Safe Choices – Leeds United Foundation
Y6 welcomed Vicky from the Leeds United Foundation to talk about safe choices both online and offline.
We heard from some inspiring people who are from Leeds about the choices they’ve made in their lives and the positive impact it’s had on them.
There was an interactive quiz about each of the four sections:
- online safety (social media)
- anti-social behaviour
- gangs
- knife crime
Help at home by discussing the main thing your child learnt about each category.
Why was the early Islamic civilisation considered a golden age?
In our history topic, we’ve been learning about the innovations of the early Islamic civilisation – a golden age.
Help at home by asking your child to explain what’s going on in each stage of our lesson using the pictures below.
Viking recounts
Over the last two weeks, Y6 have been writing a recount. It linked to our class novel, Viking Boy, where we described witnessing a raid on a farm and the untimely death of the main character’s father.
This writing was a little different because each child chose their own R2s (what you must remember to include in your writing). Take a look at the example below.
A standout success for the class has been our powerful vocabulary as well as using speech to convey character and advance the action.
Help at home by continuing to practice writing speech and using the reporting clause in different places.
Have a read of some excellent examples below.
Living and Learning – I know that some drugs are harmful.
Over the last two weeks, we’ve learnt about drugs.
Help at home by discussing which are helpful and which are not.
We also welcomed local celebrity d:side Dave who taught us about the different types, including which are legal or not, and how to be safe when taking medicinal drugs.
Lots of our learning has focused on assessing risk.
We discussed several scenarios, such as learning a new skill, attending a job interview or drinking energy drinks, and wrote down the potential risks, likelihood of harm, safety measures and potential pay-offs.
As usual, Y6 were thoughtful, mature and engaged with this lesson.
Spring term after-school clubs
We do have the following availability for clubs should your child wish to sign up.
The after-school clubs for this term are available for booking. We hope your child/children can get involved with our extra-curricular activities.
Please contact the office if you have any queries about the after-school clubs.
Children’s Heart Surgery Fund
This week, Lauren from Children’s Heart Surgery Fund came to visit.
Children’s Heart Surgery Fund is our new school charity, voted for by the Junior Leadership Team, and we learnt all about their work and how our donations will support the charity over the next year.
Here are some of our Junior Leaders with Lauren.
Reading and music – Sounds Like A Story
Today, we had the pleasure of welcoming Liz from the British Library to do another workshop with us.
This time, we linked together reading and music. It started by us listening to The Phoenix of Persia by Sally Pomme Clayton.
In groups, we practised with some instruments…
…and then analysed the story to match the characters to the desired sound.
It was a unique experience to think about the characters of a story compared to music in this way – describing music is called timbre.
Finally, it was time to create the rest of the story using our compositions. What a performance we gave!
Our final pieces
Behold… our final sculptures!
Help at home by asking your child to explain how we created ‘patina’ on our artwork.
We think Barbara Hepworth would have been proud.
Carols in Moortown
Today, Y5 and Y6 ventured into Moortown to bring some festive cheer to our community!
We blasted out some Christmas classics such as Frosty the Snowman and fan-favourite Feliz Navidad!
Oracy skills certainly played their part – we projected our voices loud and clear (and our adults did too!).
Can you spot Rudolph anywhere?
Thank you to all who came to watch us and support. We hope you enjoyed it.
Have a lovely, happy and healthy break and we’re excited to welcome you back in the new year.
Miss Goswami, Miss Wilson and all the 5,6 staff