Year 6 Class News

Living & Learning – online safety.

Posted on Wednesday 05 February 2020 by Miss Wilson

We had another visitor from Y6 favourite d:side who came to remind us about safe choices to continue making us happy and healthy people.

All the children spotted the strong links with our computing topic. Challenge your child to explain how d:side’s visit linked with:

  • digital footprint
  • phishing
  • dis- and misinformation

Amazing art

Posted on Wednesday 29 January 2020 by Mrs Weekes

We all have at least one thing that we are really good at. One Y6 pupil has suddenly displayed an amazing artistic talent. Check out the art work that Rabiya has produced in her own time, at home- wow!

School Savings Club

Posted on Monday 27 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

The next School Savings Club paying in date is 03 February 2020 at 3.15-3.45pm.

The account is open to all children and it is free to set up. As there is not minimum deposit requirement, it is a great way for your child/children to begin to manage their own money and understand the importance of saving. We offer paying in sessions every half term where you can bring along any savings to be paid into your child’s account.

As an extra incentive, Year 3 pupils who open an account, or who currently have an account, will be credited with £10.

If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.

Here are the remaining paying in dates for this year (the penultimate Monday of each half term).

  • 23 March
  • 11 May
  • 06 July

To find out more about the accounts or if your child would like to open account, please enquire at the office.

Spring term after-school clubs

Posted on Wednesday 22 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Our spring term after-school clubs will be starting next week and while many of the clubs are full, we do have some spaces available for the following clubs.

Gymnastics (run by Leeds Gymnastics) Y1-5
Board games Y3-6
Multi-sports (run by PE Partner) Y3-6 Please note this club is now open to Year 3
It is not too late to sign up so please contact the office if your child would like to take part.

Tennis Taster!

Posted on Tuesday 21 January 2020 by Miss Wilson

Living and Learning: I know what a drug is.

Posted on Tuesday 21 January 2020 by Miss Wilson

Year six were delighted to welcome Dave from d:side to talk with us today.

We spoke about what drugs are, who uses them and why.

We talked about how they can help your body, but only if they’ve been prescribed to you by your doctor or given to you by an adult to suit your illness and age.

We also talked about how they can harm your body and how to keep safe.

As always, Y6 asked thoughtful questions, shared maturely and listened politely; they should be very proud of themselves.

Vocabulary Games

Posted on Tuesday 21 January 2020 by Miss Wilson

There are several simple but fun games we’ve been playing to keep on top of our computing vocabulary.

Game one: describe the term to the person without saying what it is. For example: “It’s when you break down a task into small steps!” would be a great description of decomposition.

Game two: everyone in the group has a word on their head. They take turns to ask yes or no question in order to determine their term. For example: “Am I something that exists digitally?” could be used to determine if you have the word content on your noggin.

Game three: one person stands in front of the group and they have a word on their head. The rest of the group has to describe what the term is without saying predetermined words. For “digital footprint”, our banned words were “mark” and “internet”.

Tricky! Give it a go at home.

Animals Adapt

Posted on Wednesday 15 January 2020 by Miss Wilson

In our Science lesson this week, we investigated how animals with blubber are more adapted to a cold environment than animals without. Challenge your child to fill in the gaps with the words below – the ones from our Science vocabulary list for the half term are in bold.

  • inherit
  • evolved
  • survive
  • thin
  • adapted
  • environment

Living and learning: d:side visits

Posted on Friday 10 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, our Living and Learning focus includes staying safe. We have arranged for visitors to come into school to help to deliver this key aspect of education.

We have been working with d:side for many years and they will be visiting school to deliver sessions based around drug education and e-safey sessions to coincide with Safer Internet Day (11 February).

d:side is a comprehensive drug & alcohol education programme that encourages children to make positive & healthy life-choices whilst promoting a pro-active attitude to life. They focus on developing the children’s knowledge, skills & attitude, whilst equipping them with the appropriate life skills to successfully manage sensitive situations with peers & encourage a positive approach to life.

As part of these visits, there are two specific parent/carer information sessions.

Tuesday 21 January 3.05-3.30pm d:side drug education informal information session (open to all parents)

A d:side representative will be available to provide information about your child’s drug education learning with d:side and answer any other related enquiries.

Tuesday 04 February 2:50-3.30pm d:side e-safety informal information session (open to all parents)

A d:side representative will be available to provide information about your child’s e-safety learning with d:side and answer any other related enquiries.

Please contact school if you would like to attend.





Tennis opportunities

Posted on Thursday 09 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Today, Year 2 – Year 6 pupils have taken part in tennis sessions to give children a taster of tennis and to promote sessions starting locally at Chapel Allerton Tennis and Squash Club.