Year 6 Class News

Free White Rose Rugby event for all pupils

Posted on Sunday 16 January 2022 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our partnership with White Rose Rugby and Moortown Rugby Club, here is an invite to a free rugby event, for all pupils, on Sunday 23rd January.
Last term, White Rose Rugby worked with classes for curriculum PE and also delivered the Thursday after-school rugby club.
We hope you can take up this opportunity for a fun morning at Moortown Rugby Club. Click here to register for the event.

Performing (and remembering) poetry

Posted on Friday 14 January 2022 by Miss Wilson

This week’s homework was to memorise the poem From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Y6 performed their poems this afternoon and did so with voice projection, expression and a great pace.

We also had a chat about how we went about learning them. We came up with several different ideas. Some techniques worked for some people but others so it’s important that you try a variety of ways and see which one helps you retain whatever it is that you’re trying to remember!

Other memory techniques could be to come up with actions, make it funny or use the Roman Method of Loci method where you imagine yourself walking around a familiar place and finding items in each section of that place.

Have a discussion at home about what helps you remember something!

Writing: using dialogue to convey action

Posted on Thursday 13 January 2022 by Mr Wilks

In recent lessons, we’ve been learning to use speech punctuation to create dialogue.

In this lesson, we’re practising using dialogue to convey character. Working in pairs, children have rolled dice to determine the setting, characters and a character trait for each character. For example, they might be writing about a cheerful teacher and an angry robber in a bank. They’ve then written  a short narrative with dialogue to convey their characters.

City of Leeds Basketball

Posted on Friday 07 January 2022 by Mrs Taylor

The City of Leeds community basketball sessions will be restarting this weekend and can be booked here.  Sessions are available for children age 5-8 and age 9-11.

Living and Learning – I make healthy choices.

Posted on Friday 03 December 2021 by Miss Wilson

What does it mean to be healthy? Y6 know!

We had soooooo many ideas for how to make healthy choices and pretty much everyone in the class noted how health relates to your mind and your body, mental and physical.

Here are some of our numerous ways to stay healthy.

Then, it was time for the big debate. We practised our note making before putting our oracy skills to the test.

Should fast foot be available in school?

Have a look at some of our discussion points.

When all was said and done and everyone had contributed to the class debate, we had a democratic vote.

Should fast food be available in school?

For: 8

“Not all the time, though.”

“People should be able to sample foods from different countries.”

“We should have the choice for ourselves.”

Against: 20

“Fast food is fatty and can make you overweight.”

“You could have it at home if you liked but it shouldn’t be in schools.”

“We don’t want to ban it all together but our lunches should be healthy so you don’t suffer a sugar crash.”

Skipping ropes for sale

Posted on Wednesday 01 December 2021 by Mrs Taylor

This year we are continuing to work with Skipping School to develop the children’s skipping skills. Skipping School ropes (KS1 ropes and longer KS2 ropes) are now available to buy from the office.

Girls rugby opportunity

Posted on Wednesday 24 November 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Leos Junior Rugby Club are hosting a girls only training session, open to all girls in Reception to Year 6, on Sunday 28th November, with the aim of setting up a girls only rugby team in the area. Please see below for more information.

Cross country results

Posted on Tuesday 23 November 2021 by Mrs Taylor

The results have been checked and we are very pleased to announce that following the Leeds North East Cross Country Festival last week, Ewan (2nd – Year 5 boys) and Ralph (5th – Year 4 boys) are successfully through to the Leeds Cross Country Finals. What a great achievement to match their brilliant performances.

Commiserations to Billy (11th – Year 6 boys race), Zaid (20th – Year 6 boys race), Edris (15th – Year 6 girls race), William (12th – Year 3 boys race) and Zak (17th – Year 3 boys race) who narrowly missed out on qualifying.

Cross country stars

Posted on Monday 22 November 2021 by Mrs Taylor

What a great few days of cross country action! On Friday, twenty four Key Stage 2 children took part in the North East School Games Cross Country festival. It was great to be back competing after such a long break.

All the children put in 100% effort and we had some fantastic results which will hopefully mean a number of children will qualify for the Leeds finals once we hear the final results.

Thank you to parents who helped to accompany the children, to Allerton Grange for transporting us and lastly to all the children who competed so well and supported and encouraged each other.

I really enjoyed it.

I just enjoy running.

It was my first time but I just kept going.

It was tough but once I’d done it I felt like I’d achieved something.

It was really fun. It didn’t really matter where you came. You just tried your best.

On Saturday, a number of children took part in the Leeds Schools Athletics Association cross country race at Prince Henry’s, Otley. Well done to all children who took part and represented to school.  Once again, it was great to hear about the team spirit and support for each other.

Living and Learning: Anti-Bullying Week

Posted on Monday 15 November 2021 by Miss Wilson

If you do just one thing today, choose “one kind word”. What could you say?

Today, Y6 wore odd socks!

“It’s to show we’re all the same because we all wear socks but we’re all different because they all have different patterns!” said Sasha.

“People have different personalities and like different things. Some people may wear a plain grey or black while some may wear crazy rainbow coloured ice cream ones!” explained Edris.

“But no matter what, people should be treated fairly and respectfully,” Hashim stated.

Here are our odd socks!

We also read about the character of our class novel, Stanley Yelnats, who was having trouble with a bully. We wrote letters to encourage him to seek help.

We also reminded ourselves of our bullying definition of STOP: someone is hurting you physically or emotionally, including online, several times on purpose.

This means you need to Start Telling Other People!

Challenge your child to show you the hand signals for the child line phone number! (08001111)