Geography: rising sea levels
In our topic lessons, we’ve been looking at climate change and how it’s contributing to ice caps melting.
We’ve looked at low lying countries and coastal regions such as the Solomon Islands.
We watched quite an impactful video where an island called Kale has completely disappeared over the last ten years due to rising sea levels.
We thought about the impacts that the rising sea levels has on a place like the Solomon Islands.
Help at home by researching ways we can slow down climate change at home.
Active travel and safety around the school gate
Living and Learning: drug education
For the past two weeks, we have been focussing on drug education. We defined a drug as ‘a substance that changes the way the body or mind works.’
Year 6 looked at what might influence a person to use drugs. They were asked to discuss what would most influence whether a person would use the drug. This is a group’s answer ranked with the most likely influence at the top.
They were then asked to rank what is mostly likely to influence someone not to use the drug. This was another group’s answer.
As this was group work, the children used their oracy skills of actively listening to others and respond respectfully as we know that people can have different opinions.
Knowing people can be influenced, we looked at the 3 different ways someone can respond to the pressure.
The children were given scenarios to read and asked to identify who or what the character is being influenced by and whether they are feeling pressure, including peer pressure (pressure from those around them). Then, consider the different ways the character could respond:
∙What would be an example of a passive response? For example, joining in with the group to feel included
∙What would be an example of an aggressive response? For example, shouting “no” and being rude to others
∙What would be an example of an assertive response? For example, saying a calm, firm but polite “no thanks”
Help at home: Read the scenario and discuss what would the 3 ways to respond be.
Spring term after-school clubs
We’ve had a great first week to our after-school clubs. There are some places available on the following clubs if your child would like to join. Please refer to the letter below to show the relevant year groups.

Writing: speech
This week, we’ve been practising using speech punctuation in writing.
We’ve looked at the rules for writing dialogue (of which there are a lot!) before applying them ourselves.
We’ve also worked on some transcription – I read a sentence out to the class which contained speech and they had to listen carefully and write it down correctly. It’s a difficult skill but it was very helpful when we were learning about where each punctuation goes.
It was great to have a bit of freedom as well in our writing. We could choose to write about any two characters as long as we gave them completely different characters. It was fun!
Help at home by looking out for the speech punctuation when you’re reading (every day!) at home.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
I’m confident 2025 will be a great year for Y6, especially if our first term was anything to go by.
Our new class novel will be The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie.
It follows the story of Daniel, an orphan, whose life turns upside down when he enters a mysterious shop.
If you like the book – good news! – there are another two in the series to sink your teeth into.
Saturday morning cross country runners
Well done to all our KS2 pupils who took part in the third Leeds Schools Sports Association cross country race at Prince Henry’s Grammar School in Otley on Saturday morning.
It was great to have some first time runners this time and many improved their race positions from last time.
Thank you to parents who supported at the event.
There is one more race this season and information will be sent about these nearer the time. Please note there is a new registration system this year with all children being registered prior to their first race to take part.
Living and Learning: mental wellbeing
This week, Y6 looked at how to spot a worry.
We talked a lot about what works for us when we’re feeling worried or stressed out, including some of these ideas below.
We also had some great advice for others for what they should do in tricky situations. Most of it came down to speaking about it to someone you trust as soon as you recognise it as worrying you.
We said worries can be like a snowball: if it rolls down a hill it will get bigger and bigger, just like if you bottle up your emotions. Talking about things can make sure that it doesn’t turn into an avalanche!
North East Leeds cross country
** UPDATE ** Eight of our runners have qualified for the Leeds cross country final – congratulations!
Today, thirty of our Key Stage 2 children took part in the Leeds North East School Games Cross Country festival at Roundhay High School attended by twenty nine schools.
We had a great start from our Year 3 runners with three children coming in the top 15 including an amazing third and fifth place! Then, an effortless first place by one of our Year 4 runners was a great achievement. After that, we saw some excellent efforts and determination from the rest of the children throughout the afternoon with great support and encouragement from the other pupils.
Well done to all the children who took part and represented the school. We are sure there will be some qualifiers for the next race, the Leeds final. Watch this space!
Thank you to the parents who came along to help and support at this event.
If you’re child would like to take part in cross country, have a look at our physical activity guide for details of local running clubs and junior Park Runs.
Some of the children who took part, are regular runners at the Leeds Schools Sports Association Saturday morning cross country races. Details will shortly be sent out for the next race on Saturday 14th December.
Observational Drawing
In very exciting news, Y6 got to choose their own leaf from The Green today to become the subject of an observational drawing! The sheer joy was palpable as we made our way outside to carefully select The One.
We used lines to create the leaf’s shape, texture and colour.
Help at home by giving this same activity a go! Narrate what you’re doing and why.
Check out some of the finished articles below.