Staying Safe
Our next whole school themed week, based around Staying Safe, will be taking place from Monday 22 May 2017. The key message is how to be safe in a range of situations. A variety of events and visitors are planned to help us deliver this key aspect of education.
Events during the week will include e-safety drama workshops for all classes, NSPCC Speak Out, a stay safe assembly and workshops, Leeds City Council road safety and scooter training, water safety sessions with Canal and River Trust, bike maintenance with Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative and d:side, delivering drug education. Some of the events require parental permission and these letters will be sent out separately. There are also three specific parent sessions during the week.
Tuesday 23 May 2.10-3.10pm O2 and NSPCC online safety workshop (open to all parents)
This hour-long workshop will help parents and carers understand their child’s online world and build confidence to have those important conversations that can help keep children safe online.
Wednesday 24 May 3.15-3.45pm d:side informal information session (open to all parents)
A d:side representative will be available to provide information about your child’s drug education learning during the themed week and answer any other related enquiries.
Thursday 25 May 2.40pm e-safety drama show back (parents of Year 5 and 6)
Following e-safety drama workshops led by One Day Creative, parents are invited to come and watch the children present their learning from the day.
Following the success of the recent Big Pedal promotion and as we will be covering bike, scooter and road safety during the week, we shall be holding a whole school walk/bike/scoot to school initiative. Children are encouraged to travel to school in a sustainable way, keeping safe along the way, and if they do, they should complete the slip at the bottom of a letter to be sent home for a chance to win one of five £10 Love2Shop vouchers. We hope you will support this initiative in helping children make a healthy start to their day and also helping towards reducing congestion at our gates. Even by parking further away from school, your child could then to do the final part of their journey by foot, bike or scooter. Bike and scooter storage facilities are available beside the Year 3 and 4 classrooms.
Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative will be running a Dr Bike event in the playground on Tuesday 23 May. From 8:30am, you will be able to bring along your bike for a free bike safety check.
We will keep you up to date about events during the week through Twitter and the class news pages on our website.
Finally, if your job involves an aspect of safety and you can support our Staying Safe themed week by coming into school, please contact the school office or your child’s class teacher directly to arrange this.
Have a great holiday!
Just a quick note to say have a great holiday. Make sure that the children have a good rest but also dip in and out of some learning to keep them fresh for when they return in two weeks time. We’ve all done revision timetables which keep us doing little bits but make sure we’ve got time for resting, too.
See you in two weeks (and one day).
A brainy visitor
We had a visit from a scientist this week and learnt all about our brains. We had lots of questions and now know about the different parts of our brains, how neurons and receptors work and why we sometimes make conscious decisions and sometimes react reflexively.
First, we looked at different parts of the brain.
We even looked at real brains: a snail’s, a mouse’s and a rat’s.
Then we created a human model of how our receptors (buttons on our skins), which send messages down neurons to our brains and back.
We can see things from other people’s point of view.
This week’s Creative homework was great as usual.
I can see things from other people’s point of view.
Here are some examples of what we came up with and, as always, we enjoyed looking at each other’s and writing a comment to say what we thought about it.
Great effort, Year 6. Keep it up.
Parent topic review
At the end of our Time Travel topic, we invited parents in to see what we’d been doing in our topic lessons for the last eight weeks. I handed the job over to the children and they created iMovies which took our visiting parents on a journey through the things we’d learnt and particularly enjoyed in class.
There were some really great movies and the children explained very confidently and clearly our learning to the parents who visited.
We enjoyed watching each other’s work, too.
3 days to go
Only 3 Big Pedal days to go!
We’ve had a great participation rate across the two weeks so far. Our highest participation was 43% on Day 5 (Friday).
Here’s a peek at the prizes – who will be our winners?
Keep cycling, scooting and we’ll soon find out!
Tag rugby success
Our Year 5/6 Tag Rugby team took part in the Leeds North East tag rugby competition today and topped their group to qualify for the Leeds City Tag Rugby Finals in May.
Well done to all the children involved – a great team effort!
School Saving Club
The next School Saving Club paying in date is 23 March 2017 at 3.15-3.45pm.
If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Miss Hale.
For your information the paying in dates for the rest of the year are:
18 May 2017 3.15-3.45pm
13 July 2017 3.15-3.45pm
If your child would like to open account, please ask at the office.
Tour de Yorkshire themed menu
Catering Leeds, our school meal provider, will be running a special Tour de Yorkshire themed menu on Tuesday 25 April.
Please contact the office by Thursday 30th March if your child would like a school dinner on this day.
A great start
We’ve started the Big Pedal today with an impressive 40% participation rate on Day 1. Did you cucle or scoot to school? If not, there are another nine days to go.
Here are today’s totals.
A big thank you to Dom Jacques for supporting the event and organising the bike and scooter donations. These donations have meant that even more children can take part in the event.
Also, thank you to the Year 6 helpers who are coordinating the data gathering on a daily basis.