity to meet and hear from councillors, ask questions and give their say when thinking about things we would like to change and improve about our local area.
We suggested our ideas for activities that we would love to see in our locality. Here were our choices.
We were in a room with lots of other junior leaders from around our locality so it was great to meet them as well!
We discussed climate change in the official chambers where the MPs and Leeds’ Mayor meet to discuss their plans.
What is a computer network?
A computer network is two or more computers that are connected. They can share information more easily and it can be safer.
A computer network is made up of four parts: the server, switch, clients and cables.
Help at home by asking your child to tell you a bit about what each part does! If you need any help, the pictures below will definitely give you the right information.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be coding a microbit, which we’re all really excited for! So watch this space!
Leeds Beckett tennis
This week, Nic and Sky, tennis coaches from Beckett Sport Juniors, came to deliver a tennis themed assembly.
Here are the details of a special offer they are offering for Moortown pupils.
Writing & Geography – Letters to Steve Reed
This half term’s geography learning has culminated in a letter to our Environment Minister, Steve Reed.
We want to urge him to take climate change even more seriously after what we’ve found out about how it’s impacting the world around us.
We have been learning about how melting ice caps, due to global warming, and therefore rising sea levels have been catastrophic for places around the world like Kale Island in the Solomon Islands.
We have learnt about how this change in sea level and more extreme weathers are leading to a rise in coastal erosion. Places like Skipsea suffer directly with damage to people’s homes, a decrease in tourism and sadly, in rare cases, loss of life.
We are writing to Steve Reed with several recommendations for how he can make effective changes. In addition, we are including a range of persuasive devices like flattery, emotive language and rhetorical questions.
Help at home by rereading this post to find all the examples of formal language.
“We wrote the letters into our books. Then we edited them and published them onto laptops to save paper,” explained Charlie.
Raheem said, “We’re writing this to make sure that Steve Reed will listen to our concerns.”
“It’s a nice experience because it’s a change from our normal handwritten letters or writing lessons,” beamed Luca.
Cross Country Leeds Final
*** UPDATE*** Congratulations to our Year 3 girls team and one of our Year 4 runners who have qualified for the West Yorkshire Cross Country Final.
We were very proud of our eight Key Stage 2 children who took part in the Leeds Cross Country Final at Temple Newsam this week.
In muddy, slippy, wet conditions they all put in 100% effort in their races and were a great support for each other. The children should feel proud of competing against the best runners from across Leeds.
We’ll wait to hear if we have any qualifiers for the next round, the West Yorkshire Final.
Thank you to parents who helped with transport and supported at the event.