Year 6 Class News

Book club

Posted on Friday 12 November 2021 by Miss Wilson

This weeks book club featured an activity called word storm!

We had to draw a picture of a character or setting from the book we’re reading and then surround it with powerful words and phrases.

Take a look…

Writing: planning a description

Posted on Wednesday 10 November 2021 by Mr Wilks

In our writing lesson this morning, we’ve been planning a setting description that we will write in the next few days. The stimulus for our writing is a short animation called Eye of the Storm.
Children have been tasked with planning descriptive phrases and figurative language that they will use in their pieces. You’ll see in the photos that children are using thesauruses to help them choose vocabulary that will bring their descriptions to life.

Here are a few examples of the descriptive ideas we came up with in the lesson:

“The black, ominous clouds were choking the airship as lightning flooded the sky.” Sasha.

“He stood there as lonely as the bruised fruit in the bottom of his fruit bowl.” Leah

“Wire protruded out of his throne-like chair. Ready, he sat calmly like a breeze dancing in June.” Saahir

“The peculiar man stood lonely and in grief as he watched the oppressive sun rise above the clouds.” Khadija

“Like man against Mother Nature, the stuttering airship fought for its life against the ever growing tempest in the sky.” Sam




Reading: retrieval of facts about Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth

Posted on Monday 08 November 2021 by Mr Wilks

In our reading lesson this morning, children have read a text about the artists Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth. They worked in pairs to retrieve facts about each artist.


Did you know that both Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth were born in West Yorkshire?

Did you know that both artists won a scholarship in 1921 to study at The Royal College of Art?

Did you know that Barbara Hepworth was often mistaken for Henry Moore’s pupil rather than his peer?

Did you know that Barbara Hepworth sadly died in a fire in 1975?

Did you know that Henry Moore, his wife Irina and his daughter Mary set up the Henry Moore Foundation in 1977?

Did you know that many of Henry Moore’s pieces were sculpted with the figures in a reclining position, taking inspiration from the landscape he had grown up in?

Odd socks day

Posted on Monday 08 November 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week.

This year’s theme is ‘One Kind Word’ and we will be taking part in Odd Socks Day on Monday 15 November.

Odd socks day is to raise awareness of our differences, individuality and personal choice. Come to school wearing your odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique.

This year, the Junior Leadership Team have requested a voluntary donation of £1 on the day to raise money for our school charity, Dog’s Trust.

Thank you for your support.

Cross country

Posted on Sunday 07 November 2021 by Mrs Taylor

We are pleased to invite KS2 children to compete in an upcoming cross country race as part of the Leeds Schools Athletics Association cross country programme of Saturday morning races. Children will compete against pupils from other Leeds schools.

The race will take place at 10am on Saturday 20 November at Prince Henry’s Grammar School, Otley.

There are opportunities for Year 3 and 4 girls and boys (under 9) to race 900m and Year 5 and 6 girls and boys (under 11) to race 1500m. Once your child has completed their race, you are free to leave the event.

Please note, parents/carers are responsible for taking and supervising their child/children.

If your child is interested in taking part, please respond to the the message recently sent out.

We look forward to pupils representing our school at this event.

There will be one more Saturday morning race this year – Saturday 6 March 2022 at Middleton Park.

If you are unable to take part, you may want to join the free Sunday morning junior parkruns held locally at Roundhay Park, Temple Newsam and Boddington.

Rugby roadshow

Posted on Wednesday 20 October 2021 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our partnership with White Rose Rugby and Moortown Rugby Club, here is an invite to a free rugby event, just for our pupils, taking place after half term on Wednesday 3rd November. White Rose Rugby have been working with classes for curriculum PE and also delivering the Thursday after-school club.

We hope you can take up this opportunity for a fun evening at Moortown Rugby Club.

Adel Tennis Club coaching

Posted on Wednesday 13 October 2021 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, Year 1, 2 and 6 are developing and improving their tennis skills in sessions led by John Moore from Adel Tennis Academy.

Adel Tennis Academy are running half term tennis camps. Click here for more information.



Performance Poetry

Posted on Monday 11 October 2021 by Miss Wilson

“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the spider to the fly

Y6 have been reading The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howitt and we performed it today! The poem comes with a warning of being careful of what the motives of strangers are.

We decided on the following R2s:

  • projection
  • expression
  • actions
  • eye contact
  • memorise it

Challenge your child to recall as much of the poem as possible!

Beforehand, for inspiration, we also listened to some other performances.

Da’wud said, “The choir performance reminds me of the song we’re listening to in music – Little Babe.”

Tanvi said: “I disagreed with Billy when he said the second performer had good expression. I think he actually had just one tone to his voice!”

Y6 Class Assembly

Posted on Saturday 09 October 2021 by Miss Wilson

Y6 are back with the first class assembly in what feels like forever!

Listen out for all the amazing tips they have for looking after your mental wellbeing… and watch to the end for some exclusive bloopers!

Well done to the whole class. We had a lot of fun making it.

Y6 talk about their feelings.


Cross country opportunities

Posted on Friday 08 October 2021 by Mrs Taylor

We are pleased to invite KS2 children to compete in an upcoming cross country race as part of the Leeds Schools Athletics Association cross country programme of Saturday morning races. Children will compete against pupils from other Leeds schools.

The race will take place at 10am on Saturday 16th October at Cardinal Heenan (Tongue Lane LS6 4QE).

There are opportunities for Year 3 and 4 girls and boys (under 9) to race 900m and Year 5 and 6 girls and boys (under 11) to race 1500m. Once your child has completed their race, you are free to leave the event.

Please note, parents/carers are responsible for taking and supervising their child/children.

If your child is interested in taking part, please respond to the the message recently sent out.

We look forward to pupils representing our school at this event.

If you are unable to take part in this event, you may want to join the free Sunday morning junior parkruns held locally at Roundhay Park, Temple Newsam and Boddington.