Year 6 Class News

Living and Learning – Secret Agents of Kindness

Posted on Monday 11 November 2019 by Miss Wilson

Change starts with us! That’s why Y6 have been given a secret mission to become Agents of Kindness to spread positivity and make a change.

“It’s Anti-Bullying Week so we have been asked to be kind to someone in particular and disguise it by being kind to everybody,” stated Poppy.

“We’ve picked one person from the tub and that you have to be kind to that person (your secret target) all week,” said Kismat.

Zakariya said, “On Friday, whoever you got has to try and work out who their secret agent was.”

Watch this space!


It’s Anti-Bullying Week

Posted on Sunday 10 November 2019 by Mrs Taylor

This week, it’s anti-bullying week and the theme for this year is ‘Change starts with us’.

Don’t forget – we are also taking part in Odd Socks Day on Tuesday 12th November.

Recently, some of our Year 6 pupils have created a child friendly anti-bullying policy which will be shared with the rest of the school during this week.

Child friendly anti-bullying policy

Written by: Evie, Zidaan, Omar and Eve (Year 6)

What is bullying?

In our school, this is what bullying means:

Bullying is where you hurt someone, physically or emotionally, several times on purpose.

What might bullying look like?

If any of these things happen several (lots of) times, it is bullying.

  • Hurting peoples’ feelings, for example, name calling, teasing, threatening, ignoring or spreading rumours
  • Hurting peoples’ bodies, for example, hitting, punching or kicking

This could be in person or online (cyber bullying) and could be because of someone’s race, disability, gender or appearance.

What could you do if you are being bullied?





Who could you tell?

  • Mrs Weekes/Mrs Freeman/Mrs Russell/Mrs Small (they are child protection staff)
  • Mrs Taylor (Health Leader)
  • Any other members of staff
  • Friends
  • Someone in your family
  • Childline (0800 1111)
  • Write a worry slip and put it in your Living and Learning box or the whole school worry box
  • Email

Our views on bullying

STOP bullying – bullying is wrong!

We’re a happy and healthy school.

Treasure Hunt

Posted on Friday 08 November 2019 by Miss Wilson

We kicked off our Where in the World Am I? geography topic with a TREASURE HUNT in Moortown park!

In teams, we used a map, compass points and a trundle wheel to locate the stash!

We had to carefully read and precisely follow the directions – one metre South East instead of South West would have had catastrophic consequences!

Once each location was reached, we had to find the coin and note down the letter that was on it. There was a lot of excited cheers that kept ringing out across the park!

Ask your child to tell you the word that was spelled out on the treasure! Hint: it means the lines on maps that show how steep or gentle the terrain is.

Can you spot a way that we made sure we were safe on our treasure hunt?

Our Art Projects

Posted on Thursday 07 November 2019 by Miss Wilson

Our independent art projects are now finished and very powerful, each representing the novel in its own way.

Each of the following six final art projects have been chosen because they best match one of our Y6 Art Vocabulary we’ve been learning: line, shape, pattern, colour, form, texture. Discuss together which you think is representing which word and why! Do you agree/disagree? Is there more than one option?


One of these pieces was chosen to represent realism, the other surrealism. Again, discuss and decide which you think it is!

Our petition against palm oil.

Posted on Tuesday 05 November 2019 by Miss Wilson

Last half term, Y6 were inspired by a poem called Rang Tan. This prompted us to write persuasive letters to the government to convince them to ban palm oil.

Today, we were able to walk the short distance to the post box and send our letters off to Parliament!

Watch this space for a (hopefully speedy) reply!

Anti-bullying week – Odd Socks Day

Posted on Monday 04 November 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Next week is Anti-bullying Week. This year’s theme is ‘Change starts with us’ and we will be taking part in Odd Socks Day on Tuesday 12 November.

This day is to raise awareness of our differences, individuality and personal choice. There is no need for any payment – your child should simply wear odd socks and join in the fun!

Thank you for your support.


Living and Learning: Identity

Posted on Saturday 02 November 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Our Living and Learning theme this half-term is Identity. Pupils will learn about what makes themselves and others special, valuing the similarities and differences between themselves and others and what is meant by community. This will be taught through our Living and Learning sessions and two focused weeks.

Anti-bullying week (11 November) ‘Change starts with us’

My Community themed week (25 November)

Our new school charity will be chosen as part of the My Community themed week.  Every year, we nominate a new charity to support. This year, we have been supporting WWF. We decide this on the basis of a Talk Time homework, and then school councillors make the final decision.

Our Living and Learning long term plan details the learning for each year group across the year and you can keep up to date with our weekly Living and Learning statements on the parent noticeboard in the playground and also on the school calendar.  We will begin and end this half term with a focus on manners.

I apologise when I need to.

I say please and thank you.

School Council elections

Posted on Wednesday 16 October 2019 by Mrs Taylor

We have recently launched this year’s School Council election process.  Our School Council is one of the ways that children are encouraged to take an active part in pupil voice.

The election process allows children to develop an understanding of one of the British Values, democracy, with two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers.

Here are some of the qualities our school councillors think are needed to be an effective school councillor.

  • use the 8Rs for learning
  • be respectful and polite
  • help others
  • be a good speaker and listener (to members of your class and in the meetings)
  • share and be confident with your ideas
  • let others speak
  • accept the views of others even if you don’t agree
  • be friendly and approachable
  • follow our school rules and make good choices in class and around school

Our current whole school homework is all about the election and democracy, ready for the elections next Thursday 24 October.

Bonfire night themed menu

Posted on Monday 14 October 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Catering Leeds, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Tuesday 5th November.  Please contact the office, as soon as possible, if your child would like a school meal on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).

World Mental Health Day

Posted on Friday 11 October 2019 by Miss Wilson

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day, and Y6 did some research to find out more.

First, we learnt what makes efficient search terms. Challenge your child to explain! Take a look at this RIC:

For example, to find out the answer to this question: “What is the population of people living in Leeds, West Yorkshire, this year?” you would use much more efficient search terms. Ask your child what they would enter into the search engine.

Next, we focussed on being safe online by discussing bias (ie paid advertising vs factual content), quality of life (ie were these web pages contributing positively to our lives?) and protecting ourselves (ie not entering passwords/email addresses, avoiding pop ups). We researched some questions about World Mental Health Day using effective search terms, a variety of search engines and trusted websites.

Some important information we found out is that mental health can affect everyone. To look after yourself you need to:

  • know you’re not alone
  • understand it will pass
  • talk about your worries
  • keep active
  • get enough sleep