Year 6 Class News

Big walk and wheel update

Posted on Sunday 17 March 2024 by Mrs Taylor

We’ve had a great start to the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel walking, scooting and cycling challenge this week.

After the first five days, we are currently in 19th place (out of 549 schools) in the small primary category with an average of 84.76% of our journeys to school being active. This is a great achievement and we want to thank families for supporting this challenge.

To keep up with the leader board for the rest of the challenge, it can be viewed here.

The Big Walk and Wheel challenge continues until Friday 22nd March so we look forward to seeing our progress over the upcoming week.

Help at home: By walking, cycling and scooting to school, you are helping us make a positive change to the school run. With less cars close to the school gates, this is a safer and healthier way to start the day.


Science and computing: the circulatory system

Posted on Friday 15 March 2024 by Mr Wilks

In today’s science lesson, we created stop motion animations to illustrate how oxygenated and deoxygenated blood travels around our body.
We learnt that deoxygenated blood travels through the veins to the heart. It then gets pumped to the lungs where it picks up oxygen. The blood is now oxygenated and travels through arteries back to the heart where it is pumped around the body. This process repeats infinitely.

What makes a good promotion?

Posted on Friday 15 March 2024 by Miss Wilson

Over the next two weeks, we’ll be writing a promotion about our Scratch games that we’ve been making in computing.

Here’s an example of the code for a program we made which is similar to Times Tables Rockstars.

In writing, we’ve analysed what makes a good promotion including the features that it should have.

Help at home by writing some persuasive sentences when practising your spellings. Could you incorporate any of this half term’s words into this piece of writing?


PE: dance

Posted on Thursday 14 March 2024 by Miss Wilson

This week, we moved onto a new unit of learning in PE: dance!

After the successes of gymnastics and yoga this year, we were excited to get underway.

We focused on pathways and suiting our movements to the style of music. We’ve listened to two contrasting pieces: Le Freak by Chic and Storm Interlude from “Peter Grimes” by Benjamin Britten.

We enjoyed our warm up called Dancing Whispers. The idea is to get the same dance move to travel from the back of the line to the front by passing it from person to person – but you can only watch it once! It was very funny.

Help at home by discussing how the skills of dance transfer to other sports.

Leeds Rhinos ticket offer

Posted on Thursday 14 March 2024 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our partnership, and as a thank you for all the great work that the children have been doing this year, Leeds Rhinos would like to offer children and their families an amazing opportunity to attend a match at AMT Headingley Stadium at a special discounted schools rate.

Date – Friday 5th April 2024

Kick off  – 8pm

Opposition – Warrington Wolves

Venue – Headingley Stadium (LS6 3BR)

Tickets can be booked now through the school via School Gateway. Please note that tickets will go off sale at 10am on Monday 25th March 2024.

We look forward to welcoming Leeds Rhinos for an assembly next week too.

Leeds North East Youth Summit 2024

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2024 by Miss Birch

Today, the Year 5 and 6 Junior Leaders visited the Leeds Civic Hall to attend the North East Youth Summit. It was a great day where the children had the opportunity to meet and hear from councillors, ask questions and give their say when thinking about things we would like to change and improve about our local area.

We even got to sit in the chambers with Leeds City’s Mayor! Will asked her a question on the microphone, “How many candidates were there for mayor?” “It can depend, sometimes there are 4, 2 or even just 1!”

We were in a room with lots of other Junior Leaders from around our locality so it was great to meet them as well!

World Book Day

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2024 by Miss Wilson

Today, we celebrated World Book Day!

Some of us completed some fun book-related activities…

… or just enjoyed some reading time.

Some of us created a trailer for a fantastic book using some computing skills…

… or used computing skills and our knowledge of books to create a quiz.

Sometimes reading takes me to another world. Sometimes it’s just nice to look at funny fiction or adventurous action. It’s like watching a movie but in your mind. – Javi

You get to explore new things. – Jiya

We should celebrate books to help people understand why it’s good to be a reader. – Betsy

Reading is good for your mental health and increases your knowledge. – Omar

Our new Computing topic!

Posted on Wednesday 06 March 2024 by Miss Wilson

Today’s computing learning focused on the skill of selection.

“Selection means choosing different things. We use ‘If… then… else…’ in Scratch,” explained Rufus.

Our goal was to create an interactive quiz game where the sprite would react different depending on what answer was given.


Help at home by quizzing your child on this half term’s vocabulary.

Previously, we have analysed what is a computer and what isn’t by the definition that it can input, process, store and output data.

Last lesson, we used repetition to create an animation!

It’s very good because I enjoy making my own games. – Javi

It’s really interesting because I love learning about computing and how projects work. – Saif

Cross country

Posted on Wednesday 06 March 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to the children who represented school at the Leeds Schools Sports Association cross country race at the weekend in typical cross country conditions!

Thank you to parents who supported and transported children to this event.

It was incredibly muddy and very cold and wet. I was really impressed (as always) with the children who ran in such tough conditions and supported each other all the way.

This was the last race of the season. However, local Park Runs continue weekly at Roundhay Park and Temple Newsam.


The Secret Garden

Posted on Monday 04 March 2024 by Miss Wilson

It was a pleasure to welcome M&M productions to perform ‘The Secret Garden’ for us. It’s a classic story (written in 1911!) about resilience and friendship. They gave it a modern twist with some familiar songs – it was very entertaining!

What a start to the week it was! Keep your eyes peeled for what we get up to on World Book Day, this Thursday.

Help at home by discussing what your child liked about the performance using the pictures above! Can your child retell the story?

We loved it!

Y2 – I really liked it because Master Colin was able to walk. He believed in himself.

Y6 – It was funny and had all the things a play should have. I’ll definitely be checking out the book from the library.

Y3 – The sign language song was cool and interesting!

Y5 – I liked the show because they had a creative way to change the scene. They had a great voice projection.