Year 6 Class News

Help others take part in the Big Pedal

Posted on Tuesday 14 March 2017 by Mrs Taylor

Do you have any bikes or scooters that you no longer use?

If you’d like to donate them, please bring them to school any morning this week and provided they are in a working condition, we’ll offer them to people who don’t have one to use in the upcoming Big Pedal event. Please hand them to Dom Jacques who will be in the playground to take receipt.

Any that aren’t roadworthy or are unwanted will be donated to local recycling charities such as the Yorkshire Bank Bike Library. The nearest Bike Library is at Moor Allerton Library (near Sainsburys) and they offer loan bikes to families for up to 14 days for free.

Three days to go

Posted on Tuesday 14 March 2017 by Mrs Taylor


The Big Pedal starts on Monday 20th March for two weeks and we’re looking forward to seeing as many people as possible take to two wheels for their journey (or final part of their journey) to school. There are two lots of prizes up for grabs:

Big Pedal national prizes for all participating schools

Drawn daily for schools who achieve a minimum 15% participation (roughly 31 children for Moortown Primary) each day.

Details of the national prizes on offer are shown below.

  • DAY 1 – BMX World Champ Visit & Show
  • DAY 2 – Bespoke Travel Map For School
  • DAY 3 – Three Brand New Islabikes
  • DAY 4 – Superheroes/Moves Sample Pack
  • DAY 5 – Alastair Humphreys Visit + Books
  • DAY 6 – Three Brand New Islabikes
  • DAY 7 – £100 Sustrans Voucher
  • DAY 8 – Cyclepods Cycle Storage
  • DAY 9 – Three Brand New Islabikes
  • DAY 10 – Extreme Mountain Bike Show Visit

Individual prizes for pupils and supporters (parents/carers) at Moortown Primary

The more days you take part, the more entry tickets you’ll have in the prize draw.

Pupil prizes include two stunt scooters, an action camera, a bike pump, a copy of ‘The Boy who Biked the World’ by Alastair Humphreys and a Gruffalo Easter egg. Supporter prizes include two £5 M&S vouchers, a ‘hot drink and cake for two’ at Filmore & Union and a Lindt chocolate bunny.

Winners will be drawn during assembly on 31 March, the final Big Pedal day and last day of term.

How to win – pupils

Please fill in the tickets on the letter sent home, cut them out and put them in your school bag.  Each morning you scoot or cycle, put your ticket in THE BIG PEDAL CONTAINER in your classroom.

How to win – parents/carers/supporters

Wherever possible, please take part and join your children on their rides to school.  It’s a bit of fun, helps to reduce congestion and you could even win a prize.  Each day you scoot or cycle, simply pick up a ticket from the school playground, write your name on it and pop it into the Big Pedal container.  The more days you join in, the more chances you have of winning a prize.

Thank you in advance for your support.  Please get in touch if you have any questions. Enjoy the ride!

Share your photos or stories:


Big Pedal

Posted on Sunday 12 March 2017 by Mrs Taylor


Get set… we’re taking part in The Big Pedal 2017, the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge that inspires pupils, staff and parents to choose two wheels for their journey to school. The challenge runs from 20th to 31st March. It’s free to enter and we would love everyone to be involved.

Why we’re taking part and prizes available

Active travel to school is proven to improve the health of children by preventing obesity, reducing congestion and carbon emissions around schools and increasing concentration in the classroom.

By taking part, the school will compete for a national Big Pedal 2017 Trophy and will be in with a chance to win some fantastic national prizes including world champion BMX and mountain bike stunt shows, a visit from world famous explorer Alastair Humphreys, 9 brand new Islabikes and much more!

We also have prizes just for pupils (and parents and carers) at Moortown Primary School including two new stunt scooters, a scooter action camera, a track pump (donated by Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative), M&S and Filmore & Union vouchers (both donated).

How you can help to increase our chances of winning?

On each day of the challenge schools compete to see who can record the greatest number of pupils, staff and parents cycling or scooting to school. Each day that at least 15% of pupils at Moortown Primary register a bike or scooter journey, the school will go into a daily draw for fantastic national prizes. Our best 5 days (based on % participation) will determine our final position in the challenge and if we clock up the most bike and scooter journeys nationally we’ll win a Big Pedal 2017 Trophy! Moortown Primary School prizes will be drawn separately by the school.

What’s next?

All you need to do is encourage your child(ren) to cycle or scoot to school every day during the event, and join them on their way – parent/carer and sibling journeys are counted too and you might even win a prize!

Some children tell us they can’t take part in these events because they live too far away from school and have to come by car.  We encourage these families to park further away and complete the final part of the journey by scooter or bike. These journeys can be included in our school total.

Bikes and scooters should be stored as safely as possible in our storage area beside the Year 3 and 4 classrooms.


Finally, if you have any Big Pedal success stories or photos to share, please send them to so we can use them to encourage others.

Some great Maths learning!

Posted on Friday 10 March 2017 by Mr Roundtree

Each week, Year 6 do Guided Maths which gives us an opportunity to work in small groups and revise learning from earlier this year and even Year 5. It means we’re always revisiting our learning either on our own or with adult support.

Last week, we revised angles and the group on our Maths Challenge Table produced some brilliant independent work.




Posted on Friday 10 March 2017 by Mr Roundtree

On Thursday 09 March, Year 6 had a wonderful time with visitors from Leeds University as part of both national STEM week and our Time Travel – Entertainment topic. Our visitors talked to us about how rollercoasters work, discussing the gravitational and kinetic energy involved and how they conserve energy. (This means the amount of energy stays the same but it is transferred into different types.)

Once we understood the science, we were tasked with creating our own rollercoasters using half foam tubes as the track and a marble as the carriage.  We got more points if we could create loop the loops, corkscrews or jumps and even more if we could land the marble in a cup at the end!

Take a look at some of our incredible rollercoasters and some fab teamwork.

The winning team got a whopping 70 points: three loops, one corkscrew, a jump and a cup landing!


To be or not to be…

Posted on Saturday 04 March 2017 by Mr Roundtree

As part of our Time Travel – Entertainment topic, we’ve explored how people were entertained in Elizabethan times. Theatres were the main form of entertainment and this, obviously, led us directly to the great work of Shakespeare. We began the week by picking apart Shakespearean language to see whether we could understand it – which we could!

The children were really interested in what it would have been like to go to the theatre in the 1600s and had lots of questions. They then showed off some fantastic acting skills by taking on a snippet of Shakespeare in small groups – very entertaining.


World Book Day

Posted on Wednesday 01 March 2017 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our World Book Day celebrations tomorrow, we’ll be holding a table sale of books written by a family member of two pupils in school.

Finlay and Evie’s auntie, Clare Luther, is the author of a great series of a SEAL related books and they will be available to buy after school tomorrow in the playground (weather permitting).




Have you tried the Be Food Smart quiz?

Posted on Wednesday 01 March 2017 by Mrs Taylor

As part of the Be Food Smart Change4life campaign, have you tried the quiz to find out how much you know about what’s really inside your food and drink!



UTC Digital visit

Posted on Friday 24 February 2017 by Mr Roundtree

On Monday, we had a visitor from UTC Digital to talk to us about the opportunities we have in the future if we want to go into the digital world for our careers or just learn some very valuable skills in digital technology which can be applied across a number of professions.

They explained that, to use, computers themselves are not smart; it’s the people who control them who need to be clever as computers need very specific instructions in order to work. He made us realise just how specific these instructions had to be by asking us to instruct him in making a jam sandwich. Simple right? No. Turns out it’s not. We had bread everywhere, his hands were covered in butter and he kept doing it wrong …all because our instructions were not specific enough.



It was an interesting and enjoyable session for the children and our visitors have emailed us since to tell us how impressed they were with the children’s enthusiasm and behaviour – well done.

Our new SEAL theme – Getting On

Posted on Saturday 18 February 2017 by Mrs Taylor

For this half term, our SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) theme Getting On covers four main aspects:

  • developing the social skills of friendship
  • working well together in a group
  • managing anger
  • resolving conflict

A key resource for children to refer to during this theme, and at other times, is Peaceful Problem Solving.  This encourages children to sort out their own problems.  You may wish to talk through this with your child(ren).


When group work takes place in school, some questions for children to consider are:

  • Did everyone take turns?
  • Did everyone listen to what other people thought?
  • Did each person have chance to tell the group what they thought?
  • If people had different ideas could the group reach a compromise?

The key areas of learning throughout this theme are empathy, managing feelings and social skills.

We start our weekly SEAL statements with a focus on manners, I don’t interrupt (with my mouth or with my hand).