
05 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Thursday 04 June 2020 by Miss Wilson

Happy Friday, everyone.

We hope your week has been happy and healthy and you have some nice plans for the weekend. Thank you for continuing sending emails of your fantastic learning – it really brightens our day.

Y6 Maths – LO: solving problems using percentages

Today’s maths lesson is about solving two step problems that contain percentages. This means that you’ll have to do two calculations in order to solve each question. Do whatever you need to help you: draw pictures, write things down, use your mental strategies.

Click here to start today’s video. Get your pencil and paper out – be ready to pause the video when I say to!


  • read the question carefully
  • underline key information
  • choose which operation to use eg + – x /
  • answer the question
  • check it makes sense

to start the video – you’ll need to pause it as we go through.

Y5 Maths – LO: thousandths as decimals
You know what to do! Click here for the video and answer the questions as we go along!

Y5&6 Reading – LO: Love of Reading

Your task today is simple: read! We would like you to spend at least 30 minutes reading something you love, something new, FirstNews, a magazine etc…
Find somewhere comfy and settle in with something really enjoyable to read!
You could also trace something from whatever you’re reading – Y5, I know you always love to do this! You could even make a poster advertising what you’ve read. Maybe you could even put on some relaxing music in the background! Take a photo of an unusual reading place – most bizarre wins!
We would love to hear about what you’ve read and where you like to enjoy reading so please, drop us an email!

Y5&6 Design & Technology – LO: extreme designs

Today’s BBC Bitesize lesson is all about extreme designs and how they are tested, using elements of science and maths.

You need to read the article, watch the videos and complete either activity one or two – you decide!

If you haven’t got the materials at home (although, they can be made from weird and wonderful materials you might have lying around – be creative), you could always draw and label a design that you could make in future. It could be something talked about in the lesson or any other problem solving gadget you can think of!


Have a read of this article all about more amazing DIY science experiments and have a go!

Please send in your amazing learning – we absolutely love it.

05 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 04 June 2020 by Mr Wilks

Hello Year 1s!

It’s the end of the first week and it has flown by for me! It’s just a shame that the sunshine seems to have disappeared. Thanks very much for letting me know how the children are getting on. I hope you have a great weekend and I’ll be with you again on Monday!

Yesterday’s answers: 

Y1 Reading – Thursday – statement sort – ANSWERS

Today’s learning: 

Friday’s are a little bit different!

The reading lesson is what we call a Love of Reading session in school. I’d like you to sit down with a good book and enjoy reading together. You might share a book or your child may want to read independently. Talk about what you’re reading and ask some questions.

The maths lesson comes from the BBC Daily Lessons. Each Friday they have some Friday Challenges. There’s only a couple for Year 1 so feel free to look at the Year 2 ones as well. The idea of these is that you work collaboratively as a family to solve them. Click here for the link.

Our final Friday lesson is a new art project about British artist, Andy Goldsworthy. Click here for a video which introduces the project.

Click the link for the challenges: Andy Goldsworthy – Week 1 Challenges




05 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 04 June 2020 by Mr Wilks

Hello Year 3s!

It’s the end of the first week and it has flown by for me! It’s just a shame that the sunshine seems to have disappeared. Thanks very much for letting me know how the children are getting on. I’ve seen some great learning from Jack and Eleanor today! I hope you have a great weekend and I’ll be with you again on Monday!

Yesterday’s answers: 

Y3,4 – Thursday – Amelia Text – ANSWERS

Y3 – Shape – Thursday – ANSWERS

Today’s learning: 

Friday’s are a little bit different!

The reading lesson is what we call a Love of Reading session in school. I’d like you to sit down with a good book and enjoy reading together. You can ask questions about what you’re reading or about books generally.

The maths lesson comes from the BBC Daily Lessons. Each Friday they have some Friday Challenges. There’s only a few so feel free to look at the Year 4 ones as well. The idea of these is that you work collaboratively as a family to solve them. Click here for the link.

Our final Friday lesson is a new art project about British artist, Andy Goldsworthy. Click here for a video which introduces the project.

Click the link for the challenges: Andy Goldsworthy – Week 1 Challenges

04 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 03 June 2020 by Mr Wilks

Hello Year 3s!

Hope you are doing well. I’ve enjoyed receiving your emails this week.

I’ve seen some Brilliant learning from Harry and Junior! Well done!

Yesterday’s answers: 

Y3,4 – Wednesday – Amelia Text – ANSWERS

Today’s learning: 

Y3,4 – Tuesday – Science – ANSWERS Y3,4 – Thursday – Amelia Text

Click here for the maths video. Here’s the worksheet: Y3 – Shape – Thursday

Click here for a geography lesson about climate and temperature.


04 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 03 June 2020 by Mr Wilks

Hello Year 1s!

Hope you’re all doing okay. Please let me and Mr Parker know how you’re getting on!

Answers from yesterday’s learning

Y1 – Wednesday – Grammar – ANSWERS

Today’s learning 

Y1 Reading – Thursday – statement sort

Click here for the maths video.  Here’s the worksheet: Y1 – Thursday – Capacity

Click here for a geography lesson from the BBC Daily Lessons site.



04 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 03 June 2020 by Mr Wilks

Hello everyone,

Hope you’re well. Thanks for sending the emails showing me your work. It’s great to see the excellent learning you’ve been doing this week!

Yesterday’s reading answers: 

Y3,4 – Wednesday – Amelia Text – ANSWERS

Today’s learning: 

Y3,4 – Thursday – Amelia Text

Click here for the maths video. Here’s the worksheet: Y4 – Statistics – Lesson 3

Click here for today’s geography lesson from the BBC Daily Lessons website.


04 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 03 June 2020 by Mr Wilks

Hello Year 2s!

Thanks very much for your emails. It’s been great to see how you’re getting on.

Yesterday’s answers: 

Y2 – Wednesday – Salty Dogs Text – ANSWERS

Today’s learning: 

Y2 – Thursday – Salty Dogs Battle

Click here for the maths video. Then, click for the worksheet: Y2 – Thursday – Column addition (the answers are also on this document).

Click here for a geography lesson from the BBC Daily Lessons website.

04 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 03 June 2020 by Miss Wilson

Y6 Maths – yesterday’s answers

  1.  3/4 = 75%
  2.  2/6 = 33.33%
  3.  1/9 = 11.11%
  4.  12/20 = 60%
  5.  3/25 = 12%
  6.  9/12 = 75%
  7.  4/7 = 57.14%

Y6 Maths – LO: compare and order FDP

Click here for today’s video. Have your pencil and home learning book out and get ready to pause the video – we’re working together as we go!

Y5 Maths answers Monday and Tuesday:
Amir = 46.2
Rosie = 46.02
Eva = 2.64
Tuesday Challenge answers:
1)  The fraction 2/5 is the same as the decimal 0.40
2) The fraction 4/25 is the same as the decimal 0.16
3) 4/5 = 0.80
4) 3/4 = 0.75
5) 3/20 = 0.15
6) 13/50 = 0.26
7) 8/25 = 0.32
8) 1/5 = 0.20
Y5 Maths – LO: understand thousandths
Your task is to watch this video, and answer the accompanying questions as we go along!
Remember, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Y5&6 Reading – LO: fact and opinion
Your task is to read this extract from a book called heroes. The book is all about incredible true stories from courageous animals!
Once you’ve read the extract, you’ll find some statements. Your task is to sort them into fact or opinion in your home learning book.
Remember, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Y5&6 Geography – LO: eight compass points

Today’s task dives into the world of Harry Potter!

Click here for the video explanation. Then, if you need to, click here for the map and here for the timetable.

Think of a place you know well (like school or home) and create a rough map on a grid (don’t worry about it being perfect). Then, create a timetable for the day and plan your movements using the language of the 8 compass points.

03 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 02 June 2020 by Mr Wilks

Hello all!

Hope you’re getting on okay with the learning. Thanks very much if you’ve emailed with some photos. I’ll do a post at the end of the week celebrating your hard work.

Thank you!

Here are the answers from yesterday’s learning:

Y2 – Tuesday – Salty Dogs Map – ANSWERS

Y3,4 – Tuesday – Science – ANSWERS

Here’s today’s learning:

Y2 – Wednesday – Salty Dogs Text

Wednesday is times tables practice day! This week, I want you to practice your five times table. First, I’d like you to use Times Table Rockstars or Hit the Button (https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button) to practise your tables.

After that, I want you to complete the sheet. Repeat this task a few times in the week to make sure that you’re improving! Y2 – Wednesday – Five times tables

Wednesday is grammar day and this week we’re looking at squashed sentences. Click here to watch the video. Click below for the link to the worksheet if you need it. Y2 – Wednesday – squashed sentences

03 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 02 June 2020 by Mr Wilks

Hello all!

Hope you’re getting on okay with the learning. Thanks very much if you’ve emailed with some photos. I’ll do a post at the end of the week celebrating your hard work.

Thank you!

Here are the answers from yesterday’s learning:

Y4 – Statistics – Lesson 2 – ANSWERS

Y3,4 – Tuesday – Science – ANSWERS

Here’s today’s learning:

Y3,4 – Wednesday – Amelia Text

It’s Wednesday which is times tables practice day! This week, I want you to practice your twelve times table. First, I’d like you to use Times Table Rockstars or Hit the Button (https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button) to practise your tables. After that, I want you to complete the sheet. Repeat this task a few times in the week to make sure that you’re improving!

Y4 – Wednesday – twelve times tables

Wednesday is also grammar day. Each Wednesday, there’ll be a short writing task. This week it’s all about prepositions.  Y3,4 – Wednesday – prepositions