Year 6 Class News

West Yorkshire Cross Country Championship

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This week, Grace, one of our Year 6 pupils, took part in the West Yorkshire Cross Country Championships, competing against pupils from Calderdale, Bradford, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield.

Grace qualified for the finals by coming 14th in the Leeds championships.

She faced the finest runners in the county and out of a field of nearly 150 runners, Grace came a fantastic 32nd place – the 12th Leeds finisher.

Well done to Grace on her great performance!

Moortown play park consultation

Posted on Thursday 15 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

  • Would you like to find out more about the proposed play park on the land at the rear of school?
  • Would you like to comment on the proposed play equipment suggested in the design?
  • Maybe you’ve seen equipment in other parks that you’d like to recommend.

Helen Forman, a design officer from Leeds City Council, will be visiting school tomorrow to consult with our School Council.  After that, all children will have chance to see the proposals in an assembly.  Helen is keen to hear their views as the future users!

From 3pm, there will be chance for parents and carers to see and comment on the proposed designs.

We hope to see you there.



University Student Visit

Posted on Wednesday 14 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

We had a visit from a student from Leeds University today. He was studying Biomedical Sciences and taught us all sorts about what keeps us alive and what keeps us healthy.

We took on the role of aliens (hence our headgear) and pretended we were studying this strange species from another planet: humans.

We investigated how much we breathe every minute and learnt about what breathing actually is and why we need to do it.

Our diaphragm moves up and down as we breathe in and out and Mr Cook gave us these mini models so that we could see what was happening inside us. We created our own body system with half of us being oxygenated blood travelling to our organs and the other half carrying the deoxygenated blood back to the heart and the lungs. The deoxygenated team were much more efficient that the oxygenated team – particularly Dan and Matthew.

Girls golf rocks

Posted on Tuesday 13 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Girls Golf Rocks is a partnership project aimed at addressing the disparity between girls’ and boys’ participation in golf.

The county-wide recruitment drive targets girls aged 5-18 years of age, providing the opportunity for them to access free taster sessions, followed by a five week coaching, Par 3 event & a 7 iron golf club – all for £14.

There are eight centres across Yorkshire running the programme, delivering girls only sessions with an emphasis placed on fun, social and friendship aspects of golf rather than just the coaching and playing side of the game.

Using secondary sources

Posted on Saturday 10 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Year 6 are investigating what affects the length of gestation periods in mammals. Some of us are comparing gestation period to average adult weight; some are comparing it to average lifespan; and some are comparing it to average newborn weight.

We’ve used secondary sources to find out the information we need, being careful to ensure that we’re using reliable sources.

When we’ve gathered all of the information we need, we’ll create a line graph of the information and see if we can use this to predict other mammal’s gestation period according to their weight – some great Maths in our Topic lessons.

Living and Learning – a body image guide for parents and carers

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This term, our Living and Learning theme is Being me.  Part of this learning is all about body image.  This parent and carer guide has been designed to give practical ideas to support your child in building their emotional resilience in this area.

Football Coaching

Posted on Monday 05 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Our football coaching continues but I’ll pass straight on to the press officers to inform you of what we got up to.

Written by Hibba: In this session we started off in our groups practising dribbling, passing and tackling. Later in the session, we played 4 corners – the confident players playing each other and the less confident players playing each other. As always we had our rolls: Hibba was press officer; Aleena was the manager; Megan was the coach; and Edward was the kit manager and the physio.

Written by Isobel: In PE, we have continued playing football. Today we focused on tackling. Nico set up a drill which helped us with tackling, passing and dribbling – skills we learnt previously. At the end, we played four corners -with six corners. You number yourselves and if your number is called you go out and try to score in other team’s goals. If your goal is scored in you’re out. You win if you’re the last one left.

Written by Pippa: In P.E today, Year 6 continued their football skills. We learnt tackling and did a bit more on dribbling. Near the end of the lesson, everyone played a game of four (or six in our case) corners. In this game, we numbered ourselves one to five with one the least confident and five as the most. For our group, Archie was at five, Noah at four, Phoenix as three, Zack as two and Pippa (me) as one. Archie was the manager, Noah was physio, Phoenix was kit manager, Zack was coach and Pippa was press officer.

Written by Oliver: In football today we carried on our football skills ( tackling ). In training, my group played a tackling and interception game to help us . Then we moved on to four corners where you have to score in each other’s goal . Last person standing wins.😀

Written by Matteo: In Year 6, we continued our football skills and played a game called 4 corners. In 4 corners, you have to number yourself and the coach will call out a random number and they will try to score in everyone’s nets and the last person wins. 

Written by Pavan: Today in PE we continued our lesson about football and today we focused on tackling. Stanley, kit manager; Nishaan, coach; Grace, physio; Abdullah, manager; and Pavan, press officer. First, Grace lead a warm up to get our heart beating and to stretch our muscles. Then, it was followed by Nishaan, our coach and we started off by setting a drill which Stanley made for us . Abdullah was our manager and I definitely saw some good tackling skills from him.

Football Coaching

Posted on Monday 26 February 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Here are weekly reports on our football coaching…

Written by Stan: Today, Year 6 played some great football and there were no arguments. Everyone has their own role: kit manager (Pavan); manager (Nishaan); coach (Grace); physio (Abdullah); and press officer (Stan). After a few arguments last week, we were argument-free this week. This week we practised our passing: I definitely saw an improvement in Pavan’s passing. The last thing we did was play a match but it wasn’t an ordinary match – we weren’t allowed to tackle and we had to stop the ball on the line instead of shoot in the goal and the whole team had to touch the ball. I think most people would like to tackle but we’re practising tackling next week. I’m hoping to play a proper match next week. 😀

Written by Elias: Today, Year 6 were asked to join the groups they had last time and were given new roles: coach (Matteo), manager (Neive),kit/equipment manager (Enya), physio (Daanyaal) and the press officer (Elias). The children were asked to create a drill practising their dribbling skills as a group. At the end, the children played a match. Our group played very well due to some astonishing help by the people who were more confident helping the people who weren’t as confident and played very well with each other. Today, the children had a great time and hopefully this will be one of many.

Written by Archie: Today, Monday the 26 February 2018, Year 6 did football for PE. In this week’s session, we did passing. In my team, I had Phoenix, Pippa, Noah and Zack. When we were doing drills, our coach (Pippa) told us that we would be doing basic passing and gradually build it up to having defenders. Then, later on in PE, we grew into a match. Not a match you would normally think of. We had to pass it between our whole team and then stop it on the line. There was a hard part though: we had to make sure the opposition didn’t receive it.

Written by Isobel: After our warm up, led by Umiamah, we focused on passing. Harry created a drill that helped us with our passing and a bit of dribbling (which we focused on last week). At the end, we played a mini match where you scored a point by stopping the ball on the end line, helping our control skills. We had extra rules to help us with our passing. It was a draw. Overall, everyone enjoyed our PE lesson.

Written by Owen: Today, Y6 played some football and used great teamwork. This led to a fun and active PE lesson. Also, we learnt a lot to do with passing and receiving. The kids were getting along and smiling. We all had different roles: Press Officer- Owen, Physio- Saleem, Kit Manager- Iqra, and The Coach- Oliver.

Written by Megan: After having a few disagreements last week, this week’s PE turned out to be a lot better. Aleena started us off with some stretches which were important because otherwise we could have hurt or strained our muscles.
Next, Matthew led a drill, helping our dribbling, passing, communicating and stopping skills. After practising our skills to become more technical footballers, we played in a game versing another team. We had to stick to some rules though: everybody in your team had to touch the ball at least once before anyone could score; you could only intercept, not tackle; and you had to stop the ball ON the line (not any before or after).

University visitors

Posted on Thursday 22 February 2018 by Mr Roundtree

As part of our Life Forces topic, we had a visit from two university students who are both studying to be doctors. They taught us all about the circulatory system and how we can keep ours healthy.

We got to hear our hearts beating through a stethoscope which made lots of us jump if you tapped it when it was in our ears.

Then, Miss Rushbrooke had to put on a very attractive vest so that we could decide where all of our organs are. We were confident about some but didn’t have a clue about others.

Lots of learning and lots of big words discussed!

Cross Country finalist

Posted on Wednesday 21 February 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to Grace for finishing 14th in the Year 6 girls Leeds Cross Country Final at Temple Newsam.

A great achievement!