World Book Day themed menu
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Thursday 01 March.
Meet a Creature
This half term had an exciting start as our first lesson of the day involved meeting some exciting creatures. We learn all about how these creatures have evolved into what they are today as well as some interesting facts about them.

We held quite a few lizards, all of which are reptiles and have cold blood so generally live in warm environments.
Snakes and tortoises are reptiles too but snakes have evolved to have no legs – and make an excellent scarf.
Spiders have eight eyes as well as eight legs and some of us were perfectly happy holding this one – it actually tickled a little bit.

A number of us weren’t too keen on some of the creatures – lots of children who appear very confident in the playground and classroom were not so happy when confronted with a giant millipede!
Even the staff had a go. We had to wrestle the snake off Mrs Small as she liked the look of it as a scarf… but she wasn’t so keen on the tarantula.
Who knew a giant millipede could make you so happy!
Football Coaching
In PE this half term, Year 6 are taking control of coaching each other in football. We have 6 five-a-side teams who are in charge of improving each other in preparations for the games we play.
I shall say no more as the teams’ press officers have prepared a short summary of what went on in today’s lesson.
Written by Grace: Firstly, the physio -Nishaan- gave us some stretches to do to warm up our muscles ready for the lesson. Nishaan gave us four stretches then he told us to jog around the playground to get our heart pumped. Then, our coach, Abdullah, did a drill with Nishaan and Stanley while Grace and Pavan practised some dribbling skills using cones as defenders. When we became more confident with dribbling, we included it in a little match against another team. We were not allowed to tackle because we hadn’t practised that yet but it was still fun. We played that for about 10 minutes but then tidied away and discussed our lesson before going back into class.
Written by Edward: In my group we had Edward, Aleena, Matthew, Hibba and Megan. The first part was OK when we practised skills but we took the football game way too seriously. Hibba and I were the people who thought we were
not as confident in football. I enjoyed the game but people were taking it too
seriously and were tackling when you were not supposed to. I would rate this
football lesson 7.4/10.
Written by Isobel: In PE, we have started to play football until the end of term. We have all been given roles: coach, manager, kit manager, physio or press manager. In my group, Harry, Nico, Pohnum, Umiamah and I, we focused on dribbling. We did a set of drills that helped our dribbling skills and at the end played a small game with extra rules to help our dribbling skills.
Written by Pippa: Today, Year 6 did football for PE. There were five people in a group and each had their own role: coach (Noah T.), manager (Archie V.), kit/equipment manager (Pheonix L.), physio (Zach I.) and press officer (Me, Pippa G.). The press officer is who wrote the post, the coach trained everyone, the manager took charge, the physio fired up and cooled down everyone on the group and the kit manager got and put away the equipment. First, the physio took charge to get everyone ready. Then, the coach trained the group to warm them up. Next, everyone had a match against another group. Finally, the press officers wrote about it.
Written by Saleem: Today, Year 6 were asked to form a group of 5 and had each been given a role to play: coach (Oliver), manager (Brandon), kit/equipment manager (Iqra), physio (Owen) and the press officer (Saleem) . Children were asked to create a drill practising their dribbling skills as a group. At the end, the children played a match. Our group played very well due to some weather issues and played very well with each other. Today we had a great time and will hopefully continue this.
Written by Neive: Today we did football coaching: Enya was the physio, Neive was the press officer, Daanyaal was the kit manager, Elias was the manager and Matteo was the coach. Firstly, Enya did warm ups. We did ten star jumps, a game of tig and some stretches. After that, Matteo did our drill. Before he started, Daanyaal went and got some equipment for it. The drill involved us dribbling from cone to cone but there was a defender in our way. Next, we did a match against another team. We had to dribble to a line then stop it exactly on the line. We played for about ten minutes. Penultimately, we tidied away. Finally, we discussed the pros and cons of our session – Elias led it.⚽
Living and Learning this half term
- I cover my mouth (when I yawn, cough, sneeze). Get your child to demonstrate the ‘vampire’ method to family members at home.
- I can say something good about myself. It’s important that your child can confidently talk about themselves in a positive way.
- I pay compliments in a sensible way. Try paying compliments each day to each other!
- I receive compliments in a sensible way. Some children struggle to hear positive words about themselves, but this is important for self-esteem. Try paying (and listening) to praise and compliments.
- I know the difference between being proud and showing off. We encourage compliments to be paid – but encourage your children to know the balance between being having self-esteem and showing off.
- I recognise my talents. Talk to your child about talents, whether academic, physical, social or emotional.
Change4Life healthier snacking
Have you see the recent Change4Life campaign encouraging children to have no more than two packaged snacks per day to reduce their sugar intake? Remember fruit and veg are always the best snack and count towards your child’s 5 A Day.
The campaign is launched as Public Health England reveals half the sugar children consume comes from unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks. Children in England are eating nearly three times the recommended amount of sugar. Too much sugar can lead to harmful fat building up inside and serious health problems, and also painful tooth decay.
Recently children brought home the Family Snack Challenge. Can your family complete the 7-day healthier snack challenge? Change4Life provides lots of hints and tips for healthier snacking.
The BBC and Premier League have launched a campaign called Super Movers to encourage children to become more active while learning. Teachers will be using the video resources to get children moving in lessons throughout the day. This physical activity can contribute to the 30 active minutes children should be doing at school.
Why not use the Super Movers video resources to support your child’s learning at home. Activities range from learning times tables to apostrophes.
Lovely homework for our class book on the body
As always, there was some fantastic Creative homework to enjoy in our homework review yesterday. We learnt lots from each other about various parts of the body and, because we all completed our work in homework books, we can now create our very information book from it.
Here’s a sneaky peak at a few pages:
Living and Learning – Safer Internet Day
Year 6 spent the day learning about how to be safe while online, whether that be using computers, laptops or iPads; using our phones; or using different apps.
We started by discussing how great the internet and having a phone can be and sharing what we use them for and when we use them.
We discussed a video from Newsround which showed us some scenarios of things that have happened to people when they’ve not used the internet safely enough – why not watch it again at home and chat about it together?
When we talked about using phones, Year 6 were very able to discuss how phones could put us in danger and the decisions we could make that will keep us safe. We spent a lot of time discussing not only what sort of information we do and don’t share but also, the impacts of sharing things that we’d then regret. Again, we watched a video from the NSPCC which allowed us to discuss what bad decisions were made and how we can make sure we’re not put in that situation. Watch it at home and discuss it together. This video runs alongside one of the leaflets your child has brought home too so there might be some guidance in there on what to talk about.
We ended the day working with Splats, performing a play which passed on the message of e-safety.

Lots of fun but lots of important messages given through our acting.
Circulatory system
Our Topic lessons are all about the human body this week.
We carried out an investigation to see how exercise and resting affects our heart rates; this information was then plotted onto a graph so that we were better able to spot patterns and reflect on whether we’d carried the investigation out correctly.
Then, we learnt all about the circulatory system using a huge diagram of a person.

It was clear that our blood had lots more jobs than we first realised! Take a look at The Blood Mobile – a video which shows you all of the amazing things our blood does.
Funded through our PE and Sport Premium, Year 2 and Year 4 have recently taken part in a skipping workshop led by ‘Skipping School’; both classes will then be part of a Leeds wide skipping competition.
- ‘I learnt a lot! It was fun and I learnt new skills.’
- ‘I think it is a good idea to skip because we are a happy and healthy school.’
- ‘I liked the skipping because I got to learn new things.’
- ‘I loved the skipping and the new skills because skipping makes you fit.’
- ‘First, I was really bad at skipping but when Jodi came I got better. Now I like skipping.’
We are offering all children the opportunity to learn these new skills, from their peers, by introducing skipping as a physical activity at lunchtimes. This is one way we are promoting physical activity during the school day for children to get their active 30 minutes.
The Government’s Childhood Obesity: A Plan for Action, shares the expectation for all primary schools to provide a minimum of 30 active minutes every day for all pupils. The Chief Medical Officers recommend a minimum of 60 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous activity for children aged 5-18. Schools are expected to provide 30 of these minutes and families to achieve the other 30.
‘Skipping School’ also sell their ropes and we would like to offer all children the chance to buy a rope at a heavily subsided price (funded by our PE Premium) to continue learning these fundamental movement skills at home.
Ropes will be on sale at a price of £2 (normal price £5) before and after school during the week of 05 February. Starting with a stall at the PTA cake sale, Year 6 children will be selling the ropes in the playground subject to the weather. Please bring exact change wherever possible.