Year 6 Class News

Clean Air Day

Posted on Thursday 20 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Today is Clean Air Day to help tackle air pollution and protect the health of everyone in Leeds.  It is all about making people more aware of the changes they can make to their day-to-day life to support this aim.

We support the aims of Clean Air Day to create a safer, healthier and more enjoyable environment for people around school.

‘Improving the air we breathe in Leeds is a huge priority and one we can all play a role in. We can’t always see it, but air pollution has serious effects on our health and our environment. As one of the biggest cities outside of London, Leeds has not surprisingly been identified alongside many other UK cities as one which needs to reduce pollution levels as quickly as possible. By working together to improve the air we breathe, we can protect the health of the people of Leeds.’

We promote active travel to school such as walking, biking, scooting and park and stride (using our preferred site at Marks and Spencer) to reduce congestion around the school gates and therefore to improve air quality.

Have you spotted our new banner outside school aimed at reducing engine idling?

Hot Shots total

Posted on Wednesday 19 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you for all the sponsor money raised following the Hot Shots event during our Money Matters themed week.

We are pleased to announce that we have raised a fantastic total of £665.75 for our school charity, WWF.

Sports day

Posted on Monday 17 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

This year’s sports day will take place on Thursday 04 July 2019, at Roundhegians Rugby Club. Access to Roundhegians will be off Chelwood Drive.

Key Stage 2 events will take place at 9.30am and Reception and Key Stage 1 at 1.30pm.  Children will be walking to the field, escorted by adults.  We will require additional adult helpers so please let the office know if you can help with this.

If weather conditions mean we have to change the date, the reserve date is Thursday 11 July.

The format of this year’s event will be competitive races and field events with children having the opportunity to compete for medals.  However, all children will be rewarded for taking part.

Our teams will be: green, blue, white and red and your child/children will be told their team colour by their class teacher.  If possible, please could your child wear a t-shirt to wear to match their team colour.  Pupils may wear PE kit for the whole day.

As we are off site, please could you provide your child with a carrier bag to sit on.  If you are coming to spectate, you are welcome to bring rugs or chairs to sit on.

Please could you ensure your child has their water bottle and a cap/hat at school; it would also be useful if you could apply sun cream before your child comes to school.

Normal lunch time and end of school collection arrangements will still apply on this day.

In the event of bad weather, updates will be sent via Twitter and posted on the website.

Your support is valued to make the event memorable and we hope you are able to come and cheer your child on at sports day.


Moving on to secondary School: A road safety guide for parents and carers

Posted on Sunday 16 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Safer Roads Leeds have produced this useful guide to support Year 6 children and their parents/carers with their new journey to secondary school.

For many children, starting secondary school is the time when they experience travelling independently for the first time. You and your child should know when they have the skills and are ready to travel independently and safely, and it is a good idea to start to think about your child’s new journey with them well beforehand.

  • Talk to them about how their feel about their new journey.
  • If possible, do the journey with them before term starts.
  • Is there a safer, quieter, more pleasant option?
  • Think about potential hazards.
  • Make sure they’ve got a list of family and friends’ telephone numbers in case of emergency.
  • Keep a list of the names and numbers of your child’s friends.

Your child will travel to and from school around 400 times each year; the start of secondary school is the perfect time for your child to establish safe and sustainable travel habits that will stay with them for the rest of their life!

Part 1 Planning to walk

Walking to school is a brilliant to way for your child easily to get some exercise, develop independence and clear their head ready to concentrate. Once they start secondary school, your child is likely to be walking alone or with friends, and so they need some extra help to make sure they’ve got the skills to do so safely – especially if they’ve been driven or escorted to primary school.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Plan a safe route with your child. Google maps is a great tool – you can drag the little ‘peg kid’ to explore at street level and find safe crossings.
  • Will you pass the cymbal challenge? Watch the three short (and fun!) films about road safety that local schools made for transition students. Search ‘You Look… but do you see? Leeds City Council’ on YouTube. There’s an
    audio challenge too. Use these to find out more about what your child knows (or not) about phones and roads.
  • What else do they think might help keep them safer? Discuss things such as thinking for themselves, choosing safe places to cross and not messing about near busy roads.
  • Children who are late often take more risks – help your child get into the habit of getting their things ready the night before and leaving plenty of time to walk to school.
  • Is there a roundabout or junction on the route? It isn’t always easy to know where cars will come from; make sure your child understands how cross safely. The same goes for crossing between parked cars. This extract from the highway code covers these and other important reminders
    for pedestrians of all ages.

Remember, it only takes 15 – 20 minutes to walk a mile, and your child will enjoy all kinds of short-term and long-term benefits from walking to school.

Part 2 Planning to use public transport

Your child may not be used to travelling by public transport on their own, so there are a lot of things to consider. Even if they are, the journey to secondary school is likely to be a new one. Here’s how you can help:

  • Find out whether your child knows how to find out about buses, how to hail and stop the bus safely, and how to wait until the bus has moved on before crossing the road. Could you practice this together?
  • Discuss what they think it means to behave safely / dangerously on public transport.
  • Children who are late take risks – help your child get into the habit of getting their things ready the night before (Travel pass? Money?) and leaving plenty of time to get to school.
  • Go through some ‘what if’ scenarios. What if the bus is late? What could they do if friends are messing about on the bus? What if they leave something on the bus?
  • Use Google maps too; you can drag the little ‘peg kid’ to see what the roads look like where the bus stops. If your child needs to cross the road, remind them to move to a safer crossing place (zebra, pelican etc.) or wait until the bus has moved on, and then find somewhere where they can see clearly.

If it’s too far for your child to walk or cycle to school, using public transport is a great next option.

Part 3 Planning to cycle

If your child is lucky enough for cycling to be an option, your support and encouragement are vital. Here’s how you can help.

  • Make sure your child can cycle well enough for the road. Find out more from Cycle North.
  • Look at Google Maps to find a local off-road route or quieter streets. The West Yorkshire Cycle map includes a journey planning tool and also highlights recommended routes across the city.
  • Cycle the route together if you can.
  • If your child’s route to school can’t avoid junctions or roundabouts, they can always get off and walk.
  • Check that your child knows how to do a basic check to make sure their bike is in good working order; do the brakes work properly? Are the tyres pumped up? Does the bell work? It might be a good idea to have the bike checked in a proper bike shop every so often. Here’s a great video to show you and your child how to do a basic ‘M-check’ to make sure their bike is safe to ride. Help your child organise the right kit: helmet, fluorescent and reflective clothing, and a set of lights for winter.

Cycling isn’t just good for getting to school; your child may soon realise how easy it is to get about to all kinds of places by bike – they can even take their bike on some trains (link to info?)

Part 4 Planning to travel by car

Drivers have a huge part to play, particularly at a time when children may be unescorted for the first time, and perhaps be distracted by new phones, new friends, new routes, new timetables and new experiences – and all this when their brains still can’t accurately judge speed. Here’s how you can help:

  • Inconsiderate school-gate parking generates the greatest number of school-transport related complaints we receive and creates danger for everyone.
  • Crossing between parked cars is one of the biggest causes of child pedestrian casualties; talk to your child about how to do this safely if they must; better still, make sure you don’t create these conditions yourself.
  • Remind your child about the importance of wearing seatbelts, whether you are with them or not. Most schools in Leeds now have 20mph speed limits, to help keep children safer.
  • Could you consider car-sharing?
  • Or perhaps drop your child off a bit further away, so that they, too, can reap the many benefits of walking part of the way? You could even drop them at a friend’s house or central meeting point so they can walk in together.
  • Make sure your child knows how to get of the car and cross roads safely. They should always get out on the pavement side, not into the road.

So if your child has no other option but to travel by car, there’s a lot those who drive them can do to help keep everyone safe.

Cooking Halloumi Tikka Masala

Posted on Friday 14 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree

As Year 6 will be moving into secondary school soon, they’ll be becoming more and more independent. To help with this, we’ll be cooking this term, practising a number of essential skills: bridge method, claw method, grating, mixing, frying, using the oven and food hygiene.

This week, half of the class made halloumi tikka masala and all of them thought it was delicious! Have a go at home too – we’ve sent the recipe home.

I can show a moral choice.

Posted on Friday 14 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework was Creative and we explored what a moral choice is. We had a great range of examples: choosing to tell the truth; paying people according to the ‘worth’ of their job; standing up to bullies; choices politicians have made; and many more.

Here are some the class nominated to be shown on our website:

Ethan created a comic strip about standing up to your friends making bad choices.

Isaac’s story was about the consequences of lying.

Isabella explored choices that are made which result in gender inequality.

Ripley explored the difference in wages and whether they had been allocated morally.

Amrit thought about choices Barak Obama made in his career as President.

Skipping day

Posted on Wednesday 12 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

One of the ways we have invested our PE and Sport Premium, over the last two years, is our partnership with Skipping School. This has supported children to learn new skipping techniques.

Skipping has a variety of health benefits including improved cardiovascular fitness, increased muscular strength and endurance, improved flexibility and coordination, improved timing and rhythm, along with balance and agility, increased social skills and self-esteem, and the opportunity to be creative.

With skipping equipment available for pupils to use at playtime and lunchtime, this is one of the ways they can achieve their active 30 minutes in school every day.

Year 2 and Year 4 have taken part in skipping festivals this year and Jodi, from Skipping School, will be working with our remaining classes on Wednesday 19 June.

There will be a whole school skipping assembly at the end of the day and if the weather is dry, this will be held in the playground and parents and carers are invited to come and watch the skipping skills on show.

Please note that if the weather is wet, the assembly will need to be indoors and, due to space restrictions, we will not be able to accommodate parents and carers in the hall as well as the skippers.

After the skipping assembly, skipping ropes will be available for sale at a subsidised price of £2 rather than £5 from outside the Year 2 classroom.

Living and Learning: Relationships education

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to those parents and carers who attended the recent relationships education information sessions.

‘Very helpful to understand what information will be taught at each level and the terminology so we can use the same language at home.’

‘Lots of helpful information to help support learning.’

‘Pleased to have a clearer sense of what will be covered and how.’

‘Very helpful to understand what is covered and what vocabulary the children will be learning to be able to reinforce it at home.’

These sessions were aimed at making parents and carers more aware of some of the following aspects of our curriculum.

Relationships education forms part of our Living and Learning for this half term and if you were unable to attend the session, our progression of learning (pg10) and the terminology (pg6) that may be used as part of this learning can be found in our RSE policy.




Let us entertain you!

Posted on Tuesday 04 June 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Today, the whole school were invited to watch some of our talented musicians in action. Year 4 showcased their skills on the ukulele.  Having learnt a few simple chords and some basic strumming patterns, the children confidently played some popular tunes for us to enjoy.

Across the year groups, we have a selection of children who are learning to play the guitar. This group of musicians also demonstrated their skills.

Well done all!

Walk to School Week competition update

Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

For pupils who are completing the #WalktoSchoolWeek story this week, as school is closed tomorrow, the missing words for Thursday AND Friday can all be found on Friday in the usual locations. Happy Walking!

Remember to bring in your completed sheet on Friday to be entered in the prize draw for four £10 vouchers.

Big Pedal

Our involvement in the recent Sustrans Big Pedal initiative has been recognised in the latest Leeds City Council Influencing Travel Behaviour newsletter.

Thank you to all the schools who took part in The Big Pedal this year. An amazing 2299 schools across the country took part and 36 of them were from Leeds which is brilliant!
Well done to Moortown Primary School who came 38th out of 500 in the small school category!

It’s great to see such positive engagement in these active travel initiatives to ensure families have a healthy and active start to the day.  Thank you to Moortown Living Street group for their support with our active travel initiatives.