School Council 2018-2019
Meet our newly elected school councillors, chosen democratically by their class.
Their first meeting will be held next week. On the agenda is to discuss bullying (as part of anti-bullying week), Takeover Day and to consider what they might want to spend their library and class reward budgets on.
All children are encouraged to make suggestions to their school councillors (by posting their suggestion slip in each class’ Living and Learning box) for ideas/concerns to be discussed.
Inventions Taboo
As part of our topic learning, we played a great game of Taboo today. In Taboo, you have to try to get your team to guess what’s on your card without saying a selection of related words.
For example, can you get someone to guess ‘playground’ without saying the words play, ground, children, swings or slides?
In pairs, the children had a card with Leeds inventions on that they had to try and describe to the rest of their table without saying a selection of related words. Some were easier than others but we learnt lots about Leeds inventions while playing.
At home, ask us about what was invented in Leeds and see whether you can create your own game of Taboo.
Anti-bullying week – odd socks day
Next week is Anti-bullying Week. This year’s theme is ‘Choose Respect’ and we will be joining in with Odd Socks Day on Monday 12 November.
This day is to raise awareness of our differences, individuality and personal choice. There is no need for any payment – your child should simply wear odd socks and join in the fun!
Thank you for your support.
Living and learning – Identity
Our Living and Learning theme this half-term is Identity. Pupils will learn about what makes themselves and others special, valuing the similarities and differences between themselves and others and what is meant by community. This will be taught through our Living and Learning sessions and also a focused week – Anti-bullying week (12 November).
Also this half term, our new school charity will be chosen. Every year, we nominate a new charity to support. This year, we have been supporting MakeAWish. We decide this on the basis of a Talk Time homework, and then school councillors make the final decision.
Our Living and Learning long term plan details the learning for each year group across the year and you can keep up to date with our weekly Living and Learning statements on the parent noticeboard in the playground and also on the school calendar. We will begin and end this half term with a focus on manners.
I apologise when I need to.
I say please and thank you.
Bonfire night themed menu
When we return to school, on Monday 05 November, there will be a bonfire night themed menu.
Election ready
The polling station is all set up and ready for the annual School Council elections tomorrow.
Good luck to all candidates.
Living and Learning: Democracy
Thursday 25 October sees us voting for our new school councillors. We’ve been learning all about democracy in preparation for our own election and the children have had lots of questions.
At home, talk about how our country’s voting system works and what your opinions are. The children had some interesting views on what age people should be allowed to vote and when they should not be allowed to anymore. The candidates delivered their speeches today ready for us to make informed decisions in the morning.
Well done to all of those people who chose to stand for election and good luck!
All stand for the judge…
Having learnt all about the gunpowder plot during our topic lessons, we attended court to find out more with lots of us taking on the roles of the main characters.
Not only is this a fun way of extending our knowledge, but it also helps us with our writing. We thought about what questions we’d like to ask the different people involved in the story and what their answers would have been at the time.
The suspects: Guy Fawkes, Robert Catesby, Thomas Percy, John WrightThe witnesses: Mary Arkwright, Arthur Coniston, Lorn Monteagle, King James I
The prosecution and the defence
The jury
The media
At times, the prosecution really put pressure on our suspects!
Bradford Media Museum
Yesterday, Year 6 went to the National Science and Media Museum in Bradford. We were exploring what engineers do to bring inventions to life as this is our theme for our Time Travel big topic. It was a jam-packed day; we got to see and do all sorts!
Not only did the IMAX film we saw make us squeal and reach out for the things that seemed to be coming out of the screen at us, but it also inspired many of us to want to be engineers. We realised what amazing things engineers achieve to help people and solve problems.
The Wonderlab was a great room to explore, finding out what UV light is, how sound waves can move water, how infrared cameras show which part of our bodies are hot and cold and how light can manipulated to create moving images.
The Engineering Show demonstrated how light can carry sound and taught us how our 3D glasses worked.
The Games Lounge was a step back in time to the very first arcade games which turned out to be just as fun as the games we play today.
We also explored the TV and Animation galleries, seeing how technology has advanced over recent years due to the skills of scientists, engineers and computer programmers.
Active travel in October – week three winner
Well done to our week three winner who made active journeys to school every day last week.
Our active travel section on the website has recently been updated. Have a look at some of the initiatives we take part in to encourage a happy and healthy start to the school day.