
Week 12: 03 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Friday 03 July 2020 by Miss Wilson

Happy Friyay Y5! After some technical difficulties, I’m back with another video!

Maths – LO: angles around a point
Watch this video and answer these questions afterwards.
Reading – LO: retrieval
We’re carrying on with our Harry Potter – The Prisoner of Azkaban learning today with another fact finding retrieval lesson. Read this text and answer the questions that follow!
Retrieval tips: Look for keywords in the question, find the right page/section, read around the information, write down your answer, check it makes sense!

Week 12: 03 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello Year One

It’s Friday! That means it’s challenge day.

Click on this link and have a good at this week’s maths challenges! There are three challenges this week and they all link to this week’s learning. Good luck!

It’s our Love of Reading session today. I’d like you to sit down with a good book and enjoy reading together. You might share a book or your child may want to read independently. Talk about what you’re reading and ask some questions.

Our final Friday lesson is about dinosaurs! Click on this link  and enjoy this fun lesson.

Have a great weekend everyone 🙂

Week 12: Home learning: 03 July 2020

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Mrs Freeman

Happy Friday!

Today, all your tasks are linked to reading. I hope you enjoy them.

Task 1

Reading and exploring poetry

Voices of Water

Task 2

Who can remember the story of George’s Marvellous Medicine? George's Marvellous Medicine English planning | Teaching Resources

We read the book earlier in the year. What can you remember about the characters?

Using the book George’s Marvellous Medicine you are going to learn how to summarise information from an extract and write a description inspired by Roald Dahl.

The Story Behind George's Marvellous Medicine | News | Rose Theatre

There are 3 activities to choose from.

Activity 3 looks great! Here are some templates to help you if needed.





Task 3

Love of Reading

Sit back and relax with a good book.

Relax with a Good Book by KelliRoos on DeviantArt

20 Inspiring Quotes About Reading for Kids and Students ...



Week 12: 03 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Miss Wilson

THE DEADLINE IS TODAY! Message your class mates and ask them if they’ve done theirs!

Here’s another reminder about the extra task I’d like you to do this week. It’s completely optional but it’d be amazing if we could get everyone in Moortown’s class of 2020 to take part!

I’d like you to film a short clip of yourself:

  • describing a favourite memory from primary school
  • explaining why it’s awesome to be you
  • saying what you want to be when you grow up

Send your videos (they can be separate but no longer than 30 – 60 seconds) to my email address:


Maths – LO: mean average

You know the drill – click here.

Click here for task one and here for task two.




Reading – LO: retrieval
We’re carrying on with our Harry Potter – The Prisoner of Azkaban learning today with another fact finding retrieval lesson. Read this text and answer the questions that follow!
Retrieval tips:
  • look for keywords in the question
  • find the right page/section
  • read around the information
  • write down your answer
  • check it makes sense

Science – LO: How do we produce energy?

Use this video to learn about non-renewable and renewable energy and consider the pros and cons of fossil fuels. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil and your brain – get ready to pause the video and complete the tasks within it.

After you’ve watched the video, you need to persuade me whether or not to use fossil fuels, using the advantages and disadvantages you’ve just learnt. You could:

  • make a poster
  • write a speech
  • create a presentation
  • write a poem/song

As always, send in your learning from home!

Week 12: 02 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 01 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello everyone!

Can you believe we’re nearly at the end of week 12 of home learning? You should all be super proud of yourselves! I certainty am. 🙂

Here’s today’s tasks:


It’s great to read non-fiction texts to find out new things.

Click on this link to read about gorillas!

Read the first page and write down 5 facts  that you found out.


Video         Task

Being healthy 

We’re having a break today from our current science learning about animals for a healthy eating/design technology lesson.

1. Teach yourself how to cut foods using the bridge and claw techniques.

2. Read these example recipes – rainbow fruit skewersfruit kebab and fabulous fruit salad.

3. Depending on what ingredients you have at home, use this planning sheet to design and make your own fruit kebab or fruit salad.

4. Enjoy your healthy dish!

Week 12: Home learning: 02 July 2020

Posted on Wednesday 01 July 2020 by Mrs Freeman


Thursday 7th May – Broughton PrimaryGood morning!

Here are your tasks for today.

Task 1


LO: temperature



Task 2


LO: To use adjectives.

This work links with today’s maths learning.  On the sheet attached are some adjectives to describe temperature. You need to order the words from coldest to warmest.

Temperature Adjectives Activity Sheet

Next, write a sentence for each word and add another adjective.

Here’s one to help.

The chilly, wild wind blew my umbrella out of my hand.

maths adjectives

Task 3


What do you know about dinosaurs?

Would a T.rex catch a Triceratops? What did a Stegosaurus eat? How do we know what dinosaurs looked like?

Have a go at this lesson and have fun! Asteroid 'definitely' to blame for dinosaur extinction, say ...







Week 12: 02 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 01 July 2020 by Miss Wilson

Here’s another reminder about the extra task I’d like you to do this week. It’s completely optional but it’d be amazing if we could get everyone in Moortown’s class of 2020 to take part!

I’d like you to film a short clip of yourself:

  • describing a favourite memory from primary school
  • explaining why it’s awesome to be you
  • saying what you want to be when you grow up

Send your videos (they can be separate but no longer than 30 – 60 seconds) to my email address:


Maths – LO: circles

Click here for yesterday’s answers.

Join me for today’s learning by clicking here.

Then, complete task one and task two.

Task three.

Reading – LO: retrieval
I’ve been on a Harry Potter hype at the moment, so I thought I’dd base today’s reading task on The Prisoner of Azkaban.
I’d like you to read this Harry Potter extract from The Prisoner of Azkaban and answer the accompanying questions.

Science – LO: evolution

Today, we’re throwing it back to our Y3/4 production Darwin Rocks!

Following on from yesterday’s learning, use this website to learn all about Charles Darwin and evolution.

You need to complete:

  • activity one
  • activity two
  • activity four (download it here)

As a bonus task, you could complete activity three.

Week 12: 02 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 01 July 2020 by Miss Wilson

Hey Y5!
I hope you are all doing well and I can’t wait to see you all again at some point soon. Please keep sending me through your work and the stuff that you’re getting up to in your free time!
Today’s learning…
Maths – LO: calculating angles on a straight line
After attempting to use my Screencast and having it crash numerous times, I haven’t been able to record a video for today. Have a watch of this video on week 10, lesson 3   then have a go at these questions  and remember, all angles on a straight line add up to 180°.
Email me if you have any questions!
Reading – LO: retrieval
I’ve been on a Harry Potter hype at the moment, so I thought I’dd base today’s reading task on The Prisoner of Azkaban.
I’d like you to read this Harry Potter extract from The Prisoner of Azkaban and answer the accompanying questions.

Science – LO: evolution

Today, we’re throwing it back to our Y3/4 production Darwin Rocks!

Following on from yesterday’s learning, use this website to learn all about Charles Darwin and evolution.

You need to complete:

  • activity one
  • activity two
  • activity four (download it here)

As a bonus task, you could complete activity three.

Week 12: 01 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 30 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi Year One!

Today, as it would be Being happy and healthy week, choose a physical activity to start your day. You could save the others to do throughout the week when you need a brain break.

Onto today’s tasks!


It’s Wednesday which means it is practice day! This week, I want you to practice counting to 100. This will help you remember what we have been learning about the last two weeks!

Numbers to 100

Numbers to 100 puzzle (optional)


Video        Task

If you want to read the story again, click on this link.


Think, Say, Write and Read.

Week 12: 01 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 30 June 2020 by Mrs Freeman

Can you believe that we are in week 12 of home learning!

It is simply amazing how well everyone has adapted to this.

Please let us know if you would be in the class Zoom meeting as soon as possible. We are working on a date and time and will let you know the details soon.

Have a go at this morning challenge to warm up your brains.


You have the usual 3 tasks to complete today.

Task 1

LO: Extending sentences using connectives.

Complete the worksheets below.

Here is an example to help you.

If I could go into space, I would be lonely because none of my friends Space Space Research Transparent & PNG Clipart Free Download - YAWDwould be there.   



Task 2


Every now and then we will revisit some previous learning. Today, we are going to look at place value.

LO: revision of place value

There are quite a few activities here. You can have a go at all of them or maybe just 2 or 3 over a few days.

place value

100_square_number_challenges (1)

challenges  measurement

Task 3

Let’s think about your transition to Year 3.

Before our Zoom meeting, we would like you to complete the attached booklet. If you aren’t able to print it out then you can write down all your favorite facts about being in Year 2.


We are hoping to get a message from your new teacher to show you during our meeting.

Then, choose one of these activities to complete ready for Year 3.  The resources are all based on a superhero theme and include written and art activities that can be added to your classroom as a display. Here are some suggestions about how to use them:

  • Superhero Profile – Ask children to complete this activity sheet. It asks them for a superhero name, their secret identity (their real name), their super powers (what subjects / activities they are good at), their weaknesses (things they would like to get better at) and ways that they are going to change the world (their hopes and dreams for the future).
  • Superhero Shield Design – Challenge pupils to create a design to match their superhero character. Can they think of appropriate images to add to the design (to highlight their strengths / talents / interests)?
  • Or, you can design your own Year 3 super hero.






Finally, here’s a short story for you to enjoy at the end of your learning.