Year 6 Class News

Hall of Home Learning Fame

Posted on Tuesday 28 April 2020 by Miss Wilson

Drum roll, please!

Here is the first ever Hall of Home Learning Fame MOVIE!

Keep sending in your (very fun to watch) entries – videos are ideal – and keep your eyes peeled for a special challenge from me and Mr Wain!

Thanks for working so hard, guys.


Hall of Home Learning Fame

Posted on Monday 20 April 2020 by Miss Wilson

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to another edition of the Y6 Hall of Home Learning Fame!  [deafening applause]

A huge congratulations to the winners below who have managed to snatch a place on the latest #HoHLF leaderboard!

First up, here at #HoHLF HQ, we were wowed by these amazing pieces of art!

Next up, the nature category! These entrants used the great outdoors and their own fab creativity to make patterns in the world around them. Maybe we should make the penguin on the third photo the #HoHLF mascot? Tweet us!

Third on the list is the adventure category where these brilliant dens prove you can make an awesome hiding place anywhere you like! I’ve also heard these were used for an ace reading spot – #HoHLF bows down to you!

And finally… it’s amazing what science experiments you can do at home!

Well done to everyone on this edition of #HoHLF! Tune in next time to see if you’ve made the highly sought after list!

Hall of (Home Learning) Fame

Posted on Tuesday 31 March 2020 by Miss Wilson

Hello and welcome to the first ever – drum roll please – Hall of (Home Learning) Fame! [crowd goes wild]

I was inundated with emails where you guys were keeping me updated with your amazing home learning or just fun stuff you were getting up to whilst staying safe at home.

Here are this week’s winners who have bagged themselves a special place on #HoHLF! 

First up, this brother and sister duo taking the week by storm with sports, crafts and the mastery of life skills – winning x 3!

What an effort requiring dedication, precision and an eye for a pattern. All traits we appreciate very much here at #HoHLF headquarters!

Staying at home doesn’t mean staying sat down! This Jordan-Pickford-in-training was truly saving himself from boredom and diving into the fun right in his own back garden. Result!

And last but by certainly no means least … a huge well done to our home scientists who have nabbed the last, highly sought-after place on this week’s Hall of (Home Learning) Fame. Your understanding of materials and their properties was solid. 😉

Tune in next week for another episode of #HoHLF!

Living and Learning: body image parent and carer guide

Posted on Sunday 08 March 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Our focus in Living and Learning, for the rest of this half term, is body image.

What is body image?

Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin colour, and our appearance and attractiveness more broadly.

This parent and carer guide has been designed to give practical ideas to support your child in building their emotional resilience in this area.

Living and Learning: manners

Posted on Tuesday 25 February 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Our manners focus this week, in Living and Learning, is all about covering our mouth to prevent the spread of germs.

You’re just about to sneeze or cough but, oh dear, you don’t have a tissue. What should you do? Cover your mouth and nose with your hands? Surely that’s what polite people do.

But hold it! If you sneeze or cough into your hands (and then fail to wash your hands straight away), you’ll only be spreading colds and flu germs on everything you touch.

And that’s because germs (as long as they stay moist) can live for HOURS on hard surfaces such as tables, phones and door handles. And not just on objects – everybody you touch will be contaminated, too.

And of course, vice versa – if somebody else has sneezed or coughed on their hands, they’re leaving a germ-trail for you to pick up.

So what’s it best to do?

Here it is in action.

World Book Day themed menu

Posted on Monday 24 February 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Thursday 5th March. Please contact the office, in the next few days, if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).

Internet Safety Day

Posted on Thursday 13 February 2020 by Miss Wilson

For Internet Safety Day, Y6 explored online persuasion in the form of advertising, pop ups and games as businesses. They created and presented what they had learnt.

Top tips:

  • fully close the app if a pop up appears and you’re unsure – delete and reinstall if necessary
  • do the legwork when searching online – check multiple sites and customer reviews
  • keep a happy and healthy balance when gaming – go outside often or put a limit on your screen time

New school dinner menu

Posted on Wednesday 12 February 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Our new spring/summer school meal menu, starting after February half term, is now available on our Meals page. It continues to follow a three week cycle.

The menu has been created in liaison with Catering Leeds to ensure it meets the School Food Standards.  We have also incorporated feedback from our school cook, pupils and parents/carers. We will continue to offer a meat free day every week. This will be every Tuesday.

Pupils will continue to make their daily food choices at the start of the day to ensure they receive their first choice of main meal.

If you would like a paper copy of the menu, please ask at the office.

Remember, children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 continue to receive free school meals and we encourage pupils to take up this offer.  For families in other year groups, please check if you are eligible to receive free school meals for your child/children.

We welcome feedback on the school dinner menu from pupils and parents/carers.

Diverse Dolls

Posted on Friday 07 February 2020 by Miss Wilson

Take a look at this amazing article spotted and shared by a member of Y6 while we were reading First News.

We discussed why representation is so important; it makes people feel more confident in who they are and more tolerant and understanding.

The girl who spotted it felt especially awesome – she has vitiligo herself!

Keep being awesome, Y6.

Living and Learning: Children’s Mental Health Week

Posted on Wednesday 05 February 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Set up by children’s mental health charity Place2Be, Children’s Mental Health Week shines a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. 

Young Minds is also a great source of information and support about young people’s mental health.

Mental health forms part of our Living and Learning long term plan and we encourage pupils to look after their mental health as well as their physical health. This maybe through the use of mindfulness and calming down techniques, recognising their own and others’ emotions and knowing how to seek help if needed. This guide shares some of the techniques we use.

In addition to Children’s Mental Health Week, Every Mind Matters is a national mental health campaign from Public Health England.