Year 6 Class News

TTRS tournament winners (wb 17 May)

Posted on Friday 21 May 2021 by Mr Wain

Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,

Well done for all the engagement with TTRS you’re doing so far – keep it up!


The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.

With an outstanding 1675 points, this week’s winners are Y5!

A really close call between Y5 and Y3 this week but Y5 have just managed to hold off Y3 this time! What a great effort!

A massive well done to Y5 for a much improved score and speed with their times tables.

Which class will claim the coveted guitar next time? Will it be your class? There’s only one way to make that happen – go on TTRS!

Remember to give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play on TTRS. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.

All the best TTRS!

Amazing adventures

Posted on Tuesday 18 May 2021 by Mrs Weekes

Are you missing your Y6 child; house feeling empty? Looking at these photos, I don’t think they have time to miss you! Miss Wilson is keeping me updated on a daily basis with all the news; the signal isn’t great but she has managed to send some photos today.

It looks like they’re having an amazing time and the weather looks fantastic. A week may seem a long time for them to be away but they are certainly making the most of every minute.

I’m really proud that we were one of the first schools to make sure the children didn’t miss out on their residential – these photos confirm that it was definitely the right thing to do.

TTRS tournament winners (wb 10 May)

Posted on Monday 17 May 2021 by Mr Wain

Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,

Well done for all the engagement with TTRS you’re doing so far – keep it up!


The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.

With an outstanding 1284 points, this week’s winners are Y3!

A really close call between Y3 and Y6 this week but Y3 have just managed to hold off Y6 this time! What a great effort! Y3 are back on top after a few weeks of missing out!

Which class will claim the coveted guitar next time? Will it be your class? There’s only one way to make that happen – go on TTRS!

Remember to give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play on TTRS. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.

All the best TTRS!

After-school club availability

Posted on Thursday 13 May 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Our after-school clubs return from next week and we still have some places available. It is not too late if you would like to book your child on. Clubs are mainly based on your child’s class bubble at the moment.


Year 6 dodgeball (starting 24 May)

Year 2 multi-skills


Year 2 Wake up Shake up

Year 3 football


Year 4 Wake up Shake up


Year 1 multi-skills


Year 4/5 multi-games

Please check on School Gateway or contact the office for more details.

Living and learning: I know the importance of sleep.

Posted on Wednesday 12 May 2021 by Miss Wilson

Year six have been learning all about why sleep is so important.

“Sleep is important because you need your energy for the day. You grow in your sleep!” said Isabella.

“Your mind needs to rest and your body repairs itself like your muscles and skin,” explained Albie.

“If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll be in a bad mood and you won’t be able to focus on your learning,” warned Felix.

We had a great discussion about good quality sleep and poor quality sleep and how each would make us look feel and behave.

There are certain things you can do in the day to improve the quality of your sleep. You could:

  • exercise
  • spend time with pets
  • tidy your room
  • do something creative
  • eat a balanced diet

We also made action plans to help other young people with their nightly routine. Something that really stood out (and that we are all probably a bit guilty of) was limiting electronics after a certain time.

TTRS tournament winners (wb 03 May)

Posted on Friday 07 May 2021 by Mr Wain

Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,

Well done for all the engagement with TTRS you’re doing so far – keep it up!


The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.

With an outstanding 1920 points, this week’s winners are Y6!

Well, well, well… Y6 are on a streak now! Well done to Y6 – a thoroughly deserved victory.

Y3, 4 and 5 need to keep up that engagement with TTRS to reclaim the coveted guitar!

Remember to give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play on TTRS. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.

All the best TTRS!

Living and Learning: I recognise the importance of hygiene including handwashing.

Posted on Wednesday 05 May 2021 by Miss Wilson

In this week’s living and learning lesson, we talked about the importance of hygiene.

We discussed things we can do to manage our personal hygiene such as:

  • brushing teeth
  • washing hair and face
  • using deodorant
  • making sure clothes are clean
  • and washing hands!

We put on our science hats to find out the reason why tackling ‘germs’ are so important.

Challenge your child to tell you another word for a germ from our whiteboards below.

We also used some reading skills too – retrieval!

Notice how these brilliant people have highlighted key words in the question and edited with a purple pen when getting some feedback.

Finally, we decided ways we can assure germs, viruses and bacteria are not passed on.

Challenge your child to give the term for when a virus is ‘spreadable’.

Making a Chat Bot

Posted on Tuesday 04 May 2021 by Miss Wilson

In this week’s computing, Y6 were tasked with making a ‘Chat Bot’ which was an interactive quiz!

In order to make this program, they had to write a series of algorithms which looked like this…

Challenge your child to define both program and algorithm! Here they are in action!

We had to work as a team, constantly checking our code in case there was a bug. The main aim of today’s session was to practise adding a variable.

Ask your child what their variable was and how it worked.

When we found a bug, we used logical reasoning to debug it – it felt so satisfying to finally fix the problem that has been truly bugging you!

Finally, we showed our Chat Bot quizzes to the rest of the class for them to play along, with some really funny results!

Using selection meant that our Chat Bots responded to us differently depending on which answer we’d given – the program chose which algorithm to carry out.

Clever stuff, Y6!

Remember: if you want to practise at home, you can! Have a go on Scratch online.

Captain Tom’s 100 Challenge

Posted on Tuesday 04 May 2021 by Miss Wilson

Today, Y6 completed a 100 Goal Challenge!

Captain Tom 100 is a way to spread a message of hope and resilience in memory of him and we also raised some money along the way.

We each took turns taking a penalty (and also had a go in goal, too!).

There were some super saves and celebrations…

… some superb shots…

… and some silky skills on show!

Doing something new to test ourselves whilst raising money felt really good.

(No Y6s were harmed in the making of these celebratory photographs.)

We are Times Tables Rockstar Champions!

Posted on Tuesday 04 May 2021 by Miss Wilson

Congratulations Y6! We won our first ever battle last week with a spectacular 2006 points!

As you can see, we were really pleased…

… but the rock ‘n’ roll even seemed to get the better of one or two of us!

Just kidding… keep on rocking out Y6!