Year 6 Class News

Lost property

Posted on Wednesday 17 October 2018 by Mrs Taylor

School Council are involved in a project to try and reduce the amount of lost property we have at school.

Starting this Friday, lost property will be available to look through in the playground to hopefully reduce the pile we have already this term!

Naming your child’s items helps to get things back to their owners so we will also be offering a clothing name labelling service for 20p per item.  Profits will go to our school charity, Make-a-Wish.

New additions to the library – thank you, school councillors

Posted on Wednesday 17 October 2018 by Mrs Taylor

At their final meeting, our current school councillors spent time, using part of their budget, choosing new books for our library.

From sport books to science books, there’s a great selection.  The books will soon be available to borrow from the library.


School Council elections

Posted on Tuesday 16 October 2018 by Mrs Taylor

In our whole school assembly today, we launched this year’s School Council election process.  Our School Council is one of the ways that children are encouraged to take an active part in pupil voice.

The election process allows children to develop an understanding of one of the British Values, democracy, with two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers.

Our current school councillors spoke about their role over the last year and the qualities needed to be an effective school councillor.

These included:

  • use the 8 Rs for learning
  • be respectful and polite
  • help others
  • be a good speaker and listener (to members of your class and in the meetings)
  • share and be confident with your ideas
  • let others speak
  • accept the views of others even if you don’t agree
  • be friendly and approachable
  • follow our school rules and make good choices in class and around school

Watch out for the whole school homework this week all about the election and democracy, ready for the elections next Thursday 25 October.


Posted on Tuesday 16 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

It’s a little early but, during our Time Travel topic, we’re hurtling through the history of Britain and we find ourselves in the year 800AD. In Britain, the Vikings are taking over. Meanwhile, in China, they’re creating an invention that will change the world: gunpowder.

This invention has had a huge impact on Britain and without it, the gunpowder plot in the 1600s would never have been formed. In topic, we’ve learnt all about the people involved in this devious (ask us what this means) plan and created some artwork inspired by it.

History of Britain…as an acrostic poem

Posted on Tuesday 16 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

After our visit from the Hobgoblin Theatre, we thought about how we could sum up a history of Britain and we decided to write acrostic poems. Our challenge was to rhyme and lots of us stepped up to this challenge successfully.


Bike and run at the Brownlee Centre

Posted on Sunday 14 October 2018 by Mrs Taylor

The Brownlee Centre is a great facility on our doorstep.

These bike and run sessions, run by the Brownlee Foundation, are open to all children, any ability, aged 8-14.  Why not give it a tri?

Homework Review

Posted on Friday 12 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

We really enjoyed reading all of our stories in this week’s homework review. There were some fantastic tales that really showed off the writing we’ve worked on so far this year.

First, we summarised our story for the people on our table using only ten words. Then, we swapped with someone else on our table and told them what we liked about it.

We then had the chance to wander around the class to get a snippet from lots of people’s before settling down to read another one and tell them what we thought.

We nominated stories to be shared on the website, giving reasons why we felt that story should be shared.

Farai’s was nominated because Thomas felt like he’d written like a Tom Gates story and he loved the cliff hanger.

Kai’s was nominated by Martha because he’d put lots of effort in and used great adjectives.

Lory’s was chosen by Rohan because it was action-packed.

Josh’s was chosen by Farai because he used some great verbs and sentence openers.

Living and Learning

Posted on Wednesday 10 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Although this week’s Living and Learning statement is about summarising the work on the 8Rs we’ve been focusing on so far this half term, this week we had a visit from Dove to talk about body image.

We explored where pressure comes from for us to consider our appearance too much. Some really interesting videos showed us just how much an image we might see in professional media can be manipulated. Then, we discussed different points of the video in groups.

When we were sharing our thoughts, we had some really thoughtful and mature points to make:

You don’t need a lot of make up to be beautiful. 
You should just be yourself and not try to be someone else. 
Everybody likes different things and you can’t please everybody so please yourself. 
Finally, we made a pledge given what we’d considered today:
I pledge to take fewer selfies.
I pledge not to want to be like other people.
I pledge to be happy with who I am.
At home, discuss what a positive body image is; what affects us having a positive body image; and how we can ensure we’re positive about ourselves.

Active travel winner

Posted on Tuesday 09 October 2018 by Mrs Taylor

To mark International Walk to School month and our recent promotion of the Park and Stride site at Marks and Spencer, we are running a prize draw every week in October.

All children who make an active journey (bike, scoot, walk or park and stride) every day for each week  are entered into a prize draw.

Each Friday in October, we will select a winner at random to win a £10 Love2Shop gift voucher.

Here’s our first winner.  Keep up those active journeys to be in with a chance to win the next prize.


Talk Time Homework

Posted on Friday 05 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Our Talk Time homework got us discussing who we would take with us if we went back in time. We talk in partners first, sharing who we would take.

Then, we all listened as a table.

Finally, we shared some with the class that we thought were particularly interesting:

Pia would take David Attenborough and she would visit the person who invented plastic. Together, they would explain to the inventor what problems their invention would cause. We thought this was a brilliant, thoughtful idea.

Ishaan would take Thomas because he has such a good historical knowledge.

Ripley would take Gottlieb Daimler to see what cars used to look like. He would also visit the year 0 to see whether Jesus actually was born then.

Lewis would take Lewis Hamilton and together they would go back in time to meet Ayrton Senna.

Ethan would need a minibus for his trip! He said he’d take Thomas, a translator, friends and Owen from Jurassic World.