
Week 12: 01 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 30 June 2020 by Miss Wilson

Here’s a little reminder about the extra task I’d like you to do this week. It’s completely optional but it’d be amazing if we could get everyone in Moortown’s class of 2020 to take part… hint hint!!!

I’d like you to film a short clip of yourself describing a favourite memory from primary school. It could be a sports day, an in joke from class or a funny Y4 residential memory.  Get thinking!

If you want to, I’d also like you to add why you’re proud of yourself/why it’s awesome to be you and what you want to be when you grow up. 

Send your videos (they can be separate but no longer than 30 – 60 seconds) to my email address:


Maths – LO: pie charts

Join me for today’s video by clicking here.

Then, complete task one, task two and a challenge.

Reading – LO: fact or opinion
Today’s lesson is about a famous artist we explored back in our art topic in September! The famous artist we are going to be reading about today is: Milton Glaser.
Can you remember him?
Your task is to read this text about him and pick out or infer 10 pieces of information from it.
With your 10 pieces of information, you are to categorise them into either fact or opinion.
Here are two examples:
Fact: Milton Glaser was born in New York City, June 26 1929.
Opinion: Milton Glaser has produced some amazing pieces of artwork.
Remember, if you don’t know what any words/phrases in the text mean, find out!
Geography – LO: The Galápagos Islands
Today, we’re taking a trip and learning about the Galápagos Islands’ environment, location and animals!
Using this website, read the article, watch the videos and then complete both activities one and two.
As always, we’d love to see your postcards so send us an email!

Week 12: 01 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 30 June 2020 by Miss Wilson

Maths – LO: measuring angles
Today’s lesson is slightly different than usual but I hope you enjoy it! It involves artwork from a Russian painter – Wassily Kadinsky.
Click here to start.
Reading – LO: fact or opinion
Today’s lesson is about a famous artist we explored back in our art topic in September! The famous artist we are going to be reading about today is: Milton Glaser.
Can you remember him?
Your task is to read this text about him and pick out or infer 10 pieces of information from it.
With your 10 pieces of information, you are to categorise them into either fact or opinion.
Here are two examples:
Fact: Milton Glaser was born in New York City, June 26 1929.
Opinion: Milton Glaser has produced some amazing pieces of artwork.
Remember, if you don’t know what any words/phrases in the text mean, find out!
Geography – LO: The Galápagos Islands
Today, we’re taking a trip and learning about the Galápagos Islands’ environment, location and animals!
Using this website, read the article, watch the videos and then complete both activities one and two.
As always, we’d love to see your postcards so send us an email!

Week 12: 30 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Monday 29 June 2020 by Miss Wilson

Happy Tuesday, Y5!
Maths – LO: drawing lines
Click here for your video!
Reading – LO: retrieval
Today’s task is to use this version of FirstNews in order to have a go at this quiz! The quiz involves seven parts of retrieval style questions:
A) Words
B) Pictures
C) Person
D) Object
E) Place
F) Statistics

You need to use your scanning skills to quickly find either the key information or the pictures!

Today’s task should take you about 30/40 minutes.
The answers can be found in red below – don’t check them until you’ve given the quiz your best shot!
As always, send me an email if you need any help/have any questions!

Writing – LO: Romeo & Juliet

Today, we learn about William Shakespeare and one of his most famous plays.

Everyone must read the website, watch the videos and complete activity one.

Then, you must choose whether to complete activity two (a script) or activity three (a newspaper article).

Today’s task shouldn’t take you less than 45 minutes – it’s one to sink your teeth into 😀

Click here to begin.

Week 12: 30 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Monday 29 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello Year One!

I hope you managed OK with yesterday’s tasks. What’s you favourite thing we’re learning about at the moment?

I’m enjoying learning about animals in Science!

Here are today’s tasks:

Phonics (2) – ue

Maths video        Maths task





Week 12: 30 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Monday 29 June 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Hello, everyone. How did you get on with yesterday’s learning?

Today, as it would be Being happy and healthy week, choose a physical activity to start your day. You could save the others to do throughout the week when you need a brain break.

Here are the answers from yesterday’s learning.

Lesson 1 Being healthy 

We’re having a break today from our current science learning about animals for a healthy eating/design technology lesson.

1.Remind yourself of how we cut foods using the bridge and claw techniques.

2. Read these example recipes – rainbow fruit skewers, fruit kebab and fabulous fruit salad.

3. Depending on what ingredients you have at home, use this planning sheet to design and make your own fruit kebab or fruit salad.

4. Enjoy your healthy dish!

Lesson 2 reading

Today’s lesson is all about healthy teeth.

Click here (KS1 lesson) to read about Tilly the Tooth (with an optional science experiment).

Lesson 3 maths

1.Click here for today’s lesson. The answers for today are here.

2.Select the measurement section on Karate Cats.

3.Finally, if you’ve any fruit left, you could put your measurement skills to the test and have a go at this smoothie recipe.

Week 12: 30 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Monday 29 June 2020 by Miss Wilson

Happy Tuesday, Y6!

There’s an extra task I’d like you to do this week so I’ll keep reminding you each day. It’s completely optional but it’d be amazing if we could get everyone in Moortown’s class of 2020 to take part… hint hint!!!

I’d like you to film a short clip of yourself describing a favourite memory from primary school. It could be a sports day, an in joke from class or a funny Y4 residential memory.  Get thinking!

If you want to, I’d also like you to add why you’re proud of yourself/why it’s awesome to be you and what you want to be when you grow up. 

Send your videos (they can be separate but no longer than 30 – 60 seconds) to my email address:


Thanks, guys! Now on with today’s tasks…

Maths – LO: line graphs

Today, we’re going to start a unit of learning all about statistics.

Join me by clicking here!

Then, click here for today’s task.

Reading – LO: retrieval
Today’s task is to use this version of FirstNews in order to have a go at this quiz! The quiz involves seven parts of retrieval style questions:
A) Words
B) Pictures
C) Person
D) Object
E) Place
F) Statistics

You need to use your scanning skills to quickly find either the key information or the pictures!

Today’s task should take you about 30/40 minutes.

The answers can be found in red below – don’t check them until you’ve given the quiz your best shot!
As always, send me an email if you need any help/have any questions!

Writing – LO: Romeo & Juliet

Today, we learn about William Shakespeare and one of his most famous plays.

Everyone must read the website, watch the videos and complete activity one.

Then, you must choose whether to complete activity two (a script) or activity three (a newspaper article).

Today’s task shouldn’t take you less than 45 minutes – it’s one to sink your teeth into 😀

Click here to begin.


Week 12: 29 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Sunday 28 June 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Hello, Year 2s! Hope you managed to dodge the showers at the weekend.

Look at the baby animals we spotted while walking along the canal at the weekend. Can you name the adult animal and the young?

Have you seen the latest class news post? There’s been lots of learning to share. Keep sending it through to us (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org and jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org).

If you’ve not seen the Moortown Primary video yet, here’s the link. Hope you enjoy seeing some familiar faces.

This week, it would have been our Being happy and healthy themed week so there is a health theme to some of our learning.

Lesson 1 spelling

It’s Monday so here are this week’s spellings.

Watch this video to introduce the spellings.

Lesson 2 reading

  1. Start by spending 10/15 minutes on Lexia.
  2. Click here to see today’s text and questions.

Lesson 3 maths

  1. Start your maths learning by joining in with this Super Movers video.
  2. We are continuing our learning about capacity. Click here for today’s learning.

Week 12: 29 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Sunday 28 June 2020 by Miss Wilson

Happy Monday, everyone!

If you haven’t already, check out our Moortown music video where we send you a very important message!

Maths – LO: angles in quadrilaterals

We continue our learning about angles in shapes. On this website, go to Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April) and click on the video for lesson one.

Next, click here for today’s task.

Reading – LO: word studies
Your task today is to complete eight word studies for words within this extract of ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. Click here for the extract and here for your task!
Music – LO: pulse and rhythm
Today, we’re going to sing and clap to the pulse and rhythm of a variety of different musical examples.
Click here to begin.
Film yourself clapping or singing to the rhythm of your own music and email it to us! It could even be your own music from an app like garage band.

Week 12: 29 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Sunday 28 June 2020 by Miss Wilson

Happy Monday, everyone!

If you haven’t already, check out our Moortown music video where we send you a very important message!

Maths – LO: measuring with a protractor

You know what to do! Click here for today’s video.
Reading – LO: word studies
Your task today is to complete eight word studies for words within this extract of ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. Click here for the extract and here for your task!
Music – LO: pulse and rhythm
Today, we’re going to sing and clap to the pulse and rhythm of a variety of different musical examples.
Click here to begin.
Film yourself clapping or singing to the rhythm of your own music and email it to us! It could even be your own music from an app like garage band.

Week 12: 29 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Sunday 28 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello Year 1!

I hope you have all had a great weekend despite the weather!

Here are today’s tasks:


Maths video       Maths task

The video is quite long today, so it may be a good idea to pause me when I’ve finished teaching the first activity. You can then complete that activity on the sheet before watching the rest of the video and completing the second activity.

I advise you to do this on the video but not until the end! Silly me!

Phonics – ue

Let me know you get on! Please continue to send me your learning or anything else you have been up to.