Year 6 Class News

Welcome back!

Posted on Wednesday 06 September 2023 by Miss Wilson

A very warm welcome from me, Miss Wilson!

I hope you had a happy and healthy summer. It’s been a pleasure seeing the class again and fab to get properly stuck in to Y6.

Here’s some important days to note down:

  • Book Club will be on Mondays so please bring your signed Reading Record in then.
  • Our library slot is every Tuesday.
  • PE will happen on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Our first class assembly is on 29 November.

My door is always open should you have any questions, comments or concerns. I’m really looking forward to the year ahead!

Miss Wilson

Thank you to Roundhegians

Posted on Wednesday 19 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

We had a great sports day last Thursday and thanks go to Roundhegians Rugby Club for once again allowing us to use their great facilities.

Have a look at the options for rugby coaching available at the club.

We know the children appreciated it too.




Being healthy themed week: bike safety

Posted on Sunday 16 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to Stu and Alex from Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative, based in Chapel Allerton, for visiting this during our Being Healthy week.

They were kept busy by checking lots of bikes to ensure they were safe to use. Thank you to everyone who brought their bike into school.

Then, Year 5 and 6 learnt some different bike maintenance tips to do on their own bikes.

Being healthy themed week: staff vs pupils netball

Posted on Wednesday 12 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

At our final netball after-school club, and as it is our being healthy themed week, we enjoyed a hard fought match between the pupils and staff.
The children have progressed really well with their netball skills this term and we hope the Year 6 netballers continue to enjoy this sport as they move to high school.

Book Club

Posted on Friday 07 July 2023 by Mr Wain

This afternoon, we took advantage of our new green space and lovely weather and took our reading books outside. Some of us read FirstNews, some of us read our library books and the rest of us took atlases out and improved our geography knowledge.

Help at home by giving your child as many opportunities to read as possible!

Being Healthy themed week 10 July

Posted on Thursday 06 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Our next whole school themed week, based around Being Healthy, will be taking place from Monday 10th July. This is the second of two themed weeks in the year.


Junior Warrior 2023!

Posted on Friday 30 June 2023 by Mr Wain

Today, Year 6 attended Junior Warrior 2023 at Bramham Park!

Junior Warrior is a 3KM course full of tricky obstacles and lots and lots of… MUD!

Everybody who attended in our class finished and was awarded a medal for their efforts! Well done, Y6!

Maths Murder Mystery

Posted on Thursday 22 June 2023 by Mr Wain

On Monday, some of Year 6 did something different in Maths: we solved a murder mystery!

The class were given some problem solving clues and had to figure out who the killer was. The clues involved different capacities such as litres and millilitres, grams and kilograms and centimetres.

The final question involved finding the area of biscuits, revealing that the murderer had been Daphne. Well done to the whole class as they figured it out!

Help at home by including your child in cooking and baking so that they are used to different measurements.

Allerton Grange: Inter-Primary School Sports Day

Posted on Thursday 22 June 2023 by Mr Wain

This week, 32 of our Y5s and Y6s took part in an inter-primary school sports day at Allerton Grange High School.

Events included; obstacle, relay, sprint, 1/2 lap, a full lap and more! Everybody tried their best and had lots of fun!

Well done to everyone for finishing fourth, too!

Here are some pictures of us in action!

Production – Porridge!

Posted on Wednesday 21 June 2023 by Mr Wain

Hi everybody!

Please make sure you bring your costumes and props outlined in last week’s letter to school no later than Monday 26th June. If you don’t have any of the items listed for your role, please let an adult in Y5 or 6 know before this Friday.

Keep practising your lines at home and get into the character you are portraying!

Thanks everyone!