Year 6 Class News

Creative Science homework

Posted on Monday 23 January 2017 by Mr Roundtree

My usually up-to-date posts on Year 6’s consistently fantastic Creative homework has slipped since the Christmas break and I can only apologise. Better late than never, here’s a sneaky peek into our ‘Science is all around’ homework from a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t possibly not post it as I was even more amazed that usual.


Can’t wait for our next instalment! As always, we looked at everyone’s work and then took a closer work at one person’s in particular to comment on their work individually.

Entertainment through the ages

Posted on Monday 23 January 2017 by Mr Roundtree

We kicked off our new Big Topic last week: Time Travel – Entertainment. We began by thinking about some key periods in history and wondering about what sort of entertainment was around at the time.

Then, working together, we used our knowledge of dates to put key time periods in chronological order, matching major forms of entertainment as we went.

Here’s our final piece of work to go on our topic wall for us to refer to as we for the next eight weeks.



Posted on Wednesday 18 January 2017 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to children who participated in the Leeds North East High 5 Netball Come and Try Festival tonight at Carr Manor School. They played a few games against local schools in a friendly, relaxed setting with some coaching as they played.

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Half term pop-up sports

Posted on Wednesday 18 January 2017 by Mrs Taylor


New themed menus

Posted on Monday 09 January 2017 by Mrs Taylor

Catering Leeds, our school meal provider, will be running a special Australia Day themed menu on Tuesday 24 January.  This themed menu has recently been selected by our school councillors.

Please contact the office, by 12 January, if your child would like a school dinner on this day.


Another themed menu selected by our school councillors is for Shrove Tuesday, 28 February.

Please contact the office, by 09 February, if your child would like a school dinner on this day.



What’s the Matter?

Posted on Sunday 08 January 2017 by Mr Roundtree

We love working scientifically in Year 6 and loved experiencing reversible and irreversible changes first hand. It really helped us to understand these words as we could see it happening in front of us.

Thinking about our next Big Topic

Posted on Thursday 05 January 2017 by Mr Roundtree

In preparation for our upcoming Big Topic, we put our heads together to think about what we’d like to learn and do. The next Big Topic will be Time Travel and Year 5 and 6 will be exploring entertainment through the ages.

There were hundreds of great ideas which Mr Catherall and I now need to seive through but here are a few to give you a taster:

  • create a marble run using woodwork skills
  • learn some ballroom dancing
  • create our games using our computing skills
  • write a promotional text for a game
  • work out the costing and profit for putting on a theatre production

We look forward to starting this topic in the week beginning 16 January and will keep you updated on what we’re doing.

New SEAL theme…Good to be me

Posted on Monday 02 January 2017 by Mrs Taylor

Our new SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) theme for this half-term, Good to be me, focuses on three main areas of learning:

  • Self-awareness: feeling good about yourself, taking risks.
  • Managing feelings: understanding feelings, and why and how they lead us to behave the way we do – particularly the feelings of being excited, proud, surprised, hopeful, disappointed, worried and anxious and standing up for yourself.
  • Empathy

This theme explores feelings in the context of the child as an individual, developing self-awareness and helping the child to realise that it really is ‘Good to be me’. The theme is about understanding our feelings as well as considering our strengths and weaknesses as learners.

As part of our current science mini topic, What’s the matter?, children will also ask ‘What’s the matter?’ from a social and emotional point of view, understanding feelings and thinking about how they can solve problems.

The theme also links with Moortown’s Got Talent, our upcoming annual talent show.

The key ideas and concepts behind the theme of Good to be me are:

Building emotional resilience

Children need to become resilient if they are to be healthy and effective life-long learners.

Coping with anxiety and worrying

Worry and anxiety are major features in many children’s lives. Many children have good reasons to be anxious. Exploring worries is important.

Calming down

Although getting stressed, anxious or angry are important and useful emotions, sometimes these feelings can be overwhelming.


The theme encourages children to become assertive – that is, able to recognise and stand up for their rights while recognising and respecting the rights of others.

Understanding feelings and how they influence behaviour

The theme explores the relationship between ‘thinking’ and ‘feeling’ and the way each impacts on our behaviour. It looks at Flight or Fight rapid response to situations of threat and our responses to feeling threatened / under stress.

‘I respond to difficult situations in a positive way’ is the first SEAL statement for this theme.

Merry Christmas

Posted on Friday 16 December 2016 by Mr Roundtree

Just a quick message to say Merry Christmas and enjoy the holidays. Have a well-earned rest but keep up some reading over the break.

We love reading!

Posted on Friday 16 December 2016 by Mr Roundtree

Our Creative homework was to convince someone that they should love reading and we had some very persuasive pieces of homework:

  • stories to read
  • PowerPoint slides telling us about the benefits of reading
  • sequels to existing books
  • videos

Here are some for you to enjoy.