Year 6 Class News

Scratch the surface

Posted on Sunday 08 July 2012 by Mr Roundtree

Scratch the surface is a summer school project for Y5 and Y6 pupils. If your child is interested in computers, gaming, art and design, or animation, then this will definitely be of interest!

The club runs from Monday 13 August to Thursday 16 August from 10am to 3pm. It happens at the North Leeds City Learning Centre, which is situated close to Allerton Grange High School.

If you’d like to know more, contact Nick Field on 0113 288 3500.


Jubilee Day

Posted on Tuesday 19 June 2012 by

Union Jack clothes.

More on money week

Posted on Wednesday 30 May 2012 by

The children were visited today by an Enterprise Expert, Tim Hall, who discussed the need for adverts to help sell a product.

We learnt that no matter what your product is, you need an advert to bring it to the attention of your audience… who will then, hopefully, buy your product.

Here is an advert made by the children to encourage the public to join ‘Workit’ –  a new gym. Warning… it will tire you out just watching!


Designing bank notes

Posted on Tuesday 29 May 2012 by


It’s Money Week at Moortown Primary.  Our Y6 pupils visited the North East Leeds City Learning Centre (based beside Allerton Grange) to get creative with currency!

Creating a mood

Posted on Thursday 17 May 2012 by

Tomorrow is the final SAT of the week: long writing.

Today in class we have been discussing how to create a mood ready for the writing tomorrow.

Here are some mood words that the children might want to create WOW words and phrases about. This will help them in creating a mood and interesting their audience with their writing tomorrow.

  • relief
  • worry
  • anger
  • mystery
  • shock
  • excitement

SATs Week Timetable

Posted on Thursday 10 May 2012 by

This is the timetable for SATs week, which starts on Monday 14 May.

Tests will take place in the morning. Please make sure children are on time as test will start promptly.

  • Monday 14 May: English reading test.
  • Tuesday 15 May: English writing test (shorter task) and spelling test.
  • Wednesday 16: May Mental Mathematics test Mathematics Test A.
  • Thursday 17: May Mathematics Test B.
  • Friday 18: May English writing test – longer task.

Tuesday 22 May: Level 6 tests in Mathematics – for those children who have done Tough Stuff Maths.

Moortown’s Got Talent Winner

Posted on Friday 04 May 2012 by


Dynamic diary writing

Posted on Friday 27 April 2012 by

The children have been working very hard to write the best diary extract possible.  As a class, we imagined we were moving house and were writing one extract before the move and another once we were in our new house.

Cydnee and Bronwen did a great job. Here’s their work:

Dear Diary,

Today’s the day. The big move. Last night, I had a party and ALL my friends and family came over – it was hard to say goodbye. I’m going to miss everyone but especially Jo Jo, my best friend, he’s always been there for me when I needed him and now I’m going… he’s staying. (I hope no one saw me crying!)

I really hope I can stay in touch with Jo- Jo as he is the best friend I’ve ever had and I don’t want that to change. Even though, there are good things about the move I still feel like Mum and Dad are punishing me for something I haven’t done.  I have no idea what it is, I feel like I’m invisible, like they don’t know I’m here, like my thoughts don’t count- I DON’T WANT TO GO!

Although I’ll miss everyone, the house that we are moving into is massive!!! I’ve even got a double bed-WOOH! Also, my new school looks okay. It’s called Hall Worth Primary-I went for a day last month everyone seems nice but the food doesn’t (YUK! I think I’ll ask for pack lunch!)

This place is a mess; all I can see is boxes, boxes and guess what… more boxes. It doesn’t feel like a house any more- it’s a dump. All the good memories and times that we have shared – GONE.

The moving van’s just arrived I’m SO nervous, Mum and Dad are packing all my stuff in there; like they are in some sort of rush- the next time I write in here I’ll be in a DIFFERENT house-hopefully with a smile on my face. Anyway, got to go get in the car. Wish me luck.


Dear Diary,

I’ve arrived at my new house two weeks ago. It hasn’t yet sunk in that I have just left everything behind. All the different worries that I have been trying to get out of my head just keep coming back to me like: When I’m going to see everyone again, what if this house is haunted and what if no one likes me at school. Am I just crazy? Am I just thinking too much? Am I just over reacting

Mum and Dad are constantly sucking up to me- like they haven’t got anything better to do. THEY were the ones that were in a rush, THEY were the ones that made us move. Anyway, writing about all the bad stuff is just making me feel even worse about the move.

I’m starting my new school tomorrow, that’s one of the things that I’m looking forward too (but still have butterflies!) When I went to the taster day there was this boy called George, who showed me round, he seems really friendly and said that when I came he’d help me settle in. Also, my Mum said that I CAN have packed lunch – thanks.

Last week, we went to get my new school uniform, Mum said I looked like, “A mature and sensible school boy!” I thought I looked silly.

The house isn’t that bad, I mean my room is ALOT bigger than my last one AND I’ve got a flat-screen TV (I guess Mum and Dad are trying to make up for having to move!)

Will write more tomorrow.Got to go and have dinner, fish and chips, YUM!!!!!!!!!!

Primary Science Lectures at Leeds Met

Posted on Monday 23 April 2012 by

By popular demand, Leeds Metropolitan University are running some more primary science lectures. We  can’t recommend these highly enough.  Here’s the information they sent to school: 

Primary Science Lectures 2012

An interactive and educational family experience

Sunday 13 May 2012

2:30 – 4:30pm

‘Exploring Space’

Dr Rob Hill


Sunday 20 May 2012

2:30 – 4:30pm

‘Science, Sweets and Desserts’

Prof John Bradley


A fun and interactive exploration of science for children and parents

At Leeds Metropolitan University

Headingley Campus


To register, ring 0113 812 5907

or email

If you have an iPod, iPad or iPod touch, read on!

Posted on Friday 20 April 2012 by

There is a fantastic app available on itunes called imaths. This is an excellent resource for helping your children with maths…. or helping yourself with some maths!

Here’s a link to give you an idea about the app and what it can do to help in maths.