31 March 2020: Home learning
Watch the short animation ‘The Catch’ (click here). Then, draw a feelings graph to show how the boy is feeling during key moments of the clip. An example of how to set out a feelings graph as shown, below.
The events go across the bottom of the graph. Suggested events to list are:
– Waiting with anticipation for the first catch,
– The distress caused by seeing the injured fox,
– Anger at the fox stealing the fish,
– Chasing the fox,
– Surprise and excitement at seeing the giant fish,
– Trying to catch it,
– The catch at the end.
Practise your spellings today by using the ‘connect the dots’ method.
Maths answers
You guys have learned loads about the Romans and Celts (especially Boudicca) in this topic and you’ve really impressed me with your history knowledge and historical enquiry skills.
We’re going to end this topic by looking briefly at the people who invaded and settled in Britain after the Romans left: the Anglo-Saxons.
I’d like you to watch the video, do the activity and read the text on the following webpage (make sure Flash isn’t blocked as this might stop you watching the video).
Please answer the following questions about the Anglo-Saxons in any way you like. You could simply write or type the answers, create a poster, create a digital presentation, interview an Anglo-Saxon or Britain from the time. It is us to you (and your parents).
- When did the Anglo Saxon age begin in Britain?
- Where did the Anglo Saxons come from?
- Tick the answer that is true:
- The Anglo-Saxons were ruled by one king who took control of the whole of Britain.
- The Anglo-Saxons were made up of different tribes who settled in different parts of Britain.
- Who were the biggest tribes?
- When they weren’t fighting, what was the main job that Anglo Saxons did?
- What was life like for Anglo Saxon girls and boys?
- Name three types of crops that Anglo Saxon farms grew.
- Name two types of animal that Anglo-Saxon hunters used to help them catch their prey.
Challenge: Which period of history do you think was more advanced: Roman or Anglo-Saxon Britain? Explain your reasons.
30 March 2020: Home learning – Maths update
Below are updated pictures of the Y5 maths learning for today.
30 March 2020: Home learning
Y5 Maths – LO: equivalent fractions
Today we are venturing back to the start of this half term and looking at equivalent fractions – fractions that have the same value but look different.(e.g. 1/2 = 2/4)
Year 6 Maths – LO: compare and order fractions
Year 5 & 6 Reading – LO: comprehension
Your learning today is a comprehension task.
You should read the FirstNews task by clicking on this link: FirstNews comprehension – Monday (it will open as a separate page in your browser when you click the link). Once you’ve read it, answer the questions on page 2 – these questions will help you practice a range of reading skills.
Challenge 1: create your own questions for someone else to answer.
Challenge 2: ask someone in your house to help – they’ll need to be able to read so maybe not your pet dog or your favourite teddy bear. One of you is going to play the role of a ‘journalist’. The other person will play the role of an ‘expert’. The journalist should ask the expert questions that they can answer using the text. The expert uses the text to answer them. You could swap roles, too. Why not go BIG and put on a different voice, dress up or use a hairbrush as a microphone. You could even film it and send it in to us!
Year 5 & 6 Science – LO: materials and their properties
Task 2:
Email a picture of yourself to your teacher with your chosen object.
The more obscure the object (with correctly identified properties), the better your chance of possibly featuring on our #HoHLF – good luck!
30 March 2020: Home learning
Good morning, Year One!
Before I go onto today’s tasks, I want to say a HUGE well done for the effort you put into last week’s tasks. I was so impressed with the learning that has been sent to me. I have posted some of your great learning on our ‘Class News’ page, along with my grandad’s answers to your questions.
It’s great to hear that you’re enjoying the tasks and most importantly, following your parents/carers instructions.
Keep it up, everyone!
Today’s tasks:
I have written some sentences about my grandad. However, I think I have made a few mistakes and forgot to use finger spaces. I need you to help me by re-writing the sentences with finger spaces between each word.
Read (or ask an adult to read) the text about American Black Bear’s below:
Are the following statements true or false?
American black bears are usually black or white. TRUE or FALSE
They can run as fast as a car. TRUE or FALSE
They are good at swimming. TRUE or FALSE
They are not easily frightened. TRUE or FALSE
American Black Bears hibernate during
summer. TRUE or FALSE
They like to eat berries. TRUE or FALSE
Can you write your own true and false statements?
I have used ten frames and crossing out to solve subtraction calculations.
12 – 5 = 7
Write subtraction calculations to match the ten frames below.
15 – 7 =
13 – 8 =
Can you draw your own ten frames to help solve the calculations?
I look forward to seeing more pictures of your great learning.
Good luck!
Mr Parker
30 March
Good morning Year 2! Hope you and your families had a good weekend. It’s the start of a new week and we’ve lots of learning ready for you.
We will keep suggesting a physical activity and mindfulness activity that you can include in your day too.
Physical activity: Sports Jam is the active blast today on imovement.
Mindfulness activity: As well as thanking people for specific things, gratitude can also be a thankful feeling towards the world. Today, note down five things you are grateful (thankful) for. This will help you to notice the good. This mindfulness activity is taken from Scouts Great Ideas for Indoors.
These children have reached their next level in Lexia since Friday – Tommy, Cate, Saif and Jaiden. Great work!
Task 1 reading
Here’s the fluency text for this week. Aim to read this daily so that by the end of the week you will become more fluent when reading it. It would be great if you could ‘perform’ this poem by Friday – maybe to a relative over a video call?
Table Manners
The Goops they lick their fingers,
And the Goops they lick their knives,
They spill their broth on the table-cloth,
Oh, they live disgusting lives.
The Goops they talk while eating,
And loud and fast they chew,
So that is why I am glad that
I’m not a Goop. Are you?
By Gelett Burgess
Words I’m not sure of
1.Read the fluency text based on table manners (our Living and Learning statement for this week).
2.If you have time, copy out the text. Underline the words you are not sure of. Try to find out their meanings using a dictionary or online.
Challenge: Can you spot the rhyming pattern in the poem?
Task 2 maths
1. Watch the video about 3D shape properties.
2. Fill in the missing words to complete the definitions.
A ________ is a flat or curved surface on a 3D shape.
An ________ is where two faces meet.
A _______ is a corner where edges meet. The plural is _______.
Word bank: vertices edge face vertex
3.Complete the missing information below. You could use 3D shapes you found in your house on Friday to help you.
Challenge: Give clues to a 3D shape to a family member – can they guess the shape?
Task 3 writing
Hopefully you were successful with your spelling test last week.
Your spellings for this week are all words ending in ed. We’re revisiting the -ed suffix which is often used to change the form of a verb to the past tense (eg walk to walked). Children often make mistakes with this suffix: walkt or walkd.
These spellings have also been added to your child’s Spelling Shed account. Spelling Frame also has spelling games as an alternative online resource (spelling rules 12-16 look at adding suffixes like -ed). Parents/carers – if possible, please test your children on these words at the end of the week.
grinned, dropped, stumbled, confused, hurried, tidied, groaned, splashed
1.Read the text below that includes some of the spelling words.
2.Can you spot and correct the spelling errors in the text?
3. Can you spot and correct the other errors too? These include punctuation and other spelling mistakes. There are 16 errors in total.
Challenge: Can you think of some other verbs where we add the -ed suffix?
jake hurryed to the swimming pool becos it was his swimming lesson he stumbled and droped his kit on the flor. He tidyed it up and grined to himself as he new he wud make it in time. Wen he arrived at the pool, he wos confoosed as no one was there. ‘Oh no!’ Jake growned and then he realised. ‘I forgot to chanje my clock!’
Have a great day of learning and keep look at our class news page to see some of your fantastic home learning work.
30 March 2020: Home learning
Good morning, Year Three! How was your weekend? I spent mine in the garden getting lots of fresh air. It’s been great to see some of your home learning efforts at home. You’ve impressed me – well done!
Check your comprehension answers from Friday against mine:
- (R) How does George react to the news?
She’s upset and angry because it says ‘It’s my castle!” she stormed to her mother’
- (R) How does Uncle Quentin react to George?
It says he was ‘surprised’ and ‘astonished’ at someone wanting to buy the Island for such a good price.
- (C) George didn’t use the best persuasive language to make Uncle Quentin change his mind! Present an argument to Uncle Quentin to persuade him to change his mind about selling the island. The challenge is: you can’t mention the map or the hidden ingots!
Write down a list of 4 reasons why the island shouldn’t be sold. e.g. Because it might harm the rabbits living there.
- Because they might not look after the Island and the shipwreck won’t be around to be explored anymore.
- Because people travelling to the island will cause traffic in Kirrin Bay.
- Because the island was promised to George by her mother.
- Because George hasn’t got brothers or sisters to play with and Kirrin Island is one of the only places she can go and explore nearby.
- (R) True or false:
- Uncle Quentin gave the island to the men from London. F
- Uncle Quentin bought the island from the men from London. F
- The men from London bought the island for over a hundred pounds. F
- The men have man have shown they want to buy the island but haven’t bought it yet. T
- (R) What does ‘ingots’ mean? gold
- In the text, Aunt Fanny says: “George dear, I did mean you to have them to play on, when I thought they couldn’t possibly be worth anything,” said her mother, looking distressed. “But now things are different. Your father has been offered quite a good sum, far more than we ever thought of getting- and we really can’t afford to turn it down.”
Why does George’s mother look distressed?
A – because she realises she’s made a promise she can’t keep to George. She doesn’t want to break it because George is unhappy and angry but also doesn’t want to make uncle Quentin angry because he really wants to sell it for the money.
- Write a thought, as Aunt Fanny, showing what she’s thinking while saying this to George.
A – I don’t want to upset George but she’s only a child and doesn’t understand that we can make a lot of money from selling the island. It’s the right thing to do. I wish George wouldn’t be so disappointed.
- Which sentence best summarises chapter 10? Write the letter down.
- Uncle Quentin gets an amazing offer for Kirrin Island but the children aren’t sure about it.
- Uncle Quentin gets an amazing offer for the old box but the children don’t want him to sell it.
- Uncle Quentin gets an offer for Kirrin Island and the children are slightly worried their secret has been discovered.
- Uncle Quentin gets an offer for Kirrin Island and the children are incredibly worried their secret has been discovered.
Today’s learning
Watch the short animation ‘The Catch’ (click here). Then answer the following retrieval questions. Remember you can rewind the clip and make sure to double check your answers.
- Draw the boy from the video and label different aspects of this character’s appearance.
- Describe the setting the video is set in.
Here’s a list of words to learn this week. These words either have the prefix ‘sub’ or ‘tele’. Check you understand what they mean. Start by practising them with your best handwriting.
submarine / telephone / substitute / telescopic / subconcious / telescope / subway / television
Today’s learning
Today’s learning is all about money. There’s a couple of challenges to do.
First, warm up by playing this ‘custom cars’ game here.
Times tables
This week, you’re to focus on your 8 times table. There will be a test on Friday.
Today, you’re going to be identifying materiels and testing to see if they’re translucent, transparent or opaque. Either print this sheet out or set a table out in your book based on the one below. Remember to think about what the material is (wood / plastic / wo0l) not what the item is (tree / toy / jumper).
30 March 2020: Home Learning
Good morning. Hope you’ve all managed to have a good weekend. Thanks to everyone who emailed photos of learning last week. They’re on the Class News page. Thanks also for letting me know how you’re getting on with the learning. It’s new to all of us and I appreciate your messages.
Reading and spelling
Watch the short animation ‘The Catch’ (click here). Then answer the following retrieval questions. Remember you can rewind the clip and make sure to double check your answers.
- Draw the boy from the video and label different aspects of this character’s appearance.
- Describe the setting the video is set in.
Here’s a list of words to learn this week. These words either have the prefix ‘sub’ or ‘tele’. Check you understand what they mean. Start by practising them with your best handwriting.
submarine / telephone / substitute / telescopic / subconcious / telescope / subway / television
We’ve learnt loads about the Roman invasion of Britain and the effect that this had on Britains living there at the time – specifically Boudicca and the Iceni.
What we haven’t talked about is when and why the Roman Empire ended. Read the text below to find out:
In AD410, the Roman Emperor Honorius sent a goodbye letter to the people of Britain. He wrote, “fight bravely and defend your lives…you are on your own now”. The city of Rome was under attack and the empire was falling apart, so the Romans had to leave to take care of things back home.
After they left, the country fell into chaos. Native tribes and foreign invaders battled each other for power. Many of the Roman towns in Britain crumbled away as people went back to living in the countryside.
In this history lesson, I’d like you to answer the following question:
Were the Romans good for Britain?
I’d like you to make a list or table of pros and cons and debate these with someone at home. Here are some key points to get you started (you decide of they’re pros or cons):
- It isn’t nice to invade places. You wouldn’t like it if I invaded your home!
- The Romans treated Britains badly. They took their land, made them pay taxes, whipped them and killed them if they stood up to them.
- The Romans tried to change how we lived (houses, religion, language).
- The Romans protected us from other invaders.
- The invented lots of things that made our lives better: straight roads, central heating, sewage systems.
- They introduced things which had a big impact on Britain: calendar, language, Christianity.
28 March 2020: Home learning
Maths answers
27 March 2020: answers
Y6 Maths
- 212,888
- 68
- 81.015
- -72
- 486,266
- 109.705
- 179,200
- 367,470
Y5 Maths
“What are you doing Thor?” cried Loki.
A laughing Thor replied,“What does it look like?“
“Well, dancing, yes!“ said Loki, also laughing now. “But only you’re in your underwear!“
27 March 2020: Home learning
Happy Friday, everyone! Hope your week has been great and you’ve managed to enjoy the sunshine. Today’s tasks are maths, PE and writing.
Y6 Maths – LO: arithmetic
Your task today is to answer a mixture of calculations using the four operations that we’ve looked at this week.
First, though, I’d like you to hone your times tables skills using Times Tables Rockstars for at least 15 minutes.
- 9,256 x 23
- 2,856 ÷ 42
- 67.955 + 13.06
- 53 – 125
- 7,843 x 62
- 1,865 ÷ 17
- 128,356 + 50,844
- 623,952 – 256,482
On Times Tables Rockstars, challenge someone to a battle!
Y5 & 6 PE
Let’s mix things up, today! I’m missing my fresh air/boogie/running for WUSU and I know lots of you will be as well. Today, you have two options:
Option A: Using your favourite song, create a WUSU style dance that lasts 2-3 minutes. It should take you about 30-40 minutes to choreograph and you could even post it (safely) to that website “TokTik” or whatever it’s called that you all love but I don’t get because I’m old…
Option B: Taking inspiration from people like Joe Wicks, I’d like you to make up your own fitness workout lasting 2-3 minutes. It could include press ups, star jumps, running on the spot, lunges, squats, sit ups, burpees – anything, really, as long as your audience doesn’t need any equipment so they can do it at home.
You could even get in touch with someone else from school and collaborate your efforts! As always, we would love to see how you’re getting on with your home learning so if you do video yours, we’d love to see on an email! You might go viral! Who knows??
Y5 & 6 Writing – LO: punctuate speech
Your task today is to write and punctuate speech correctly and write a dilemma for your character. This should be no longer than half a page. Following from your setting description yesterday, your character needs to run into some sort of problem. This problem must include dialogue between two characters.
- Punctuate speech correctly, using inverted commas and capital letters appropriately.
- Use the said clause in different places for speech.
- When there is a new speaker, start a new line.
Here is an example of a dilemma with dialogue.
The ship entered a dark and gloomy cave – the sea was calm and quiet. Without warning, a huge figure rose out from beneath the black water. “Prepare yourselves!” shouted Bjorn, as he unsheathed his sword.
“I am Odin,” bellowed the shadowy figure, “God of wisdom, god of magic, god of death.”
“Remove us from this cave and let us pass,” commanded Ragnar. He knew that Odin was a powerful god and would not take kindly to threats; he threw his sword onto the deck in a gesture of good will.
Odin grinned, “To leave this cave, the price of death must be paid. Sacrifice one of your men to me and I will guide you to the fame and fortune you desperately crave.”
“Do it,” hissed Floki, “Give him your son, Bjorn. You have many more sons and you will have many more!”
“You think the death of my son is worth the gold and glory?” questioned Ragnar, slowly, as he held his arm out to Floki.
“Yes,” spat Floki, clutching Ragnar’s arm. “Give him to Odin.”
Ragnar turned to look at Bjorn, then back at Floki. His eyes were full of rage. He grabbed Floki by his chest, and threw him overboard. “There is your sacrifice,” he growled.
Correct the mistakes in the speech below. How many points will you get? There are 11 to spot!
“what are you doing Thor” cried Loki
A laughing Thor replied “what does it look like?
“Well, dancing, yes! said Loki, also laughing now but only you’re in your underwear!