Year 6 Class News

Living and Learning: I know the importance of sleep

Posted on Friday 28 April 2023 by Mr Wain

In this week’s L&L session, we learnt about the importance of sleep.

It’s recommended that at 10 years of age, you get 10 hours of sleep per night to reap the following benefits:

1. Concentration – increased concentration on tasks throughout the day

2. Health – you’ll feel fuller thus making it easier to maintain a healthy weight

3. Decision making – more decisive decision making

4. Memory – short term memory is transferred into long term memory

5. Mood – a better mood and less irritable

6. Repair – body’s muscles, organs and tissues are repaired during sleep

Well done, Gurvar, who received this week’s L&L certificate!

Help at home: establish a clear, structured nighttime routine with your child to ensure they get the recommended amount of sleep each night. This will help their social, mental, emotional and physical health!

Dissecting Alstroemerias

Posted on Friday 21 April 2023 by Mr Wain

In this week’s science learning, we expanded our understanding of the anatomy and reproductive cycle of a plant.

We did this by dissecting alstroemerias and labelling the different parts.

After this, we created a cartoon comic strip to illustrate how alstroemerias (and similar plants) reproduce.

Help at Home: See if your child can remember the different parts of a plant. Even better if: they could draw a labelled diagram to illustrate their understanding! 

West Yorkshire School Games Cross Country Final

Posted on Thursday 20 April 2023 by Mrs Taylor

A huge well done to our star Year 6 star runner who, after finishing 1st place in the Leeds final, represented Leeds today in the rearranged West Yorkshire Final at Temple Newsam. He ran a fantastic race and finished in a very impressive 6th place out of a very large field. What a great achievement!



Coronation celebration – Themed Menu 05 May 2023

Posted on Wednesday 19 April 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu for the Coronation Celebration on Friday 05 May 2023. See the menu here.

Please contact the office, in the next few days, if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).

Big Walk and Wheel final results

Posted on Monday 17 April 2023 by Mrs Taylor

After the two week Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel walking, scooting and cycling challenge, we now have the final results.

In our category of small primary schools, we finished in 24th place out of 514 schools with an average of 91.14% of our journeys to school being active. We achieved the highest national (24th) and Northern England (5th) ranking out of those schools in Leeds taking part.

This is a great achievement and we want to thank families for supporting this challenge.

We hope these active journeys continue as by walking, cycling and scooting to school, you are helping us make a positive change to the school run. With less cars close to the school gates, this is a safer and healthier way to start the day.

Smart Money Award 2023

Posted on Monday 27 March 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Today, we welcomed Nicola and Linda from HSBC to our whole school assembly to present us with our Smart Money Award 2023.

This is awarded for financial education lessons which took place in school for all classes last summer as part of our Living and Learning curriculum.

Nicola combined this visit with some more financial education for the children.


Big Walk and Wheel – getting active on the way to school

Posted on Sunday 26 March 2023 by Mrs Taylor

It’s been a great start to Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel walking, scooting and cycling challenge this week.

After the first five days, we are currently in 14th place (out of 514 schools) in the small primary category with an average of 90.36% of our journeys to school being active. This is a great achievement and we want to thank families for supporting this challenge.

To keep up with the leader board for the rest of the challenge, it can be viewed here.

Thank you to those families who brought along bikes to the bike register event too. Nineteen bikes were registered at school.

By walking, cycling and scooting to school, you are helping us make a positive change to the school run. With less cars close to the school gates, this is a safer and healthier way to start the day.

The Big Walk and Wheel challenge continues until Friday 31st March so we look forward to seeing our progress over the upcoming week.

Making Pizza!

Posted on Thursday 23 March 2023 by Mr Wain

Recently, Y6 spent the morning in groups making pizza!

We followed a recipe and created our own pizzas from scratch!

Firstly, we made the dough and kneaded it into shape.

Then, we made our tomato sauce for our base.

After that, we prepared our toppings before placing them onto our tomato base.

Once we’d cooked our pizzas, it was time to enjoy!

Well done, Y6!

Active Travel

Posted on Friday 17 March 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Next week sees the start of Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel walking, scooting and cycling challenge. It inspires pupils to make active journeys to school, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and discover how these changes benefit their world.

Join us to take part in this challenge by walking, scooting, biking or park and stride from Marks and Spencers to school from Monday 20th March – Friday 31st March.

As part of this active travel event, we will be hosting a bike register session on Tuesday 21st March. Pupils, parents and family are invited to bring along their bikes to be registered at this bike security marking event at school.

Girls Dynamos Cricket

Posted on Thursday 16 March 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Dynamos Cricket provides girls from 8-11 years old with sessions of non-stop fun. Each week there will be a focus on a different cricket skill to build their confidence and ability, before they take part in a 60-ball countdown cricket match.
Locally, there’s a girls only Dynamos Cricket eight week programme at Meanwood Cricket Club starting on Saturday 6th May.
Use this link for more information and to sign up.