Year 6 Class News

Basketball new year camp

Posted on Friday 15 December 2023 by Mrs Taylor

City of Leeds Basketball Club, who run our basketball after-school clubs, are running a new year camp. Details can be found below.



Posted on Thursday 14 December 2023 by Miss Wilson

Today, we had an even more exciting PE lesson than normal!

As we’ve been gymnasts, we’ve been practising skills such as balance, movement and control – including when mounting and dismounting apparatus.

In this lesson, we put it all to the test by using the equipment shown below. At times, we had to see how high we could go (which was hard for Miss Wilson on the rope) or how we could travel across the bars from one side to the other.

As always, we were safe and worked fantastically as a team.

It was a lot of fun!


Help at home by discussing the ways we kept safe in today’s lesson.

Sketches, Sculptures & Maquettes

Posted on Thursday 14 December 2023 by Miss Wilson

In Art, this week and last week, we have moved away from Art History and turned our attention to our own art projects.

We sketched a maquette which is the first stage in our sculpture process.

Next, we came together as a group to create a joint maquette which is the final stage of our planning process.

Help at home by discussing the visual and tactile elements of art that they’ve used in their maquette such as line, shape and composition.

Living and Learning: mental health

Posted on Tuesday 12 December 2023 by Miss Wilson

For the past three weeks, we have been focussing on mental health in our Living and Learning lessons. This week, we discussed how to identify worry and actions that a person can take if they feel worried.

Year 6 identified how our bodies might feel if they are worried: a strange feeling in someone’s stomach, chest, head or throat; a faster heartbeat; dry mouth; sweaty palms; fidgeting; or difficulty concentrating.

We then focussed on different things that can be done to help relieve the worry:

  • taking deep breaths
  • talking to friends or family
  • reading a book
  • mindfulness activities
  • playing a sport
  • writing it down

Last week, we discussed different self-care techniques surrounding grief, which is the name given to the feeling of pain when experiencing a loss. There can be lots of different types: a family member moving away, a breakdown in friendship, or loved one dying.

Similar to how worry can affect us, grief can impact us in a wide variety of ways.

We decided that one of the best self-care techniques was to talk to someone and explain what’s happening.

Help at home by discussing what else would be useful, immediately after and a longer time after experiencing a loss.

Reading – to summarise

Posted on Thursday 07 December 2023 by Miss Wilson

This week’s reading skills lessons have been about summarising.

Help at home by discussing the R2s for summaries!

We’ve been thoroughly enjoying our class novel: Holes by Louis Sachar. Today’s task was a little different to normal – we had to summarise the main points of the chapter using small key pictures.

Take a look how we got on!

Challenge your child to retell the chapter to you using the summaries above!

Leeds Schools Sport Association Cross Country

Posted on Wednesday 06 December 2023 by Mrs Taylor

A number of children have recently represented school and competed in the Leeds Schools Sport Association Cross Country races.

The date of the next race is Saturday 02 March 2024 at Woodhouse Grove.

In the meantime, have a look at our physical activity guide to see how to get involved in athletics.

We’re great writers!

Posted on Thursday 30 November 2023 by Miss Wilson

Inspired by our trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, we’re going to write a narrative about one of the artworks coming to life!

First, we discussed what makes a good narrative and read an example.

We did some drama to get into the mind of the sculpture awakening from its deep slumber. How would it move? Where would it go? What are some consequences?

Help at home by discussing what types of figurative language your child knows. Can they give you an example of each? How could they use it in their upcoming writing?

We will also aim to use expanded noun phrases and more complex punctuation like semi colons.


Leeds Coding Day

Posted on Thursday 30 November 2023 by Miss Wilson

Today, Y6 joined an online coding class! We used Scratch to make a game where a Sprite had to cross a canal whilst avoiding the barges.

We used lots of computing skills that we’ve practised in the past such as variables, repetition and selection.

“It’s really fun. I liked it because I’m quite good at Scratch and I love practising it,” said Evan.

“It was very difficult and confusing so we had to be resilient!” explained Sienna.

“The best thing about it was creating your own code!” said Theo.

Maths – we’re resilient!

Posted on Monday 27 November 2023 by Miss Wilson

Today, Y6 looked at some multi-step addition and subtraction questions involving fractions.

We worked in teams and had some amazing discussions about our thought processes and workings out.

Lots of 8 Rs had to feature in today’s lesson:

  • remembering – we’ve learnt lots of skills over the last couple of weeks and we had to put in to practice today
  • resourceful – we had to use our knowledge and skills plus the knowledge and skills of others in order to succeed
  • resilience – lots of questions required a lot of brain power and the ability to keep going!

Edith said, “I liked how we’ve been using what we’ve learnt recently and completing questions that we’ve struggled with in the past! If you get past the tricky words, the maths is much simpler so that was good.”

“One question took me about twenty minutes and one I could do in my head so you had to be ready to be resilient!” explained Penelope.

Cross country stars

Posted on Sunday 26 November 2023 by Mrs Taylor

*UPDATE* Four of our Year 3 runners have qualified for the Leeds School Games cross country final!

On Friday, twenty two Key Stage 2 children took part in the Leeds North East School Games Cross Country festival at Roundhay High School attended by 900 pupils.

We had a great start from our Year 3 runners with 4 children coming in the top 10! After that, we saw some excellent efforts from the rest of the children throughout the afternoon with great support and encouragement from the other pupils.

Well done to all the children who took part and represented the school. We are sure there will be some qualifiers for the next race, the Leeds final. Watch this space!

Thank you to the parents who came along to help and support at this event.

It was a brilliant event. The Team Moortown spirit was very strong.

If you’re child would like to take part in cross country, have a look at our physical activity guide for details of local running clubs and junior Park Runs.