Packed lunch treat
Faizaan, Year 6, shares a recipe and healthy eating information from change4life.
Today, Year 6 have been talking about change4life and how you can make your health better. Why not take a look at their website: ( Furthermore, change4life looks at how you can swap unhealthy food for healthy foods and check for ‘hidden nasties’ like salt and fat through their ‘Be Food Smart’ campaign ( There are lots of recipes you can choose, from breakfasts to healthier alternatives to pudding and snacks.
Today we have made apple, apricot and sultana squares, ‘a healthier take on flapjack’, really easy to make and we gave them the thumbs up! The ingredients could even be changed to include different fruits. We’re going to try making them at home.
- 100g butter
- 4 tbsp golden syrup
- 250g porridge oats
- 1 apple cored and chopped
- 50g ready-to-eat apricots chopped
- 50g sultanas
- ½ tsp ground mixed spice (optional)
- 1 egg beaten
What to do:
1. Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4/180°C/ fan oven 160°C. Grease a 23cm (9inch) shallow square cake tin with a little reduced fat spread, then line the base with baking parchment or greaseproof paper
2. Melt the remaining reduced fat spread in a large saucepan with the golden syrup. Take care that the mixture doesn’t get too hot.
3. Remove the pan from the heat and add the porridge oats, apple, apricots, sultanas or raisins and mixed spice (if using). Stir well, add the beaten egg and mix again.
4. Tip the mixture into the prepared tin and level the surface. Bake for 20-25 minutes until firm. Cool in the tin for about 20 minutes, then cut into 16 squares.
School Council elections 2013
Today, during our whole class assembly, we launched our annual school council elections.
Our current school council feel these qualities are very important in a school councillor:
- Good listener
- Confident speaker who is prepared to contribute in school council meetings and feedback to their class
- Has lots of realistic ideas and suggestions to improve the school
- Good decision-maker
- Works co-operatively with others
Other key points about the election include:
- Two members of each class, including Reception, make up the school council.
- Current and previous school councillors are welcome to stand again in the elections.
- Children can vote once for one person.
- Children can vote for themselves – just like in a UK election.
- Vote for the candidate with the best qualities to make a good councillor – don’t just vote for a friend.
- Good school councillors represent the class well – always!
If your child is interested in representing their class on the school council, they need to prepare a speech to present to their class. This will be the homework for this week.
Here are the key dates for the election process:
Friday 01 March
Homework to prepare a speech for those children interested in becoming a school councillor.
Wednesday 06 March / Thursday 07 March
Speeches from all the candidates to their class.
Thursday 07 March
Children vote for their chosen candidate. Results counted.
Friday 08 March
New school councillors announced.
Good luck to all children who choose to stand as candidates and thank you to the current school council for their valuable contributions and decision-making over the last year.
Movie making
Year Six spent a very productive day at the North East City Learning Centre (CLC) filming and editing their theme park films using iMovie.
Staff at the CLC were very complimentary about the ICT skills, acting and behaviour of the children.
The films that the children made were great fun – Hollywood here we come!
Try a school dinner
Over this term, we’re offering the chance for you to have a school dinner with your child(ren).
This is open to all children: those who currently have a school dinner and those who’d like to try them.
The dates for these sessions are:
- Years 5 and 6: Friday 01 March, 12.20pm
- Years 1 and 2:Friday 08 March, 12 noon
- Reception: Friday 15 March, 12 noon
- Years 3 and 4: Friday 22 March, 12.20pm
The cost is £2.65 for an adult meal and £1.90 for children in Reception to Year 4 and £1.95 for children in Years 5 and 6. There is obviously no extra charge if they already have a school dinner.
If you would like to sample a school dinner please ask at the office to secure your place as they will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
New payment option for Key Stage 2 fruit and veg tuck shop
From next half term, you’ll be able to pay in advance for your child to have a portion of fruit each week from the tuck shop for the rest of this school year.
If your child prefers to bring their money on the day (20p per item), that’s fine. We shall still continue to operate this system.
To pay in advance please bring £3.60 for one portion or £7.20 for two portions to the office. This will start from 26 February until 16 July.
The Year Six poets
Today, Year Six worked together to write a fantastic class poem about visiting a theme park and going on the rides. Here it is.
There’s no coming back… it’s time to go!
Standing in the queue…waiting…watching…wondering.
Will I survive The Ultimate?
Standing in the queue…terrified…trembling…traumatised.
Adrenaline pumping,
Heart thumping,
Sweating palms,
“Just keep calm!”
There’s no coming back… it’s time to go!
Climbing slowly like a multi-coloured snail.
With a creak and a bang,
A rattle and a clang.
The snail-ride slithered up the incline,
Inch by tiny inch.
Getting closer to the clouds,
Getting closer to the drop.
There’s no coming back… it’s time to
We have lift off.
Hurtling, dropping,
Swishing swoshing.
Twisting, twirling,
Tummy, swirling.
Up and down and all around,
Plunging head first to the ground.
Yelling, screaming,
Awful feeling.
Screeching, squealing,
I think I’m dreaming.
Up and down and all around,
Plunging head first to the ground.
At the end of the ride…dizzy…delirious…dreadful.
I hardly survived The Ultimate!
At the end of the ride…woozy…weary…wobbly.
Sky spinning,
Tummy groaning.
Feeling ill,
Head is moaning.
I’m not coming back… it’s time to go.
(Thank goodness)
Marvellous marble runs
Year Six were challenged to build a structure that used triangles to make strong shapes.
They attempted to build marble runs that were strong, secure and safe.
They did a great job.
Yoga Bugs
Year Six were treated to a session from Yoga Bugs today and were taken on a ‘yoga story’ about our topic on theme parks.
I don’t think they realised how energetic yoga or story telling could be!
The Rs for learning
The 7Rs for learning is an additional theme to our SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning) coverage across the year. Throughout this theme children will explore seven key aspects of learning behaviour:
- Responsibility – know that you are in charge of your learning
- Risk – taking – having a go
- Resilience – keep trying, stay positive and persevere
- Resourcefulness – try a different way and find and use resources independently
- Responsive – respond in the right way to peers and adults
- Remembering – apply your learning in other lessons
- Reflection – think about what and how you’ve learnt and learn from your mistakes
Each of these aspects that help us to learn will be explored over this half term.
Try this tasty dip
Year 6 have been developing their food technology skills by making hummus:
Have a try at making hummus! It is a great source of protein and fibre and makes a healthy alternative to meat if you’re a vegetarian. To make this tasty dip even more delicious, spread it in pitta bread for a light lunch or dip veg into it for a scrumptious snack. Try it in your lunchbox – you won’t be disappointed!
Here’s the recipe:
- 410g can of chickpeas
- juice of one lemon
- 1 clove of garlic, crushed
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
Whizz the chickpeas, lemon juice and garlic in a food processor or using a hand blender until just smooth.
Loosen with a little warm water if needed.