Year 6 Class News

Living and Learning: protected characteristics

Posted on Wednesday 04 October 2023 by Miss Wilson

In living and learning this week, Y6 learnt about discrimination, examples of it and its impact on the people around us.

Discrimination is the unfair treatment of people because of who they are or because they have a certain characteristic or characteristics.

Certain characteristics are protected by law and these are:

  • age
  • being married or in a civil partnership
  • being pregnant or on maternity leave
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • race
  • religion or beliefs
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

We had lots of discussion about how those involved would feel and what could be done about it. Help at home by asking your child what they thought to these scenarios.

Challenge your child to name all of the protected characteristics without looking, if they can!





Why are green spaces so important?

Posted on Wednesday 27 September 2023 by Miss Wilson

As geographers, it’s vital to understand the world around you and the many benefits that physical features can provide.

Y6 have been exploring what urban green spaces are, where they can be found and why they’re so important.

Evie said, “It’s not just one person’s job, it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep our locality (like green spaces) clean, tidy and safe.”

This linked nicely with our Living and Learning theme of the week – I know that rights come with responsibilities.

Have a look at some of the fantastic posters explaining the many benefits of green spaces.


Challenge your child to match the benefit we talked about in class to each of the little pictures below!

Super spelling

Posted on Wednesday 27 September 2023 by Miss Wilson

This week’s spelling has been about contractions.

Help at home by spotting them in your book when you’re reading together.

Today, the challenge was to write some silly sentences which contained contractions. Y6 were great at it – it didn’t take long!

Here’s how they got on…

They’re a bit sillier than normal because we added in the challenge of including this half term’s spellings, too!

Challenge your child to tell you the expanded forms on the contractions within this post.

Autumn term after-school clubs

Posted on Wednesday 20 September 2023 by Mrs Taylor

*Availability update*

Thank you for the great take up so far of our after-school clubs. Some clubs are now open to other year groups. Please see below for spaces that are still available to book.
Fun and Games – limited spaces available 
Reading Club – limited spaces available
Multi-sports – spaces available (now open to Y3)
Wake Up Shake Up – full
Sewing Club – full
Dodgeball – limited spaces available 
Yoga – spaces available (now open to Reception)
Netball – spaces available (now open to Y3)
Hama bead Club – full
Drama – limited spaces available 
Street Dance (Flex Dance) – full
Girls Football – spaces available (now open to Y2 and Y3)
Basketball KS1 – limited spaces available
Basketball KS2 –  spaces available
Lego Club – full

Our after-school clubs are available for booking on schoolcomms. Please contact the office if you need any further information or help with booking places. Clubs will begin next week.

Science: classifying animals

Posted on Tuesday 19 September 2023 by Miss Wilson

This morning, we’ve been learning about the observable characteristics of different types of animals and plants.

In the photographs, children are finding the characteristics of the different types of vertebrates.

If there is something they are not sure about, they’re using iPads to do secondary research to get an answer.

Help at home by discussing our science vocabulary for this unit!

Passing and ‘Keepie Uppies’!

Posted on Tuesday 19 September 2023 by Miss Wilson

This half term, Y6 have been improving their football skills.

We’ve focused on passing, so far. Check out the clips below – especially the composure of the first person where she found a successful pass in a game!

Passing in a game and practising the skill uncontested.

We’ve also been trying our hand (well, foot) at a personal challenge – how many ‘Keepie Uppies’ can you do?

Check out some of our first attempts below!

IMG_1354 IMG_1352 IMG_1349

Help at home by discussing the best technique for a pass, why a footballer needs to keep fit or what happens to your body during exercise!

Book Club

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2023 by Miss Wilson

Y6 Book Club will now be every Wednesday. This is so that it’s closer to homework on a Friday – I’m sorry for the confusion!

In this week’s Book Club, we celebrated the amazing words and phrases we have come across in the texts we’re reading.

We had a lovely, relaxing reading session and made note of and discussed some inspiring vocabulary or words that made us curious.

Help at home by exploring the meaning of words and phrases when you’re reading together at home. Talk about the word class, root word or other sentences you might find it in.

Living and Learning – 8Rs

Posted on Tuesday 12 September 2023 by Miss Wilson

This week, Y6 discussed the 8Rs for learning. One of them even is mentioned in our school rules!

  • ready
  • responsible
  • risk-taking
  • responsive
  • resourceful
  • reflective
  • resilient
  • remembering

Challenge your child to match the statements we talked about in class to one of the 8Rs for learning.

  1. I am on time for my learning.
  2. I can give my opinion when I’m not feeling too confident.
  3. I know where to find information and use it in my learning.
  4. I learn from my mistakes.

Help at home by discussing which Rs you think are most important in different situations, most common or easiest to do / be.

Blue Peter Book Badges – apply now!

Posted on Tuesday 12 September 2023 by Miss Wilson

Do you like reading? Do you fancy getting your hands on an exclusive Blue Peter Badge? Now is your chance!

Blue Peter are introducing their exciting new Book badge, designed by one of the UK’s best known illustrators, Sir Quentin Blake, who you might know from bringing to life characters such as Roald Dahl’s BFG and Matilda! To earn your badge, just share your love of books with Blue Peter by answering the questions on the website! You can apply using the online form or by post.

Make sure you get an adult to help you!

Please read this information before applying.

Good luck!

Living and Learning – rules

Posted on Thursday 07 September 2023 by Miss Wilson

This week’s Living and Learning session was all about the school rules and why they’re important.

  • We’re respectful.
  • We’re ready.
  • We’re safe.

Have a look at these illustrations below and see if you can work out which school rule they’re representing.

Help at home by discussing these rules we have at school and how they might be similar or different to the ones you have at home or in wider society.