Week beginning 08 February 2021
Monday 08 February 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and activity
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson text
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson and spelling list
- Maths: Mixed numbers to improper fractions: video worksheet answers
- Geography: lesson
- RE: lesson worksheet
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Tuesday 09 February 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and activity
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: Number sequences: video worksheet answers
- Living and Learning: lesson express yourself online quiz PDF quiz
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Wednesday 10 February 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and activity
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: Compare and order fractions less than 1 (first part of worksheet): video worksheet answers
- Geography: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Thursday 11 February2021
- Reading skills: lesson and activity
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: Compare and order fractions less than 1 (second part of worksheet): video worksheet answers
- Science: lesson and video
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Friday 12 February 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and activity
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: Compare and order fractions greater than 1 (first part of worksheet): video worksheet answers
- Science: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Week beginning 01 February 2021
Monday 01 February 2021
- Reading skills: lesson
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson and text
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson and spelling list
- Maths: What is a fraction? video, worksheet, answers
- L&L: lesson
- RE: lesson Sikh creation description pictures
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Tuesday 02 February 2021
- Reading skills: lesson
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson, witness statement
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: recap equivalent fractions: video, worksheet, answers
- Geography: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Wednesday 03 February 2021
- Reading skills: lesson quiz
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: equivalent fractions: video, worksheet, answers
- Geography: lesson and game
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Thursday 04 February2021
- Reading skills: lesson and activity
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: recap fractions greater than one: video, worksheet, answers
- Science: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Friday 05 February 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and activities
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson, blank witness statement
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: improper fractions to mixed numbers: video, worksheet, answers
- Science: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Week beginning 25 January 2021
Monday 25 January 2021
- Reading skills: lesson
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson and text
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: introduction to the week and lesson
- Spellings: lesson and spelling list
- Maths: Divide 2 digits by 1 digit (2): video, worksheet, answers
- Geography: lesson
- RE: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
- Don’t forget to join Joe Wicks for his workout at 9am.
Tuesday 26 January 2021
- Reading skills: lesson
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: Divide 3 digits by 1 digit: video, worksheet, answer This is a repeat lesson from last Monday. If you have completed it already, you might want to skip it or recap the learning.
- Geography: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Wednesday 27 January 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and Kahoot Challenge One (plus Kahoot Challenge Two if One is full)
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson video
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: Divide 4 digits by 1 digit: video, worksheet, answers
- Geography: lesson, RIC and quiz
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
- Joe Wicks is here to start your day right.
Thursday 28 January 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and RIC text with activity
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: Divide with remainders: video, worksheet, answers
- Science: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Friday 29 January 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and RIC text with activity
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Maths: Arithmetic: questions answers
- Science: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
- It’s dressing up day for Joe Wicks. Find your best costume and join him at 9am.
Change to maths learning
Hi Y5 and parents,
We’re sorry – there was a mix up with the maths learning for this week and the lessons previously posted were actually for next week. If you found yesterday’s lesson particularly tricky, this is why.
The lessons have been updated now so today’s lesson and the rest of the week picks up where you left off with multiplication, and then moves on to division which will be easier than yesterday’s.
Apologies again for the confusion.
Week Beginning 18 January 2021
Monday 18 January 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and Planet Earth text and activity
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson and text
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson, spelling list and suffix sheet
- Divide 3 digits by 1 digit: video, worksheet, answer
- Science lesson
- RE: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
- PE with Marcus Rashford
Tuesday 19 January 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and match report with activity
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Multiplying 3 digits by 2 digit: video, worksheet, answers
- Science: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Wednesday 20 January 2021
- Reading skills: lesson
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Multiplying 4 digits by 2 digit (basic practice): video, worksheet, answers
- Science: lesson and video and text
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
- Joe Wicks has a live lesson at 9:00am each Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Thursday 21 January 2021
- Reading skills: lesson, Pig Heart Boy extracts and Kahoot quiz challenge
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Multiply 4 digits by 2 digit: video, worksheet, answers
- Topic: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Friday 22 January 2021
- Reading skills: lesson and crossword task
- Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson
- Writing skills: lesson
- Writing texts: lesson
- Spellings: lesson
- Divide 2 digits by 1 digit (1): video, worksheet, answers
- Topic: lesson and text
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
- Joe Wicks has a live lesson at 9:00am each Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Week Beginning 11 January 2021
Monday 11 January 2021
Reading skills: lesson
Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson and text
Writing skills: lesson
Writing texts: lesson
Spellings: lesson
Maths: Interpret charts – video, worksheet, answers
RE: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Tuesday 12 January 2021
Reading skills: lesson
Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson and text
Writing skills: lesson
Writing texts: lesson, planning pdf and word
Spellings: lesson
Maths: Comparison, sum and difference – video, worksheet, answers
Science/ topic: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Music appreciation: Gustav Holst’s ‘Mars’ from ‘The Planets’.
Wednesday 13 January 2021
Reading skills: lesson and Steve Backshall video
Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson and text
Writing skills: lesson
Writing texts: lesson and texts for comparison
Spellings: lesson
Maths: Introducing line graphs – video, worksheet, answers
Science/ topic: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
PE: Joe Wicks is back with his school workout three times a week.
Thursday 14 January 2021
Reading skills: lesson and planets video
Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson and text
Writing skills: lesson
Writing texts: lesson
Spellings: lesson
Maths: Read and interpret line graphs – video, worksheet, answers
Science/ topic: lesson
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Music appreciation: Which is better? Mars or Mercury? There’s only one way to find out…
Friday 15 January 2021
Reading skills: lesson, text and quiz
Reading fluency and vocabulary: lesson and text
Writing skills: lesson
Writing texts: lesson
Spellings: lesson
Maths: Draw line graphs – video, worksheet, answers
Science/ topic: lesson and text
Other mini lessons that you could complete at any point during the day:
Times Tables Rock Stars (email teacher if you have forgotten your login)
Week beginning 28 September 2020
Hi everyone,
I hope you’re well. Here’s a quick message from me!
Here’s this week’s learning…
This week’s maths learning continues to be linked to number and place value.
These four lessons will roughly match the teaching and learning happening in class:
- Rounding numbers to 100,000: watch the video, complete the worksheet and use the answers to check your learning
- Numbers to 1 million: watch the video, complete the worksheet and use the answers to check your learning
- Negative numbers: watch the video, complete the worksheet and use the answers to check your learning
- Roman numerals: watch the video, complete the worksheet and use the answers to check your learning
You don’t have to print the worksheet. Your child can write or draw their answers on paper. Your child’s learning will be most effective if you sit with them to pause the clip and check / praise / support your child as the clip moves on.
Practise times tables on Times Table Rockstars, too. We’re concentrating on the 3 times table. Email Mr Owen (davidowen@spherfederation.org) if you need your child’s login and password details.
(Suggested time: 30 minutes of Maths and 15 minutes of Rockstars daily)
Look on the homework page to find this week’s spellings. Your child should complete one task each day.
- Day 1: Generate more words linked to the spelling pattern or ‘rule’. (You could look out for the words in the book you’re reading at home, or any other text, like a website linked to our learning about paper aeroplanes and origami.)
- Day 2: Practise the spellings using two of the ideas in our Super Spelling Strategies Guide . (Set yourself and others at home a challenge of using some of the words when you’re speaking, too!)
- Day 3: Write separate sentences, each containing one of the spellings. (Don’t forget to show off really neat handwriting and make sure you sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, exclamation mark (!) or question mark (?).
- Day 4: Repeat Task 2 or 3.
- Day 5: Get an adult at home to test you on your spellings. Practise any you spell incorrectly – you could write them out carefully until you’re sure.
(Suggested time: 15-20 minutes daily)
Reading fluency
This is the text we’ll read in class to to build up fluency skills this week.
In school, we generally follow this sequence:
- Day 1: Read the text aloud with your child listening. Read it clearly and slowly, pointing to each word as you read. Have a chat about any unfamiliar words.
- Day 2: Read aloud each sentence (a full short sentence or part of a longer sentence), and have your child read it back to you. Do this ‘echo reading’ for the whole text.
- Day 3: Read the text and talk about the effect of the punctuation on how you read it – pauses for full stops and expression for exclamations (!) or questions (?). Your child reads the text aloud.
- Day 4: Read together with expression (just like you practised on Day 3).
- Day 5: Your child reads independently and fluently.
You can see the slide we’ll use here.
(Suggested time: 15 minutes daily)
Reading comprehension
We’ve got five days of reading lessons on these reading slides. We’ll use these in class too. Thursday and Friday lessons involve learning an animal poem off by heart and then performing it. If you know a different animal poem, feel free to learn and perform that. If you’re able to send a short video in, I’d love to see it! (davidowen@spherefederation.org)
If we have time, we’ll also try and fit in a Book Club session: . a relaxing lesson where we sit and read quietly, often with an adult. At home, children could read a favourite book or text, too. If possible, discuss the book with an adult, talking about some or all of the sections of this grid.
(Suggested time: 30 minutes daily)
Activity 1: This lesson about relative clauses from BBC Bitesize links to some of the learning that we’ve been doing in class recently. Complete the lesson including the activities at the bottom and then complete these questions that we’ve done in class.
Activity 2: Your child should practise skills they’ve learnt recently by using the following sequence:
Task 1:
- define a relative clause
- list different examples of relative pronouns
- find and highlight relative clauses in this text which we’ve read in class (or in a book you’re reading at home)
Task 2:
- write sentences, each with a different relative pronoun.
Task 3:
- write a short piece of writing about an animal of your choice, using lots of expanded noun phrases
(Suggested time: 30 minutes daily)
This week’s topic learning is linked to bridges! In class, we’ve been reading our class novel called The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse. We need to help them to cross a river by building a bridge.
First, you should read this PowerPoint, complete this worksheet and then have a go at making your own bridge!
For a challenge, you could carry out some research of bridges around the world by using this booklet.
(Suggested time: 30-45 minutes)
We’re beginning a new science topic all about animals and how to classify them.
This Oak Academy video lesson will really help to support learning at home. Once your child has watched the video, try the quiz that follows.
(Suggested time: 30-45 minutes)
Coming soon
Very soon, a teacher from this phase will provide you with more ways for you to support your child at home. In the meantime, go to White Rose Maths and Oak National Academy for online learning.