Book Club
This half term, we’re back to group Book Club sessions.
Help at home by asking your child to tell you their target page that they’ve agreed with their group this week and discuss the following as you’re reading together:
- Who’s their favourite character and why?
- Has anything surprising happened?
- What will the characters do next and why (motive)?
Don’t forget to give voices to the characters!
We also celebrated our reading records.
I asked Y6 to show their favourite page in their reading record that they’ve done so far this year and I think you’ll agree that they’re outstanding. Enjoy the gallery below!
Figurative Language Treasure Hunt
This week, we had to hunt to find figurative language hidden around the classroom!
Once we had found one, then we had to write down what figurative language what being shown. For example, similes, onomatopoeia, alliteration or a personification.
Then, we put our skills to the test by practising some figurative language that might help us with our narrative next week.
A fan favourite was Hardev’s:
“The lake held the boat captive like a lion in a zoo.”
We loved it because it was a stunning example of personification and a simile.
Help at home by practising some of the harder examples of figurative language like hyperbole, idioms and metaphors.
KS2 SATs: information for parents
Ahead of the end of KS2 national curriculum tests and teacher assessments in May 2024, we have published a new information leaflet for parents.
This leaflet provides an overview of the purpose of the tests, when they are scheduled, and when results will be shared by schools.
We encourage you to share this information with the parents and guardians of pupils participating in the end of KS2 tests this year.
There will also be a meeting held on Zoom on Monday 11 March at 6pm – details to follow.
KS2 Cross Country event
This weekend is the final Saturday cross country race of the season. Please sign up online or inform the office ideally by tomorrow Thursday 29 February if your child would like to take part.
LSAA Cross Country race Saturday 2nd March Woodhouse Grove school, Apperley Bridge, BD10 0NR
We are pleased to invite KS2 children to compete in an upcoming cross country race as part of the Leeds Schools Athletics Association cross country programme of Saturday morning races. Children will compete against pupils from other Leeds schools.
The race will take place on Saturday 2nd March Woodhouse Grove school, Apperley Bridge, BD10 0NR.
This race is an afternoon race at 1pm. Limited parking is available so please car share where possible.
Please note, parents/carers are responsible for taking and supervising their child/children at the event. There will be a parent representative at the event.
There are opportunities for Year 3 and 4 girls and boys (under 9) to race 900m and Year 5 and 6 girls and boys (under 11) to race 1500m. Once your child has completed their race, you are free to leave the event.
We look forward to pupils representing our school at this event.
Big Walk and Wheel
We are taking part in the 15th year celebration of Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel, the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge runs from 11-22 March 2024. It’s free to take part and we would love everyone to be involved.
Last year, in our category of small primary schools, we finished in 24th place out of 514 schools with an average of 91.14% of our journeys to school being active. We achieved the highest national (24th) and Northern England (5th) ranking out of those schools in Leeds taking part.
What do you need to do?
Encourage your child(ren) to walk, scoot or cycle to school on as many days as possible during the event. Park and stride can also be included if you park at Marks and Spencer or further away from school and walk/scoot or bike the final part.
Why we are taking part
Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is a great way to build physical activity in children’s daily routine which is important for their physical health and mental wellbeing.
Active school journeys also help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gate. A 2021 YouGov study showed nearly half of UK children worry about air pollution near their school. And that children thought active travel was the best away to bring down these pollution levels.
Plus there are some great prizes to be won every day if we get enough children taking part!
Useful resources
To help you prepare, Sustrans has developed a handy free guide to walking, cycling or scooting to school. It is packed with advice to help you have hassle-free journey to school.
Download your free family guide using this link:
For more information about the event go to . Enjoy the challenge!
In PE, we’ve been honing our dodgeball skills.
We’ve played lots of different versions like Island Dodgeball, Chicken Run and Protect the President.
Help at home by discussing how dodgeball skills transfer to other sports and games.
Check out the action shots below!
Cross country star
Congratulations to our Year 3 runner who represented Leeds today in the West Yorkshire cross country final. Competing against pupils from Calderdale, Bradford, Wakefield, Kirklees and Leeds, he ran a fantastic race at Temple Newsam and should feel very proud of achieving a top 15 finish.
Living & Learning – I recognise emotions
This week, we welcomed a visitor from Kooth to talk to us about mental health and emotions.
Kooth is a free website approved by the NHS to support young people with mental health used by over 1.5million children nationwide. It’s anonymous and full of self-help tools, mini activities and discussion boards to get the assistance you need. The best thing about it is that every post or comment is approved before it’s live so it’s a totally positive zone.
Help at home by exploring the website and having a discussion about your mental health triggers – what makes you feel both bad or good?
Here are some key messages from this week’s living and learning:
- it’s ok to ask for help
- keep active
- focus on what you’re good at
- find helpful, practical ways to express and manage your emotions
Living and learning: Safer Internet Day
Hi. This is Amelia, Hafsa B, Cate and Parnita ( Y6 journalists).
On the 6th of February it was Safer Internet Day so every classes schedule was replaced with activities and linked lessons to the subject .Throughout the many sessions that were held: visitors came in; special assemblies; and lots of fun lessons. It was quite like a whole day of living and learning!
We asked for some feedback from the students. Here are a few:
“I loved finding out what the different apps were rated so I can help myself and others to only use apps that is suitable for our age!”-Olivia
“I found out it is very important to learn about mental health!”- Avneet
“I feel safer going online today than before the Safer Internet Day!” – Mr Wilks
“I liked learning about lots of different topics and taking part in group activities!”-Hannah
We learnt about age restrictions, how to be a critical users on the Internet and to turn your locations off.
Living and Learning – Speak Out, Stay Safe
In Living and Learning, we’ve been discussing the ways we can make safe choices.
Seeking help is a very important skill. Every child in class knows exactly who they would tell if they didn’t feel safe, happy or healthy.
It’s really important that you tell a trusted adult if you feel anxious, worried, hurt, unsafe, sad or frightened. It is never your fault. If the situation doesn’t change, it is very important to keep speaking out and telling a trusted adult until it changes.
Help at home by discussing what this trusted adult could look like in different places: at school, home or out and about.
Buddy is a speech bubble – he represents the right of all children to speak out and be safe.
Childline’s number is 0800 1111 and they can listen if you ever need to talk.