Living and Learning: Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
Over the last two weeks, we’ve been learning all about drugs, alcohol and tobacco in our L&L sessions.
We talked about what drugs, alcohol and tobacco are and the effects and impacts they can have.
We learnt that drugs can have both positive and negative impacts and discussed the difference between illegal drugs and legal drugs prescribed by doctors.
How can you help at home?
Talk to your child and recap/consolidate their learning by having conversations about drugs, alcohol and tobacco!
Spring term after-school clubs
Living and Learning: Mental Health
In a recent Living and Learning session, we learnt all about mental health and we recognised why it is important.
Firstly, we talked about what mental health means. It’s our thoughts and feelings, emotions and how we feel inside.
Next, we chatted about big feelings – ones that could stop us from doing things and small feelings – ones that feel big at the time but go away after time.
After that, we discussed and recorded different self care techniques. We can refer to these when we need to!
Here are some pictures of us during our learning!
Who’s theory was correct? Aristotle or Galileo?
In this week’s science learning, we conducted a fair test.
Does the mass of an object affect the rate in which it falls?
Aristotle’s theory suggests that the mass of an object does affect the rate in which it falls and that heavier objects fall quicker!
However, in 1590, Galileo tested this theory by, according to legend, dropping two cannonballs of similar size but different masses off the Leaning Tower of Pisa and seeing when they hit the ground.
This week, we conducted a similar test.
We tested out Aristotle’s theory by dropping different objects of similar size but different masses and recorded their time of impact with the ground.
We found that mass doesn’t affect the rate in which objects fall. The slight difference in time is due to forces like air resistance.
Great learning, Y6!
Skipping ropes
We continue to work with Skipping School as part of the Year 2 and Year 4 skipping festivals.
While you might be thinking about Christmas presents, we have skipping ropes available to purchase from school for a subsidised price of £3. These are available in two sizes and a range of colours.
Junior leaders attend Youth Summit
Today, our Year 5 and 6 junior leaders, along with other children and young people from local primary and secondary schools, attended the Inner North East Community Committee Youth Summit at the Civic Hall.
We had the chance to meet and question councillors from the Moortown, Chapel Allerton and Roundhay wards and get involved with sharing views about youth activities for our local area.
We were then taken to the council chambers to meet the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Bob Gettings, where he took questions from the children. We learnt lots about his role.
The event was a great opportunity for the children to see how the council is run and give their views on issues in their local community. What great representatives of the school they were!
It was brilliant! We got to meet the Lord Mayor of Leeds.
It was amazing! We got to ask lots of questions and the Lord Mayor and councillors gave really good replies.
I liked hearing about the councillors’ experiences and what they do in their area.
I enjoyed it as you got to have a say.
Art: drawing from direct observation!
In today’s art lesson, we practised drawing from direct observation. We practised drawing leaves – the subject of a lot of William Morris’ designs.
To be successful, we had to:
– be resilient
– draw lightly (so we could rub out if needed)
– draw what we could see (not what we thought was there)
– add shade to show dark and light parts of our leaf
Here are a few pieces of work!
Me and My Community Week!
Last week in school, we had a themed week. The theme was:
Me and My Community
The week saw us enjoy a whole host of different tasks, activities and fun things to do with our community!
On Tuesday, we went to Allerton Grange High School and enjoyed a drama session where we role played showcasing the things we love about Moortown Primary School.
On Wednesday, we had a visitor come and talk to us and raise our awareness of the visually impaired.
On Thursday, we had visitors from the LGBTQ+ community come and talk to us about their community.
On Friday, we had the Leeds United Football Foundation come and talk to us about diversity, equality and inclusion. Then, in the afternoon, West Yorkshire Police came and talked to us about hate crimes.
A very important, jam-packed week for everyone! Well done, Y6!
Felix dies tibi sit! Happy birthday to you!
Salvette Omnes! (Hello Everyone!)
In today’s Latin lesson, we learnt about a birthday invitation that was sent during the Roman period in Britain.
After that, we read a passage about the birthday party and translated it from Latin to English. Using our Latin pronunciation skills, we took the roles of the different characters and role played the birthday party!
Coincidentally, we had a birthday in our class so we were able to sing happy birthday to them in Latin!
Felix dies tibi sit
Felix dies tibi sit
Felix dies care (m) cara (f) _______
Felix dies tibi sit
Great learning, Y6!
The PTA needs you..
Do you want to make a difference to our school community?
Are you able to give some, time, skills or ideas?
Existing members of the Moortown Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) are urgently looking for new parents to join. The PTA is a registered charity and they are looking for parents to take on the roles of three trustees; as well as these roles, they need enough people to help out so that organising and running the fundraising events is shared between more people.
They would like to invite you to join the PTA before the AGM on Tuesday 15 November. If you are interested in joining the PTA, please contact the school office and they will put you in touch with the right people.