Netball after-school club
Thursday night’s netball after-school club is open to Years 4, 5 and 6 (boys and girls). We have some places available if your child would like to come along and learn skills to play high 5 netball.
This is a free club, subsidised by our PE premium, and runs until Easter.
Today’s menu
Have you seen our new menu board on display in the dining room? This is updated daily to show the school dinner menu including the main course, vegetarian main and jacket potato option. If your child has their school dinner in the main hall they are encouraged to have a look at the board at the start of the day, playtime or at lunchtime.
You’re also welcome to have a look with your child/children.
The full weekly menu is still available, displayed on the dining room window and in our school meals section.
The Summer term menu has also been published with details of any new dishes. How to encourage others to try new dishes was recently discussed by our School Council. Suggestions included:
- Tell your friends if you have tried one of the new meals.
- Have a taster of a new meal.
In response to this, children can request a small taster of a new meal alongside their lunch. New dishes will be highlighted on the menu board.
World Book Day maths
After we’d finished our blurbs (which were brilliant!), we revised some statistics learning using pie charts about books.
Ask your child how they calculated the answers.
Blurb writing
We’re busy writing a blurb for our favourite books at the moment. Here’s Cleopatra and Pippi Longstocking designing theirs:
And Captain Underpants getting some feedback from Burglar Bill about hers:
I love the artwork on Rayhaan’s alternative ‘Warhorse’ blurb:
World Book Day
In English today, we’re writing an alternative blurb for our favourite books. To practise our promotional language, we are currently ‘speed-dating’ to sell our books to others.
Here are some pics:
Creative homework review
This afternoon, we spent some time reflecting on last week’s creative homework. We had a chance to look at everyone else’s before voting for our favourite (with a focus on effort and originality).
The standard was high across the class. In particular, we loved Henry’s, Ethan’s, Laurielynn’s, Gloria’s and Jennifer’s.
Homework is a really important part of school life and can lead to some very rich learning. We can’t wait to see next week’s!
Drama day!
Yesterday, we spent the whole day focusing on drama. Francis, from a company called ‘Ignite Lights’, came into school and delivered a whole day of drama that was linked to our class novel: ‘The Thornthwaite Inheritance’.
We started the day by looking at stereotypes and how they are often used in writing/theatre. We discussed how stereotypes also affect our day-to-day lives and made some freeze-frames based on some stereotypical characters.
Next, we donned some outfits and became story detectives. First, finding the stories that contained our characters. Then, proposing an alternative plot before devising a short play.
Last, we studied the poem ‘Caged Bird’ by Maya Angelou. The poem reminded us of a character from our class novel. We created soundscapes and imagescapes to show our understanding of the key emotions in the poem. Brandon amazed us with his understanding of key themes, showing a real maturity in his answers. (Well done, Brandon!)
We had a great day exploring our class novel through drama and would like to thank Miss Valentine for organising the visit.
It was particularly fun to dress up. Can you guess whose hair got covered in black and white paint?
You could really help at home by discussing stereotypes with your child. You could discuss questions such as…
- which stereotypes are prevalent in society?
- is stereotyping always a negative?
- what can we do as individuals to combat stereotyping in society?
Quick Sticks
Fifteen children (and several adults) set off from Moortown Primary early on the morning of Friday 26 February as part of forty teams competing in the Quick Sticks hockey competition at the Sportspark Weetwood. Fifteen hockey players (and several other adults…) returned. A fast-paced day of teamwork and good sportsmanship, with plenty of goals scored, leads us to look forward to the next Quick Sticks event!
We also look forward to working with Leeds Hockey Club back at school.
Thank you to all parents who helped with transport for this event.
Tchoukball returns to Year 6!
This half term, in PE, we will be learning all about Moortown’s favourite sport: tchoukball!
We spent our first lesson yesterday reminding ourselves of the game, its rules and the skills we need to play it. We arranged our thoughts using a spider-diagram as we moved through the lesson (sorry about the shadow!). You could ask your child: Are any of these skills transferable to other sports? Can you discuss each skill in more detail? Is one skill more important than the others? Which skills are you most confident with? Which skills do you feel you need to improve most?
We had lots of fun playing this action-packed game again; here are some action shots:
Please remember, children need their PE kit in school on Tuesdays and Fridays – this is their responsibility!
World Book Day menu
World Book Day is celebrated on 03 March and during that week (Wednesday 02 March) we will be having a World Book Day Roald Dahl menu for school dinners.