Yorkshire’s Rio Heroes
Welcome back Yorkshire’s Olympic and Paralympic athletes with a special homecoming parade! On Wednesday 28 September, a carnival atmosphere will take hold of Leeds as the athletes are welcomed home in true Yorkshire style.
A host of athletes have confirmed their attendance, including triathletes Alistair and Jonny Brownlee; World, European and Paralympic champion Hannah Cockroft, MBE; diver and gold medallist Jack Laugher; and rowers Andy Triggs Hodge and Paul Bennett who both claimed gold.
There will be a lively parade, with samba bands, brass bands, colourful performers and of course open top buses and vehicles carrying the athletes. Parade celebrations will start at 5.15pm, and we would love to see the people of Yorkshire come out in force to line the city centre route and cheer on these inspiring men and women.
History linked to Topic
This week in topic, we were looking at World War 2 in comparison to other British history. First, we sorted pictures of artefacts into the age group we thought they fitted into – we were surprised by some of them. Here are some photos…
Then later, while we were looking at artefacts, we saw a video of Hitler on YouTube; lots of us found it super weird and he was very loud. We also saw a real gas mask.In The Space, we made a timeline of age groups. We also learnt loads of interesting facts about World War 2: it was mainly in Europe, it started in 1939 and ended in 1945 and finally we learnt why it started.
Overall, Y6 have learnt lots this week.
Published by Frankie and Emre.
Creative homework
Last week’s homework was to show what we know about the world. As always, Y6 produced some amazing work. Here are just a couple of pieces that caught our eyes:
Every time we do Creative homework, we put it out on the tables and have a look at what everyone has produced. We really like taking a sneaky peak at each other’s ideas. Here we are looking at, and interacting with, what we did.
Once we’ve enjoyed the homework review, we choose someone’s to look at more closely and write a comment in their book. If we’re lucky, Miss Rushbrooke might give us a golden ticket too!
Written by all of Y6 and Miss Rushbrooke.
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas
Our Class Novel topic has begun and we’re well on the way with ours: The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. As this novel is set during World War Two, lots of our learning will be centred around this – something the children said they’d like to learn about last year.
Although the children knew that their class novel would be linked to WWII, they didn’t know which novel I’d chosen. So, on Monday, they entered the school of code breaking and had to break the code to find out what the novel was.
Help at home by asking about the class novel:
- What’s happening in the story at the moment?
- Are you enjoying it?
- What have you learnt about the war while reading it?
- What are the characters like?
Tuck shop returns
The KS2 fruit tuck shop returns tomorrow at playtime.
We’ve had a great response to our pre-payment option with 81 portions of fruit each week.
You can still pay on the day – 20p per portion.
‘Scoot the Route’ 26 – 30 September
Next week, we’ll be supporting Leeds City Council’s ‘Scoot the Route’ initiative to promote scooting to school to help reduce congestion at the school gates and encourage pupils to lead more healthy active lifestyles.
We will be running a competition throughout the week whereby children will be issued a ticket (below) at the gate if they come to school on their scooter. They need to complete the ticket and hand it in to the office. All tickets will then go in to a draw on Friday 30 September where children have the chance of winning one of five £10 Love2Shop vouchers.
Don’t forget you can park your scooter near the bike storage area using one of our new scooter storage pods.
It’s Gold again!
The School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Schools in England are able to assess themselves across bronze, silver and gold levels of the mark based on participation in competitions, extra-curricular sporting activities, sports leadership and local club links.
Once again, we’re proud to receive a Gold award!
Thank you to all pupils, parents and staff who continue to have such enthusiasm for participation.
Best of British themed menu
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Thursday 06 October: Best of British Autumn Favourites. Please contact the office if your child would like a school dinner on this day.
One of my great loves in life is a good map so I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our topic lessons so far this week.
We’ve thought about what different maps there are in the world and why we use them. Our learning has then focused on OS maps, looking at what we can learn about an area just by looking at a map.
We found it most interesting looking at contour lines and what they tell us about the height of the land above sea level and where the land is steep or flat.
Next, we’re moving on to human geography to explore what our country is like and how different factors contributed to our success in the Olympics over the Summer.
Autumn term school meals menu
Don’t forget our Autumn term menu is available to view on our website and is displayed on our dining room window. The menu, from our school meals provider Catering Leeds, follows a three week cycle. Have a look for the week ahead to make your child aware of what the daily meals are.
School meals continue to be free for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. If your child is in Key Stage 2, please check for eligibility for free school meals.
If your child would like to start having school dinners, please inform the office. A combination of packed lunches and school dinners is also available.