Year 6 Class News

I know the 8Rs!

Posted on Thursday 16 September 2021 by Miss Wilson

This week in Y6, we’ve been focusing our attention on the 8Rs.

Challenge your child to name them as quick as they can!

Not only have we made some bright and colourful posters to remind ourselves of these important learning behaviours…

…but we’ve also been threading them through our classroom atmosphere all week. Here’s what Y6 think.

“They’re sort of like school rules but fun extras. They’re easy to remember because of all the Rs and they help your learning all round,” said Leah.

Billy continued: “They’re important because you’d struggle if you didn’t use them. If you’re not resilient, you’d always give up and never be able to do anything!”

“They help people’s memories and they’re great rules to live by. They encourage you to take safe risks and become more confident,” explained Edris.

“They always help. For example you need to be ready so that you’re concentrating and you always have what you need,” stated Ashton.



Netball coaching and half term camps

Posted on Wednesday 15 September 2021 by Mrs Taylor

We are looking forward to having some coaching in school from Elite Netball Academy in the next few weeks.

Elite Netball Academy run weekly netball classes on a Saturday morning at Gateways school and they have an early bird offer for their October half term camps held locally at The Grammar School at Leeds- £25 per day if booked by 17th September.

Welcome back!

Posted on Monday 06 September 2021 by Miss Wilson

Welcome to year six – your last ever year of primary school!

Today has been a lovely day. It’s been great to get stuck in, especially with a more “normal” break and lunch time.

In the half term ahead, we’ve got lots of exciting things to look forward to…

In maths, we’ll be focusing on place value and some basic number facts eg adding and subtracting two and one digit numbers. Help at home by practising calculations such as 23 – 7 or 16 + 8. Remember… no counting on fingers allowed!

In reading, we’ll be recapping our basic skills of retrieval, interpret and choice. Very excitingly, this half term’s class novel is Survivors – one of my all time favourite books. Ask your child about the girl who fell from the sky…

In writing, we’ll be looking at must dos which are really basic writing skills that are absolutely vital to get right. This includes avoiding squashed sentences and making sure we have capital letters and full stops.

This half term is all about geography. It’s an interesting one where we will take a look at the benefit of green urban spaces and how cities have changed over time. Check out this tool on Google Maps to see how school has changed over time. You could see how your own front garden has changed, too!

Some useful reminders:

  • PE is on a Monday and Wednesday.
  • No earrings are allowed in PE and hair should be tied back.
  • Our library slot is on a Thursday.
  • Reading Records need to be completed weekly (more info to follow).
  • Every child needs a water bottle in school every day.
  • There is a gate now available from Moortown Park.
  • The school uniform policy is on our website. Please check if you are unsure about any items of clothing or footwear.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at any time if you need any help.

Miss Wilson

Tennis opportunities

Posted on Wednesday 21 July 2021 by Mrs Taylor

If your child enjoys tennis or wants to try it out, tennis camps are taking place locally at these clubs over the summer holidays.

Roundhay tennis club

Chapel Allerton tennis

Adel Tennis Club

Thanks to Roundhegians

Posted on Tuesday 20 July 2021 by Mrs Taylor

We are very grateful to Roundhegians Rugby Club for hosting our sports days once again this year and allowing us to use their excellent facilities.

Roundhegians have a variety of rugby training sessions, from under 6 through to under 17, and these sessions will resume on Sunday 5th September.

For more information, please contact their chair of junior rugby, Chris Fongwah (

Multi-sport summer camps

Posted on Friday 16 July 2021 by Mrs Taylor

White Rose Rugby, in partnership with Moortown RUFC, have been delivering some great rugby sessions in school this term including sessions as part of our Being Healthy themed week.
Over the summer break, they will be running multi-sport camps locally at Moortown RUFC. To book, click on this link

Home learning heroes

Posted on Thursday 15 July 2021 by Miss Wilson

Just because Y6 are distanced, it doesn’t mean we haven’t been producing the same excellent quality writing as we would in school.

This week, we’ve been writing persuasive letters. Challenge your child to explain the audience and purpose for this text type.

First, we planned out our letter and even had to do some research on our chosen topic (which was whatever we were passionate about) and then we wrote, using existing examples as templates, before editing.

Check out these awesome examples. I’m persuaded by all of them!









TTRS tournament winners (wb 07 June)

Posted on Monday 14 June 2021 by Mr Wain

Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,

Well done for all the engagement with TTRS you’re doing so far – keep it up!


The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.

With an outstanding 987 points, this week’s winners are Y3!

Y3 have been able to retain the top spot in TTRS in our final tournament!

The TTRS tournaments are having a little break so for now, keep up the good work and don’t forget to challenge your friends and teachers!

Remember to give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play on TTRS. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.

All the best TTRS!

Living and Learning: Body Image

Posted on Friday 11 June 2021 by Miss Wilson

This week’s Living and Learning theme surrounded body image.

First, we thought about what the term body image meant to us.

Next, we discussed school’s definition and compared the different definitions that we’d talked about.

We thought about what in our lives might be influencing us to think a certain way. This might be a pressure to look or act like others.

Something we kept returning to was the fact that you should love who you are and it doesn’t matter what height or weight you are or what colour hair or skin you’ve got. It matters what’s on the inside and respecting yourself.

Nobody on earth is youer than you! Celebrate what makes you unique.

Lastly, we discussed the power of words.

Imagine everyone carries around an imaginary bucket and it gets filled with the words people say to them.

Would you rather have your bucket filled with positivity or negativity? The former, of course!

To match our L&L statement for the week (I can pay and receive compliments in a sensible way), we filled each other’s buckets with positivity!

It was important to focus our compliments on the inside rather than outside – things people can actually change.

Design & Technology: Eggy needs help!

Posted on Tuesday 08 June 2021 by Miss Wilson

To kick off their last ever half term (!), Y6 are beginning a design and technology journey!

We had an urgent message from someone asking for our help…

We took a look at our new vocabulary and decided how confident we felt as a class.

  • red = I’ve never heard this term before and have no clue what it means!
  • amber = I’ve heard of it but wouldn’t be able to fully explain.
  • green = I’m super confident about this word in a DT context!

Here are the definitions! Get practising!

Finally, we explored the materials for our project which includes tools, such as a hacksaw and hand drill, and materials, such as wood and cork.

Here’s what we thought:

  • “I’m excited for the making stage,” said Leo.
  • “I’m excited to work in a group and cooperate with people,” Safiya-Mishal beamed.
  • “I’m excited to see what other people make!” Musa said.
  • “I’m excited to plan it because it’s going to be fun to draw what it will look like,” explained Alishbah.
  • “I look forward to designing Eggy’s car because it’ll give me a lot of ideas and I’m creative,” said Pollyanna.
  • “I’m excited to use the tools because they look so interesting. I’ve not done it before!” enthused Joude.
  • “I can’t wait to test it to see if the egg will fall out or if my car will stay intact!” said Moh.
  • “I’m looking forward to everything!” exclaimed Daisy.