Year 1 Homework

24 November 2017

Posted on Friday 24 November 2017 by Mrs Taylor

For all children in Year 1 – Year 6, the homework this week is creative and is due in on Thursday 30 November.

Following our whole school themed week this week, Who do you think you are?, children should consider the following statement by showing what they have learnt.

I know what community is.

As a guide, children could think about these aspects.

  • What is community?
  • Where is their community? Children could consider their school community to local community to wider community.  Moortown Community Group has lots of information about our local community.
  • Who is in their community?  Children could consider visits/visitors during our themed week.
  • Why is community important? Children could consider the terms ‘identity’ and ‘diversity’ discussed during our themed week.
  • How can we be a good citizen in our community?

This could be done in any creative way.

  • A story
  • A poem
  • A map
  • A comic strip
  • An advert
  • An interview
  • A game
  • A model

…or any other creative ideas!

17 November 2017

Posted on Thursday 16 November 2017 by Mrs Taylor

For all children in Year 1 to Year 6, the homework this week is Talk Time and will be discussed in class on Thursday 23 November:

Which charity should our school support?

Next week, we will focus on identity, diversity and community in our Who do you think you are? themed week.  As part of this week, children will think about our school charity.  Currently, we support Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Leeds Mind.  A previous School Council selected these because they wanted to help people, support a mental health charity and wanted to help local and regional charities.  They were chosen because pupils passed on to School Councillors very clear and strong arguments.

We’ve helped these charities for two years now, so it’s time for a change. We need you to have a discussion at home about which charity would be best for us to support. We will now support one charity for one year.  Each class will discuss this and then the councillors will bring the views and ideas together to decide on the charities.

Once your child has decided on a charity, make sure they have clear, powerful reasons to support their views.

You might want to discuss whether we support…

  • local charity
  • children’s charity
  • a charity which helps a vulnerable group in our community
Other things to talk about could include…
  • should we ensure the new charities are very different to the current ones or previous ones?
  • should we need to have charities at all?
  • if your child was to set up a new charity, what would (s)he choose, and (as always) why?

It’s the half-term holidays…

Posted on Friday 20 October 2017 by Mr Roundtree

…and so there’s no specific homework next week. This is in-line with our Homework Policy.

During the half-term, please encourage your child to read each day, even if just for 15 minutes. As well as their current book, reading comics, newspapers, websites are all good – and why not take a trip to the library!

It would also be really helpful to help your child brush up on their times tables. Children in Year 2 should know x2, x5 and x10 (and the related division facts) by the end of the year – so give them a head start now! By the end of Year 4, children should know all their tables up to 12 x 12 (and the related division facts).

And make sure they enjoy the break, too: perhaps an autumn walk, a day out, a trip to the cinema… There are lots of things going on in Leeds – check them out.

Whatever you get up to, we’re looking forward to seeing you again on Monday 30 October.

13 October 2017

Posted on Thursday 12 October 2017 by Mrs Taylor

For all children in Year 1 – Year 6, the homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 18 October. There are two options:

  • I can prepare a speech (School Council elections).
  • I know the importance of voting.

It’s time for children to consider if they would like to stand for election for our new School Council.  With two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers, all children at Moortown Primary are encouraged to take an active part in pupil voice.

Elections for our new school council will take place on Thursday 19 October with our polling station and ballot boxes at the ready.  Candidates will have the opportunity to give their election speech to their class on Wednesday 18 October or Thursday 19 October.

What makes a good school councillor has been considered by our current school council.

  • ‘use all the 8 Rs for learning’
  • ‘be respectful’
  • ‘help others’
  • ‘be a good speaker and listener (to members of your class and in the meetings)’
  • ‘tell the truth’
  • ‘be confident with your ideas’
  • ‘accept the views of others even if you don’t agree’
  • ‘be friendly and approachable’
  • ‘make good choices in class and around school’

Hints for your speech include:

  • What skills and abilities would a good school councillor have?
  • What are you particularly good at that would help you to be a great school councillor?
  • What do you think would make the school better?
  • What could you do that people would really like?
  • Think of things that are realistic, maybe that you could do yourself, rather than having to ask other people to do

Thank you to our current school councillors for all their ideas and contributions.  We hope you have enjoyed this role and responsibility.  You’re welcome to stand again for election.

Good luck to all children who decide to stand in the elections.

If you choose not to stand in the election then you should consider the importance of voting.

07 July 2017

Posted on Thursday 06 July 2017 by Mrs Taylor

This week’s whole school homework involves completing the pupil health questionnaire sent home with your child/children.

 I can share my views about health.

Pupil voice is an important part of our school and this annual questionnaire provides pupil views on some of our key health issues.

Please support your child to complete the health questionnaire by discussing these issues.

The questionnaire should be returned to your class teacher by Thursday 13 July.

19 May 2017

Posted on Thursday 18 May 2017 by Mrs Taylor

For all children in Year 1 – Year 6, the homework this week is creative and is due in on Thursday 25 May. In preparation for our whole school themed week next week, Staying Safe, children should consider the following question by showing what they already know.

How can I keep safe?

Children should think about the situations where they need to keep safe and who might help them to stay safe. This could be done in any creative way.

  • A story
  • A poem
  • Instructions
  • A comic strip
  • An advert
  • An interview
  • A game
  • Scenarios

…or any other creative ideas!

The homework will be reviewed as part of the themed week learning.

03 February 2017

Posted on Saturday 04 February 2017 by Mrs Taylor

For all children in Year 1 – Year 6, the homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 08 February. There are two options:

  • I can prepare a speech (School Council elections).
  • I know the importance of voting.

It’s time for children to consider if they would like to stand for election for our new School Council.  With two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers, all children at Moortown Primary are encouraged to take an active part in pupil voice.

Elections for our new school council will take place on Thursday 09 February with our polling station and ballot boxes at the ready.  Candidates will have the opportunity to give their election speech to their class on Wednesday 08 February.

What makes a good school councillor has been considered by our current school council.

‘Communicating with others – pupils and adults.’
‘Having good listening skills to know what to contribute in meetings.’
‘Thinking of realistic ideas to suggest in meetings.’
‘Considering other people’s views even if you don’t agree with them.’

Hints for your speech include:

  • What skills and abilities would a good school councillor have?
  • What are you particularly good at that would help you to be a great school councillor?
  • What do you think would make the school better?
  • What could you do that people would really like?
  • Think of things that are realistic, maybe that you could do yourself, rather than having to ask other people to do

Thank you to our current school councillors for all their ideas and contributions over the last year.  We hope you have enjoyed this role and responsibility.  You’re welcome to stand again for election.

Good luck to all children who decide to stand in the elections.

If you choose not to stand in the election then you should consider the importance of voting.

25 November 2016

Posted on Thursday 24 November 2016 by Mr Wilks

The homework this week is a whole school creative homework. Because of the open afternoon next week, the homework is due in on Wednesday not Thursday.

I can show what I have learned in STEM week. 

This week, all our learning has been STEM (Science, Engineering, Technology and Maths) focussed.

For this homework, we’d like children to reflect on their learning across the week and show off what they have learned. Your child could:

  • give an overview of the STEM subjects
  • do their own mini STEM project
  • be a scientist and conduct a science investigation
  • continue some of their favourite STEM week learning at home

21 October 2016

Posted on Thursday 20 October 2016 by Mr Roundtree

It’s half-term, so there’s no homework. Enjoy the holiday instead: hunt down a collection of chestnuts on a walk at Roundhay Park, enjoy a cinema trip on a damp day, go further afield and visit somewhere new…

Whatever you do, have a good break.

Have a happy and healthy holiday

Posted on Sunday 24 July 2016 by Mr Roundtree

It’s the summer holidays at last, so there are no homework or spelling activities. Enjoy the holidays instead!

Does your child spend less time outdoors than prison inmates? A survey suggests three-quarters of children do, as the time spent playing in parks, woods and fields has shrunk dramatically due to lack of green spaces, digital technology and parents’ fears.

Research shows that playing outdoors promotes social skills, improves vision, reduces stress, increases attention span and provides vitamin D.