A lovely afternoon for some basketball!
In our first P.E. session this week, we practised our basketball skills.
Firstly, we practised dribbling. We made sure we had full control of the ball by doing little bounces close to our bodies.
Then, we progressed into moving with the basketball before getting in pairs and using our bodies to shield the ball from one another.
After this, we practised our shooting skills. We imagined a witches hat was sat on the top of the basket and aimed for the tip.
Well done, Y6!
Themed menu 04 November 2022
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Friday 04 November. Bonfire night menu. Please contact the office if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action required if your child normally has a school meal on this day).
Living and Learning: Protected Characteristics
In this week’s L&L session, we learnt about discrimination and protected characteristics.
Discrimination is… ‘the unfair treatment of people because of who they are or because they have a certain characteristic’.
We looked at a fictional planet, Figura, where we were given scenarios and had to decide if people were being treated unfairly because of who they were.
We then learnt that in Great Britain, we have laws that protect us from being discriminated under the Equality Act 2010.
This act protects people from being discriminated based on the following protected characteristics: race, age, religion or beliefs, disability, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, being pregnant or on maternity leave and being married or being in a civil partnership.
After this, we looked at some scenarios and decided whether they were legal or illegal based on our learning about discrimination and protected characteristics.
Y6, like they have been in all of our L&L sessions this year, were very responsible and were able to have honest, open discussions throughout.
Keep up the good work!
Living and Learning: 8 Rs for Learning
Hi everyone!
Y6 have been very impressive during our Living and Learning (L&L) sessions so far this year. We have had some very mature, respectful and honest discussions about different aspects of L&L.
One session in particular looked at the 8 Rs for Learning.
These are the things we do in our every day lives that make us successful. These can be achieved during lesson time, playtime, lunchtime, at home, at the weekend, in the evening etc. We refer to the 8 Rs for Learning a lot during lessons but they could also be referred to at home… by you!
They are:
Responsible – trying your best with your learning (responsibility at home could be being in charge of some household jobs)
Resourceful – using our learning walls to find out an answer or getting equipment from the spares if needed
Resilient – not giving up even if the learning is tricky
Ready – being ready on 321 STOP and arriving at school on time to begin learning
Risk-taking – a safe risk includes putting your hand up even if you’re unsure of the answer
Reflective – thinking about the learning you’ve done or the day you’ve had and how it has impacted you
Responsive – responding to feedback and learning from mistakes
Remembering – remembering learning (this could be practising your times tables)
We frequently use these 8 Rs in our learning but they are valuable life skills that can be followed all the time.
See if your child shows any of the 8 Rs whilst at home or out and about. Can they remember them all?
See you soon!
Netball skills with Tracey Neville
Today, ten Year 5 and 6 children took part in a netball skills event with Tracey Neville, former England netball international and England head coach, at the opening of the new sports dome at The Grammar School at Leeds.
The children enjoyed three skills sessions – shooting, passing and defending and the consensus from all of them, was that they had a fantastic afternoon.
Themed menu 07 October 2022
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Friday 07 October. Please contact the office if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).
Check out the Cricket World Cup themed menu.
Autumn term after-school clubs
Some of our after-school clubs will be restarting next week and they will run until week commencing 05 December. Please note some clubs begin after half term when building work at school has been completed.
Places can be booked via Gateway.
Our physical activity clubs continue to be heavily subsidised through the investment of our PE and Sport Premium.
Each club has a limit on the maximum number of children who can attend. As numbers are limited we ask that you limit your child to one club initially. If there are clubs with remaining places, we will then offer these as a second club.
Please contact the office if you have any queries about the clubs or the booking system.
Library Books!
Hi everyone,
Our library day will be on a Thursday this year.
This is a chance for your child to take out two books from our library.
Children can have a maximum of two books out at any time and must bring them back if they want to change them!
Happy reading!
Mr Wain
Welcome Back!
Hi everyone!
Welcome back! We’ve had a happy and healthy start to life in Y6 and Mrs Russell and I are proud of how everybody has coped not yet being in the classroom.
Here’s some important info about this year:
- P.E. days are Mondays and Fridays (come to school in your P.E. kit on these days)
- Please come to school in the correct P.E. kit and correct uniform on non P.E. days – see our policy here if you’re unsure!
- Homework – every Friday your child will come home with a ‘Talk Time’ homework. This will be reviewed the following Friday.
- Spelling – every Friday your child will come home with a list of spellings from that week’s learning. These will be tested the following Friday.
- Reading – every Friday your child will come home with an activity to complete in their reading records. Sign underneath and leave a comment or question about your child’s reading! These will be reviewed in our Book Club session the following Friday. Reading every day is super important! This could be a book, magazine, recipe book, a synopsis on the TV guide… anything! Top tip: put the subtitles on while watching TV!
- Times Tables – every Friday your child will come home with a times tables target. Practise in short (but often) chunks of about 10-15 minutes per day! This could be on TTRS or your own method! These will be tested every Friday. Be prepared for related facts, too! E.g. if 4×6=24 then 40×6=240. Some weeks, we’ll have a TTRS battle against other classes so look out for these!
If you’ve any questions, comments or concerns, then please find me for a chat after school!
Keep up with the hard work Y6!
Summer of sport
It’s just 7 days to go until the Commonwealth Games begin in Birmingham. Watch this introductory video to find out more.
To keep active over the summer holidays, why not try these commonwealth personal best challenges at home. My Commonwealth PB incorporates skills that are used in 7 of the sports which will be taking place at the B2022
Commonwealth Games.
Use the QR codes below to see each challenge.
We’d love to hear how you get on!