Year 6 Class News

Robinwood Residential 2023

Posted on Thursday 08 June 2023 by Mr Wain

This week has been Y6’s residential!

We arrived on Wednesday morning and were thrown straight into activities!

These have included; Zip-line, caving, dungeon, piranha pool, trapeze, canoeing, raft building and climbing wall! Here’s some pictures of us below!


Plenty more of fun activities await us tomorrow!

Living and Learning: Physical Health

Posted on Friday 26 May 2023 by Mr Wain

In L&L, we learned about how physical activity can help our physical health as well as our mental health.

It is recommended that a child gets at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day to help reduce the chance of developing diseases and to help maintain healthy bones and muscles.

60 minutes  of physical activity could be walking, running, or anything that makes your heart beat faster.

We also talked about how physical activity releases chemicals into our brains to make us feel good. We also learnt that when we exercise, we have more energy which then means we can concentrate more and means we are more energised and alert!

Help at home: Try out a new sport or type of physical activity over the half term!

Living and Learning: Healthy Eating

Posted on Thursday 25 May 2023 by Mr Wain

In Living and Learning, we discussed the importance of a balanced diet and the advice of ‘five-a-day’.  We enjoyed this learning outside during a circle time!

Circle times are a great time in the week to have honest, open and mature discussions in a different seating arrangement!

In our circle time, we talked not only about a balanced diet and ‘five-a-day’ but about the different food groups and the benefits they provide our bodies!

Did you know:

  •  You should only have 150ml of fruit juice a day?
  • If you drink a fruit smoothie, it only counts as one portion no matter how many different fruits are in there?
  • Dried fruit should be eaten as a dessert rather than a snack to prevent tooth decay?
  • It is healthier to buy tinned fruit in juices rather than syrup?

Help at home: Visit the NHS website which gives more information about portion sizes and healthy choices.  Then, with this knowledge, why not try to plan, prepare and enjoy a healthy meal which contributes towards your five-a-day.

Women’s role after WW2

Posted on Tuesday 23 May 2023 by Mr Wain

After the end of WW2, women who had been working in munitions factories and doing agricultural work for the Women’s Land Army had to return to more traditional roles as men returned from war.

Having their horizons narrowed, women who worked during the war told stories to their daughters about the experiences of work they’d had during WW2.

As a result, the 60s and 70s saw the emergence of feminist groups who protested against the inequality between women and men.

In our history learning, we made freeze frames to illustrate how women felt after the end of WW2. Feelings of anger, solidarity and a longing to return to the jobs they had experienced during the war were prominent.

Help at home by asking your child if they can remember what the end of WW2 meant for women. This website is useful to recap our learning, too:

Well done, Y6!

Emma Carroll

Posted on Monday 22 May 2023 by Mr Fayers

This morning, Year 5 and 6 spoke to author Emma Carroll on Zoom. Author of Secrets of the Sun King and Letters from the Lighthouse, two of our class novels, we listened to Emma talk about her books and the writing process. We asked her questions including her normal writing day and her characters. It was great to have the opportunity to hear from a real author whose books we have enjoyed. 

This afternoon, we had a debating session. We argued about several topics and everyone was very engaged and wanted to have their say. Our final debate was on banning homework, and although close, the class agreed that we should not ban it. Well done Year 6, I was very impressed by your speaking and listening skills!

Help at home by asking your child what they learnt from listening to Emma Carroll and ask them to articulate their view on banning homework.


Posted on Sunday 21 May 2023 by Mrs Taylor

City of Leeds Basketball, who provide our after-school basketball clubs, have a range of sessions for children of all ages.

Visit their website to book.

Blitz News Report

Posted on Thursday 18 May 2023 by Mr Fayers

Over the last few weeks, we have been planning and writing a piece of journalistic writing. We reported as if we were in 1940s Leeds after an aerial attack from the Luftwaffe (German air force). Each report included main news, background information, quotes and speculation about what may happen in the future. Everyone published their work this week by writing it up in the format of a newspaper. Well done Year 6, the reports were very impressive!

Kirtan wrote:
Yesterday at 18:32, the Luftwaffe attacked Leeds. It was a regular night and clearly we were unprepared. Nazi bombing was so powerful that 258 people were injured and 65 people died in the raid.

Isla reported:
It is thought that as many as 1,943 civilians were made homeless and many houses were severely damaged. Only some families were able to seek refuge in their Anderson shelters or underground and survive the devastating attack.

Abdullah said:
A witness, 30 year-old John Cambridge, was terrified. He stated that when he came out to play with his friends, it was catastrophic. Another witness, Cole Manan said; “Me and my family were scared.”

Jodie reported:
Over the next few weeks, it is expected that everything will be back in order. The death toll is expected to rise due to unexploded bombs.

Help at home by asking your child what the structure and features of journalistic writing are.

Auditions for Y5/6 Production: Porridge

Posted on Thursday 18 May 2023 by Mr Wain

If you would like to audition for a specific role in this year’s production, please read on!

  1. Select a role you would like to audition for.
  2. Select no more than one page of dialogue to practise from the script.
  3. Rehearse for your audition which will take place on one of the following days:

Tuesday 23rd May

Wednesday 24th May

Thursday 25th May

Please tell your class teacher which role you will be auditioning for on Friday 19th May.

SATs Week!

Posted on Friday 12 May 2023 by Mr Wain

After much preparation, Y6 completed their SATs tests this week. They have all worked extremely hard and should all be proud of themselves.

As a reward, we enjoyed an afternoon at Moortown park and ate some ice-creams as well!

Well done Y6 – have a great weekend!

Red Cross: Asylum Seekers

Posted on Friday 05 May 2023 by Mr Wain

On Friday morning, we had a visitor from the Red Cross visit Year 6 to help us learn about refugees and asylum seekers.

We discussed empathy and the experience of asylum seekers, thinking about how we would respond if we were forced to flee our country. We read a story about a 13-year-old Syrian refugee and used key words from the story to create a poem.

Here is a poem written by one of our Year 6s:

School is free
Healthcare is free
Loving family
Everything changed
Uncle died
Have to move
Have to prove my identity
Been abused
Been robbed
Need to rotate
To reunite with my family


Help at home: ask your child what a refugee is and one thing they would do differently after today’s workshop.