Year 6 Class News

What is a drug?

Posted on Monday 21 January 2019 by Mrs Taylor

In Living and Learning, as taken from our long term plan, we will be focusing on drug education for the next two weeks.

Our first statement for this learning is, I know what a drug is.

Our definition of a drug refers to a substance people take to change the way they feel, think or behave.  The word ‘drug’ includes:

  • All legal drugs, including tobacco, alcohol, solvents and volatile substances, misused medicines and legal highs
  • All illegal drugs
  • Prescribed and over-the-counter medicines

On Thursday and Friday of this week, we welcome d:side, a health education provider, to school to deliver drug education workshops to each class as part of this learning.

Parents and carers are invited to come to an information session, led by d:side, on Thursday 24 January from 2:45-3:15pm.  Please inform the office if you would like to attend.

What is dissolving?

Posted on Wednesday 16 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

In Science, we’re learning about about dissolving which involves being familiar with some tricky vocabulary: solute, solvent, soluble, insoluble, solution.

We know that salt will dissolve in water and used this to help us to understand the scientific terminology above.

  • Salt is a solute.
  • Water is a solvent.
  • Salt is soluble.
  • Salt and water create a solution.

We then applied this knowledge to making predictions about other substance: coffee, sugar, bicarbonate of soda, rice and sand. Having made our predictions about which would and wouldn’t create a solution if mixed with water, we found out by testing them.

Finally, we were tasked with getting the dissolved salt back out of the water. There were a few puzzled faces and the children’s initial response was, ‘You can’t.’ However, with a few suggestions of equipment and a bit of thinking about learning last year, we decided you could separate all of the substance we’d testing by either sieving them, filtering them or, if a solution had been created, allowing the water to evaporate.

At home, see whether you can spot things, particularly in the kitchen cupboards, that will and will not create a solution when added to water. If you’re not sure, try it out.

Living and Learning: Mental Health

Posted on Wednesday 16 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

In our Living and Learning lessons, we’ve been finding out more about mental health.

Talk to us at home about what mental health is and what decision you can make as a family to ensure you’re mentally healthy. We discussed what can affect our physical, mental and emotional health and quickly realised that these three areas are very closely linked.

Leeds Recycling Centre Visit

Posted on Wednesday 09 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Year 6 visited the VEOLIA centre in Leeds this morning as part of their science learning. We’re currently learning about properties of materials and how this affects what we make objects out of and recycling is one of those properties – one that, currently, is very topical.

The children were pleasantly surprised when we arrived as many were under the impression our visit was to the tip! Luckily, our coach pulled up outside the very modern, state of the art VEOLIA building and there was almost an audible sigh of relief from the class.

We learnt all about how the centre works in order to work towards Leeds becoming a zero waste city. This great video can tell you more about it so you can discuss it home and see how you can help too.

We had a tour of the building which included going to see the huge living wall on the outside (very high up); entering the operation room where everything was controlled; and seeing the huge grabber dive in to pick up 3.6tonnes of rubbish to drop into the furnace where it’s burned at 850 degrees! We all made a pledge for what we could do to contribute towards reducing waste in Leeds: ask us what we decided and see whether you could do it too.

And, we finished the morning off by putting everything we’d learnt into a bit of healthy competition. Ask us how the game worked and something we learnt while we were playing.

There’s lots you could do at home to help Leeds reduce its waste. See whether your child can suggest something and see whether you’re putting the correct items into the correct bins.

Themed menu

Posted on Tuesday 08 January 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Friday 18 January.  Please contact the office, by Friday 11 January, if your child would like a school meal on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).

A lovely start!

Posted on Monday 07 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

I hope everyone’s holidays were lovely.

It’s been an enjoyable, action-packed start to the Spring term today. We’re exploring poetry this week and so spent the morning reading poems, sharing our thoughts with each other and creating performances in groups and as a class.

Y6 have come back ready to learn with smiley faces and a great attitude.

Living and Learning

Posted on Monday 24 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Living and Learning sessions are held weekly, in class, to promote social and emotional aspects of learning and other areas of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).  This half term we have two main themes, from our long-term plan.
  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco education (DATE) 
  •  Keeping safe and managing risk
Our Staying Safe themed week (w/c 04 February 2019), including Safer Internet Day,  will be part of this learning.  More information will follow about this.
We begin the half term with a focus on manners and in particular interruptions.  Children will consider what is a valid interruption, for example an emergency and what alternatives are there to interrupting?  Children across school are encouraged to use our brain, buddy, boss system to try to avoid interruptions.  This means they would first think themselves.  Then, they could try asking a friend and the final option would be to ask the adult.  This encourages the children to become independent and take responsibility.

Here are the weekly Living and Learning statements, for this half term, to support this learning.

  • I don’t interrupt (with my mouth or my hand).
  • I can make things better.
  • I know what a drug is.
  • I know how to seek help.
  • I make safe choices, including online.
  • I can assess my own risks.

Keeping active

Posted on Monday 24 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our commitment to being a happy and healthy school, we’re always looking at ways to increase our pupils’ physical activity both in and out of school.

The government’s childhood obesity plan has set out the ambition for all children to achieve 60 minutes, or more, of physical activity every day (30 minutes in school and 30 minutes outside of school).

In response to this aim, we’ve compiled a physical activity guide suggesting out-of-school physical activities available to families in our local area.

The information on the guide is correct as of November 2018.  Keep an eye out on our news and class news pages where will promote any new activities throughout the year.

We’d love to hear feedback about any activities you or your child try based on this guide.


Wake up Shake up leaders

Posted on Wednesday 19 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to our KS2 WuSu leaders who have led our daily WuSu physical activity this term and taught us lots of new routines.

Thank you to Mrs Charlesworth who has helped to run our WuSu after-school club where they have created all of the routines.

Next term, we will be running a KS1 and KS2 dance /WuSu club which will lead into a dance festival after Easter.


All about levers

Posted on Sunday 16 December 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Our Science learning continued this week by exploring how levers work. Levers are a fantastic invention which require a smaller force to be applied to lift or move a load.

We used rulers and pencils to create our own levers and investigated what we needed to do to balance coins of different weights.

Grace made a great observation that the heavier coin needed to be nearer to the fulcrum (ask your child what that is) and the lighter coin should be further away. Once she made this suggestion, lots of us were successful in balancing two different coins.

We moved on to investigate this on a larger scale, finding out how far from the fulcrum different masses (900g, 800g… all the way to 100g) had to be to balance a 1kg mass.

100g had to be 79cm away from the fulcrum but it did balance with 1kg! Amazing.

See whether you can create your own lever at home and whether you can find some levers around the house. We started off our learning by realising just how useful a nut cracker is – it’s a lever you know!