Living and Learning: RSE
Year 6 have been enjoying our recent RSE learning – this is relationships and sex education. I’ve been really impressed by the maturity the children have shown during the lessons. The first couple of sessions focused on vocabulary – making sure the children understood the anatomical names for the body parts. This links well with their science learning also. We reminded the children about the NSPCC PANTS campaign that promotes the fact that privates are private, always remember your body belongs to you, no means no, talk about things that might upset you and speak up, someone can help. We’ve then moved on to talk about changes that happen during puberty, and, finally, we’ve learnt about reproduction. The children have shown great respect and empathy during these sessions.
Moortown baby in training!
Pupil health questionnaire homework
This week, our whole school homework is I can share my views about health.
We’re proud to be a happy and healthy school.
Each year, we ask you to complete a short health questionnaire. Your views can help us to become even happier and healthier.
Parents/carers: please complete this survey with your child, to find out their views on some of our key health issues at school, and comment at the end.
Please submit before Friday 15 July 2022 and as an extra incentive the class that submit the most responses will earn an extra playtime next week!
Super Sports Day
What an amazing day yesterday! Our first full sports day since the pandemic and we came back with an amazing bang! Mrs Taylor did a grand job of organising everything, as always, and all the helpers that made it run smoothly were brilliant. Mr Roundtree is a little croaky today after his commentating but I’m sure you’ll agree, it was well worth it. You will see a photo of Mrs Burke completing her final egg and spoon race as a member of staff but you never know, she might be guest of honour next year. Thank you to everyone who came along to watch!

Living and learning: drug education
This half term, part of our Living and Learning focus includes drug education. We have arranged for visitors to come into school to help to deliver this key aspect of education.
We have been working with d:side for many years and they will be visiting school to deliver sessions to all classes based around drug education on Monday 11 July and Wednesday 13 July.
d:side is a comprehensive drug & alcohol education programme that encourages children to make positive & healthy life-choices whilst promoting a pro-active attitude to life. They focus on developing the children’s knowledge, skills & attitude, whilst equipping them with the appropriate life skills to successfully manage sensitive situations with peers & encourage a positive approach to life.
As part of this visit, Dave Hill, from d:side, will be available in the playground after school on Monday 11 July 3:05-3:30pm to answer any questions about this learning.
Brownlee Triathlon
This week, some of our Key Stage 2 children took part in the Brownlee Triathlon. Sadly, this was minus the swimming as the event was running behind due to the wet weather earlier in the day.
‘I found the cycling easy but the running was harder.’ Olivia
‘I found it all really fun.’ Kian
‘I wish I hadn’t sprinted at the beginning because I didn’t realise there was more running!’ Christina
‘I was sad that we didn’t get to swim but still found it lots of fun!’ Edris
All the children behaved impeccably and showed great team spirit.
Thank you to the staff who took the children.
The AJ Bell World Triathlon Championship Series is returning to Leeds for a sixth time on 11-12 June and this year there is a chance for families to get involved.
Swim Bike Run Family – Saturday 11th June
For the first time, families can come and participate together. This is perfect for newcomers, with a 90m dip in the lake followed by a 400m walk/run. All for £10.00 per family and each finisher will receive the WTCS Leeds finishers medal. Adults must participate with the children (age 4 and above) and wetsuits are available to borrow at no additional cost. Enter here.
Swim Bike Run Kids – Saturday 11th June
We want to help children take their first step into our sport and this is a perfect opportunity, with a 90m dip in the lake followed by a 400m walk/run. This event is for children aged 8-14 years old and it’s £5 to enter. Each finisher will receive the WTCS Leeds finishers medal. Wetsuits are available to borrow at no additional cost. Enter here.
Summer term after-school clubs
Edit: places can still be booked for after-school clubs.
We have spaces available on:
Tuesday – basketball Y4-6 now open to Y3
Tuesday – rugby Y1-3 now open to reception
Thursday – multi-games Y4-6 now open to Y3
After-school clubs will be restarting next week and they will run for eight weeks until week commencing 4th July. Places can be booked via Gateway.
Our physical activity clubs continue to be heavily subsidised through the investment of our PE and Sport Premium.
Each club has a limit on the maximum number of children who can attend. As numbers are limited we ask that you limit your child to one club initially. If there are clubs with remaining places, we will then offer these as a second club.
Please contact the office if you have any queries about the clubs or the booking system.
Living and learning: mindfulness
As a happy and healthy school, we encourage pupils to look after their mental health as well as their physical health. Read our mindfulness newsletter for ideas and techniques to try to support this.
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, Chirpy, in Chapel Allerton, are hosting FREE after school Mindfulness Moments For Minis workshops. A time for children to reconnect and calm their minds.
Wednesday 11th May 4:30pm – 5:15pm Age 5-10
Thursday 12th May 4:30pm – 5:15pm Age 5-10
Friday 13th May 10am -10:30am pre school
Bookings can be made here.
By teaching mindfulness to children they learn the skills they need to build self-awareness, confidence and cope with stress. Mindfulness can help children deal with tough emotions and help them learn ways to relax and calm the mind and the body.
Living and learning – democracy
Last week, Y6 took part in a democratic vote in order to decide who was our Reading Champion.
First, we learnt about what democracy means, how our government is arranged and what they’re responsible for.

We also learnt about some of the political parties in the UK.

Next, we learnt about how laws are made.

We need laws for lots of different reasons: to keep us safe, make sure things are fair and to ensure those in power are regulated.
Finally, our Reading Champion was voted on! Congratulations, Harman!