Year 6 Class News

Hotshots total

Posted on Thursday 23 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Thanks to your generous sponsorship, we have raised £635.20 from our Hotshots event during the Money Matters themed week.  The money will be split between our current school charities, Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Leeds Mind.


Money from our other fundraising event from the themed week, our penny trail, is still being counted!


EU referendum

Posted on Thursday 23 June 2016 by Mr Catherall

Whilst the real referendum takes place across the country today, we held our own mini-referendum in Year 6 yesterday. Combining learning from the previous day with learning from last week’s homework, the children took part in a debate against each other.

There were three debates in total, all focusing on five key areas of the debate: immigration; the economy; pay and taxes; the cost of being in the EU; and terrorism and security.

All of the debates were of a high quality; we definitely have some budding politicians in our class. It was great to see how children could articulate their responses whilst remaining respectful to the opposite side.

Here are some action shots:

Afterwards, we voted. The results were:

Remain – 22

Leave – 7

So, according to Year 6, Britain should remain a member of the European Union.

Homework Review 22.06.16

Posted on Wednesday 22 June 2016 by Mr Catherall

As always, our responses to our creative homework (I can show what I know about the EU referendum) were brilliant this week. Who knew they had such an interest in politics? We had quizzes, PowerPoint presentations, persuasive letters, information leaflets and even a home-made ballot box with voting slips. It was great to see how proud the children were to show off their homework and it was obvious that efforts had been made to impress each other – keep it up – I love homework! 

Here are some of our favourites:


PS Some children might notice the variety of the punctuation in this post; it is one of our new writing targets. I’ve managed to use a colon, a semi colon, a dash, a comma, a question mark and even a few full stops! (And an exclamation mark.) 

Leeds United Football Training 

Posted on Wednesday 22 June 2016 by Mr Catherall

This afternoon, the Y6 children have enjoyed an amazing lesson by Leeds United. Starting with the amusing warm up and then followed by an immensely enjoyable lesson.

Clearly having fun!
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World History topic

Posted on Monday 20 June 2016 by Mr Catherall

This week marks the beginning of our latest topic: World History. In this topic, children will be learning about one of three civilisations: Benin, Ancient Islamic and Maya.

Today, we had a ‘taster’ session of each civilisation and found out lots of things we never knew:

  • Did you know that the Mayans may have invented basketball?
  • Or, did you know that the Ancient Islamic Civilisation were inventing machines that may have helped humans to fly thousands of years before the Wright brothers?

Children will now complete an independent research task to create a fact-filled project board about a civilisation of their choice whilst focusing on skills related to the foundation subject age-related expectations for Year 5 and Year 6.

It might look something like this:


You could help at home by:

  • asking your child to think about the pros and cons for researching each civilisation
  • spending time researching their chosen civilisation with them (using a range of reliable sources – not just Google!)
  • encouraging them to carry out independent research
  • discussing the importance of using reliable (and appropriate) sources when researching

School Saving Accounts

Posted on Sunday 19 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Our next paying in session for children with School Saving Accounts is this week.

  • Wednesday 22 June 3.15pm


You’re welcome to accompany your child to pay in their money.  If you can’t come, or maybe your child is at an after-school club, you can bring money to the office in a sealed envelope marked ‘School Saving Account’ with your child’s paying in card and this will be deposited into their account.

Also, it’s not too late to open an account.  Please ask at the office for an application form.

The next paying in session this term is Wednesday 20 July 3.15pm.

Homework review

Posted on Friday 17 June 2016 by Mr Catherall

Our reponses to the recent creative homework relating to Money Week were amazing!

It was clear that many of us had spent lots of time responding to the task and the results were impressive.

In class, we looked at other people’s before giving each other some verbal ‘stars and steps’. We then voted on our favourites:

Rio Challenge

Posted on Saturday 11 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

This week, we have launched skills drills Rio Challenge.  Linked to the upcoming Rio Olympics, pupils can attempt a series of ten timed sports drills based around core skills from different Olympic events.  These include hockey, gymnastics, rugby and athletics.


Children can be part of this online competition against their peers and other schools and we will be uploading times for the quickest drills.

The drills will be carried out in PE lessons and at lunchtime.  You could even have a go at home.

Rio challenge drills are led by Sports Leaders at lunchtime.

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Rocket seeds

Posted on Thursday 09 June 2016 by Mr Roundtree

Our rocket seed experiment came to an end on the last Friday before half-term when we completed our final measurement. We’ve now submitted the results to the Principia mission and they’ll add what we found to the results of all the other schools taking place.


Having looked at the information we’ve gathered, which do you think are the seeds from space?

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When all of the data has been collated, the agency will be in touch with us to let us know what they found out and finally tell us which seeds are which!

Euro 2016 themed menu

Posted on Wednesday 08 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

To celebrate UEFA’s European Football Championship 2016, Catering Agency will be running a special themed menu on Tuesday 21 June.  Please contact the office if your child would like a school dinner on this day.
