Year 6 Class News

Taking over

Posted on Monday 18 November 2013 by Mr Roundtree

This Friday, it’s the Children’s Commissioner’s Takeover Day.  The day gives children and young people the chance to work with adults for the day and be involved in decision-making.  Children benefit from the opportunity to experience the world of work and make their voices heard, while adults and organisations gain a fresh perspective on what they do.  It’s hoped this will help break down barriers between generations and encourage children’s active involvement in their communities.

As part of Takeover Day, I’ll be having a meeting with a Governor, Mrs Greenhalgh, and Mrs O’Malley, the School Resources Manager, and joining us will be some Year 5 pupils – we’ll be reviewing the school finances, checking that our spending is on-track!  After that, some younger pupils will join me for a ‘learning walk’, one of the ways I use to monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning in school.  Some pupils will take over the certificate assembly, too.  In each class, there will be takeover activities – pupils might lead a spelling test or teach the first part of a lesson, for example.

Around Leeds, lots of organisations invite pupils in to takeover in some way.  Lest week, four Year 6 pupils visited NHS Leeds North Clinical Commissioning Group.  Here are extracts from their thank you letters:

We came to Leafield House so we could learn new things and find out about the different jobs which people have. I especially enjoyed learning where the money is distributed to and how you deal with it. I never knew that North Leeds were responsible for £240 million!

The first thing that we did was have a ‘Grand Tour’ of the building. I’ve learned a lot of things about the NHS like there are 55 people in Leafield House and the UK has £600,000,000 to spend. I have learned lots and lots more as well… When we were in the meeting, I was really nervous because there were so many adults! We discussed the best ways to help those who need help from the NHS.

All the members of staff were very kind and helpful. Thank you very much for my visit. It was a real privilege to spend the day with all of you.


We visited the NHS because we are interested in health, medication and people’s needs.

I found the information you provided us (about the different jobs) particularly useful as I am having thoughts about being a doctor as my career when I’m older.

I learnt that it is hard work being an employee at the NHS building (especially when it comes to managing money) and you have to be qualified for the job. I also learnt all about the executive chief (Nigel Gray) and how he came to the job of managing!

I don’t think you could have done anything different as everyone was very friendly, smart and sometimes you tried to make us giggle – and it worked!

To summarise, our visit was great and fun! Again my deepest thanks to you and everyone in the NHS – thank you!


Thank you very much for the remarkable time we had at NHS. I really appreciated it! We came to learn new things and improve our knowledge about the different jobs people have and where the money from the government is distributed (I think I have achieved that with the help of you guys)!

My favourite thing that we did was Dragons Den because we got to intimidate people and think of different business ideas. Thankfully, we got a tour of the whole building and got to ask as many questions as we liked. After that, we looked at the posters and put down as many ideas as we could about how to make children be heard. You and your team have helped me when speaking out to people I don’t know more confidently.

I also learnt about how you can project your voice in the Boardroom. To be honest I can’t think of anything you could have improved… It was brilliant!

Thank you very much for inviting us to the NHS. I really appreciate it.  The reason we came to the NHS was so we could learn lots of new things.

I loved going round all the rooms and finding out about all the different jobs people have. I loved learning about how the money is shared into lots of different NHS services and I think my favourite bit was Dragons Den because I love making decision. I also enjoyed working with adults about characters with problems. I don’t think you could have done anything better it was all perfect.

Thank you very much for all your kindness. All the staff  were really nice and welcomed us very well. Thank them for that too.




Roundhay Juniors Park Run

Posted on Saturday 16 November 2013 by Mrs Taylor

Roundhay Juniors Park Run – Weekly Free 2km Timed Run for Juniors

It is only for juniors – if you’re not a junior, how about trying one of the weekly Saturday parkrun events?

What is Roundhay Juniors parkrun?

It is a 2km run for juniors only (4-14 year olds). If you are not a junior please try one of our weekly Saturday parkrun events instead.

When is it?

It is run every Sunday at 9:00am.

Where is it?

It’s run in Roundhay Park, Leeds. See Course page for more details.

What does it cost to join in?

Nothing – it’s free! Please register before your first run Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder).

How fast do I have to be?

We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace! We’re friendly! Every week we grab a post parkrun coffee in a local café – please come and join us!

It’s half-term…

Posted on Saturday 26 October 2013 by Mr Roundtree

…so no specific homework, spellings or tables this week.  It’s a good time to relax and enjoy some time with your children – have you visited the free exhibition of Anthony Browne pictures at Leeds City Museum, for example?

Child Friendly Leeds needs young reporters

Posted on Tuesday 01 October 2013 by Mrs Taylor

  • Are you in Year 5 or 6?
  • Passionate and curious about your city?
  • Do you ask a lot of questions?

If ‘yes’ then find out more about being a young reporter for Child Friendly Leeds.

Tuckshop 01.10.13

Posted on Monday 30 September 2013 by Mrs Taylor

As there will be no tuck shop tomorrow, children who have prepaid for their portion(s) of fruit will be able to carry this over into the first week of the Spring term.

Get set for a new park run

Posted on Sunday 29 September 2013 by Mrs Taylor

A new free weekly 2km run at Roundhay Park has been set up after a £1500 grant was provided by local councillors.  The Roundhay Junior Park Run will take place every Sunday morning and is open to children aged between four and fourteen.  Parkrun is a worldwide organisation which sets up and manages free weekly timed runs in parkland surroundings.  Fancy a go yourself…?  There is also a weekly 5km run every Saturday at 9am.

Feel the benefits of being active in Leeds

Posted on Sunday 29 September 2013 by Mrs Taylor

Leeds Let’s Get Active is a programme of free activities from October to December 2013. Free gym and swim sessions will be available across all Leeds City Council leisure centres from 30 September 2013. Other activities such as walking and running as well as family-based activities are also available at locations in the city. You can now register online  to find out more information on what is available, where and when on the Leeds Let’s Get Active activity programme.

With free swim and gym at Scott Hall leisure centre and health walks at Meanwood there is plenty on offer in the local area.


Code Club starts at Moortown

Posted on Thursday 26 September 2013 by Mr Wilks

It was the taster session for the new computer programming after school club today. Led by the very talented and inspiring Linda Broughton, the club uses Scratch to introduce children to computer programming. Over the next few weeks, the children will be creating their own games and animations which they can then upload to the Internet and finish at home or just enjoy playing them! The club takes place in The Space which was previously the ICT suite. This new area allows each child to have their own laptop so they can take their games in the direction that they want to whilst still allowing them to chat to friends and share what they are doing. This club is about inspiring a love of computing in children and celebrating their creativity – but most of all, it’s about having fun!


Tuck shop is back!

Posted on Monday 09 September 2013 by Mrs Taylor

Our Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6) fruit and veg tuck shop regularly sells about fifty portions of fruit each week and it will be returning next Tuesday 17 September, during playtime.

Does your child sometimes forget their 20p to buy an item from the tuck shop and so misses out on getting one of their five-a-day?

From Tuesday 17 September 2013, for the remainder of the autumn term, we are offering you the option of paying in advance for your child to have a portion of fruit or veg from the tuck shop. We know that some children like to buy more than one portion of fruit or veg, either for variety or to top up their packed lunch and we can also offer the option of paying for two items.

The cost for one portion of fruit or veg from 17 September to 17 December 2013 inclusive (13 weeks) is £2.60 and the cost for two portions is £5.20. Please note that if you choose to pay in advance, your payment is non-refundable and must be made in cash with the exact money.

If you prefer your child to continue paying in cash on a weekly basis, that’s fine – we’ll continue to operate this system.

If you would like to pay in advance for your child to visit the tuck shop, please return the slip, from the letter sent home today, and money to the office by Friday 13 September 2013.

Thank you for your support for the fruit and veg tuck shop.


Teacher training!

Posted on Tuesday 03 September 2013 by Mr Wilks

This morning, the teachers have been learning/recapping how to use the school website to post news, homework and spellings.
