Homework review
Thanks to those parents who joined us for our weekly homework review. As I expected, there were a number of brilliant homeworks, celebrating the great learning we did throughout STEM week.
Here are a few of our favourites.
Great job, Year 6!
Sports stars
As part of our involvement with the Leeds North East School Sport Partnership and Active Schools, we have recently entered two sporting competitions. A huge well done to all children who took part. For a few, this was their first opportunity to represent our school.
Leeds North East Primary Schools Sportshall Athletics
Fifteen pupils from Year 4, 5 and 6, took part in this action-packed competition, at Allerton Grange, comprising of many field and track events. It’s always a well-contested event and the children competed well against other local schools.
- ‘I enjoyed everything I did. Our team was very positive.’
- ‘It was a great experience that wasn’t too competitive. I loved it!’
- ‘I enjoyed the competition because there were lots of events to choose and do.’
Thank you to Mrs Bald and Mrs Russell for taking the children to this event.
Leeds North East Primary Schools Cross Country Festival
Eighteen pupils participated in the Leeds North East Primary Schools Cross Country Festival at Cardinal Heenan. There were over 650 young people taking part in the races and over 100 pupils in each race.
A particular well done to Grace and Megan who came 7th and 10th in their Year 5 girls race. Also, children commented on the resilience of Ripley who took a fall in the mud but got himself up and then continued to overtake many other runners!
- ”I thought it was good because it was different and my mum used to do cross country too.’
- ‘It was really good because even if you don’t like running too much, like me, you still had a fun time.’
As always, we thank staff and parents who helped with these events.
School Saving Club paying in session
Our next paying in date for School Saving Club account holders is Thursday 08 December 3.15-3.45pm. If you can’t make this date, the next one will be on Thursday 02 February at 3.15-3.45pm.
Children must be accompanied to the sessions.
Alternatively, you can bring money to the office in a sealed envelope marked School Saving Club for the attention of Miss Hale.
School Saving Club accounts can still be opened. Please ask at the office for an application form.
Children who are in currently in Year 3 will have their account credited by Leeds City Council with £10 once opened.
Physical activity – the facts
In August 2016, the Government released its Childhood Obesity Strategy. This document outlines actions which will address the rising rates of childhood obesity.
Yorkshire Sport Foundation have produced the following poster with statistics and key information from the strategy.
We continue to monitor and improve our physical activity provision (see our current PE Provision Plan (pe-and-sport-premium-2016-2017) and our previous PE Provision Plan (pe-and-sport-premium-2015-2016).
Packed lunches
Struggling for ideas for a healthy packed lunch?
Change4life have some great tips and easy to prepare ideas based on the Eatwell Guide.
Also make reference to our Packed Lunch Guidance.
STEM week – Thursday
It’s been a busy day! We started the day by battling with our bookmarks again and attempting to have thirty which had flashing lights. We perhaps achieved half of this target but demonstrated immense patience and resilience in the process. Once again, Mrs Raseta and I were far too busy for pictures but (hopefully) we’ll have some finished products to show you tomorrow.
Following this, we had a fab visit from M&S who talked to us about the history of the company, moving on to focus on their most popular product: the Melt in the Middle Pudding. We learnt the science behind how the pudding is preserved using emulsifiers and explored the ingredients involved in this perfect pudding.
Finally, the moment we’d all be waiting for, we did a (very scientific) taste testing – all in the name of Science of course.
STEM week – Wednesday
Wednesday of STEM week has been much anticipated as it brought with it our Science carousel. We often work with different teachers during a themed week and for this one, Y6 enjoyed Science from Miss Rushbrooke, Mr Wilks and Mr Owen for the whole morning. They really enjoyed helping the person trapped in ice escape in Y2 (particularly as they were deemed old and responsible enough to work with fire) and created some complicated circuits in Y4. In Y6, we explored sinking and floating and the Science behind it.
First, we predicted and tested a number of objects to find out which would sink and float before discussing any surprises and using these to determine what made an object sink or float.
We then went on to look at the same object (an egg) behaving differently in different liquids. In water, an egg sinks but if it’s salt or sugar water, it floats. Y6 now understand that this is due to the different densities of the solutions it is floating (or sinking) in.
Our afternoon required perseverance, dedication and patience while we tackled needle and thread to create an electronic circuit using conductive thread. Some of us were successful and others need to continue the hard work tomorrow. I saw some admirable resilience throughout the afternoon (from both the children and the adults in the room) and hope to see this again when our work continues tomorrow.
STEM week – Tuesday
Today, we began by practising essential skills we’d need in order to complete our electronic bookmarks: sewing. We practised a number of stitches and, not only did we thoroughly enjoy it in a calm and relaxed environment, but the children were rather good too.
We’ve also been working on our problem solving with fractions by drawing bar models but I’ve no pictures of that as I was far too busy teaching! Ask us what bar models are and whether we can show you how they work.
STEM week – Monday
STEM week has got going from the off with projects begun and visitors galore! We started the day with an introduction to our project for the week which will see us go home with light up bookmarks! We had to create a design first and make sure our circuit would work using electronic thread.
Then, we worked with Mrs Garside to learn all about hacking on the internet and discuss what this means for how we should use it safely. We followed this learning up by creating a movie trailer giving people tips on how to stay safe on line when there are hackers about.
In the afternoon, our computing heads were on again as we had to create some complicated code which would control a robot. We worked in groups and then thought about how controlling robots fits into everyday life and a number of careers around today and many more in the future.
We can’t wait for the rest of the week now!
VE Day celebrations
We had a great time dressing up and celebrating our very own Victory in Europe day on Friday.
It was a fantastic way to end our ‘Class Novel’ topic and we all had a great time. As well as having lots of fun at our VE day party, we also reflected on all the great learning we’ve enjoyed over the last eight weeks. It was particularly useful to hear which aspects of the topic the children have enjoyed the most and why.
Ask your child what they learnt over the course of this big topic and discuss the relevance/importance of this learning.
Also, discuss their views on the class novel they read. Did they enjoy it? Why? Did they empathise with the characters? Why?